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Everything posted by BoomSlang

  1. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1572406 here is one
  2. I'm glad to see it's not only me. This game sucks spend $60 and not run smooth.
  3. http://store.steampowered.com/ Look here
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i606f47SK90&feature=player_embedded check out the asses
  5. http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1223 Google beep codes for your bios manufacture. This will tell you what it is.
  6. http://www.necdisplay.com/ The best lcd monitors made. I have one 5 years now and the picture is still better than any new lcd.
  7. I'm with u. right after I lock and load
  8. I saw this on the news last night
  9. LiquidStool Don't get one to small. I have a 1250 ACP with 11 min of backup. If it's to small your PC will still turn off on you.
  10. Don't like campers go to a server with a anti camping mod. IT"S PART OF THE GAME. I always go back and kill them. U know where they are.
  11. The P58 chip set is better and faster than the 55
  12. See unread posts. With this many peps we miss alot of post we never see.
  13. I think that the kill to death ratio is a big factor. More kills less deaths. Thats what I look at and work on all the time.
  14. UnChileno I was surprised I thought I was going to see your face
  15. I wish I was a hacker then maybe I could win one game. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2010/08/04/crysis-2-delayed-on-all-platforms/1 crysis 2 delayed
  16. I went to the EA Store and can order as many as I want.
  17. i would like to see a missed or unread post option
  18. If you think that was bad you should what he did after that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADiZpOPRzFo
  19. http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=580
  20. that happened to me once
  21. Browse to your MW2players directory. Note that it’s not MW2players for all people. Search config.cfg in your c:documents and settings folder, and you should find the config file. Open config.cfg in wordpad and add the following lines: set developer “1? set sv_cheats “1? set thereisacow “1337? bind M “cg_fov 90? Once ingame press M to increase your FOV. You can also change “90? to whatever FOV you prefer. Optionally, if you don’t want to have to remember to press M to set your FOV, locate the line ‘bind W “+forward”‘ and change it to: bind W “+forward;cg_fov 90? This will set your fov automatically as soon as you walk in each level. Changing FOV in config_mp.cfg is untested, but it may work (no idea if this is detected by VAC).
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