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Everything posted by YellowSnow

  1. I dont use the rc car anymore cause of this. If you are a good player and get the rc car more then others you are at a disadvantage to a lessor player cause he/she has a perk. I do not agree with the jamming. I would like it if you could look around or at least blow yourself up. Hopefully I will be by one pf my players jamming as I don't jam the cars. I will play and have fun what ever way it is. PEACE! YellowSnow
  2. It should not matter if it's a Vet or not! Its how we treat one another. Being that this is a War Vet (I'm all for war Vets) should not matter one way or the other. This was one person. The one who answered the phone at the front desk is a dip shit. What changes does this guy want? It was not mentioned in the article. I love all War Vet's and people alike. HMM, I wonder if he wants a PAY DAY! Really can what happened to this guy be that bad. The elevator was down. He could not wait for it to be fixed? How long was the elevator down for? The Hotel has a service elevator I'm sure. Was he alone with noone else to help? I'm sure there are many questions we can ask ourselves. Let's see where this goes. There are always to sides to every story. I'm sure BestWestern is deciding to not make this a big deal because the guy is disabled and a vet. I'm interested in seeing where this goes!
  3. Who's making the decision here? Is it a Republican or a Democrat? Like it makes a difference right? Well If you decide to let the plane go as is and your a Republican, then the Democrats will say you made a bad decision. If you make the decision to shoot it down, then the Democrats would say you made a bad decision. If your a Democrat and let the plane go, then the Republicans will say you made a bad decision. If you decide to shoot the plane down then the Republicans will say you made a bad decision. The people in power don't give a flying rats ass which way the outcome is. They care about votes. At one time right after 911 both Democrats and Republicans came together. I would say in my life I felt more American. It's a shame that it takes 911 to come together as a nation. It didn't last long when one party started in on another party and the whole together thing went away. As for me....HMM I don't know what I would do. Or until I had a majority vote.
  4. Sounds like one really fucking stupid fucktard of a person at the front desk.
  5. Wow, too bitches that need a room (Cobra and Angus). Sleep well my friends and dont bother us with the details.
  6. I hate clays, tubes, C4, bunny hopping, snipers, hand guns, knifes and Rifles, etc.............................................................. Just saying a few! Oh ya and anyone who kills me must hack! Have fun all!!! It's just a game.
  7. Either way some players hate when a player is whining about bunny hopping and some players hate it when players are whining. I get your point Braz. Niether should be considered ban material unless it gets passed the normal banter that goes on in our servers. I for one hate bunny hopping, lol. I never bunny hop. wink wink Anyways, Love seeing you AGX guys on our servers and love playing with you all. Braz/Jiggy keep in mind "Can't beat them join them. You two guys are great players and if you start to bunny hop (I dare suggest) you may make more players hate the bunny hop. See you guys in game and nice to see you on our web page. Peace YellowSnow>XI<ADM
  8. Happy Birthday Queen! Have a wonderful day!
  9. Welcome to XI, see on the battle field bud. Congrats!
  10. Your off to a bad start. Just because your on a diet does not mean you can't look at the menu. And who cares where yuou get your appitite as long as you eat at home. j/k Getti, have fun and get a ride if needed. Peace! YellowSnow
  11. Congrats to you Bama! This is one of the greatest decisions XI has made. What a great group of Sr Admins we have. Congrats Bama
  12. I don't know about you guys but this person contacted me from a 3rd world country. He's a billionair that wants his money to go to his children. For some reason he has chosen me to help him out. I'm sending him $5,000 to send me 5 billion dollars and all I have to do is send his family a dollar. So if you don't see me for awhile you know why. I'm livin on the easy street from now on......
  13. Prayers are with all. Keep a close eye on your daughter. You never know if there is something you don't see. Prayers....
  14. congrats yall but I do hope Yellow Jr gets ahold of the ban button and bans his dad. YellowJr knows if he goes near the button he's in big trouble. Plus if he bans me he bans himself.
  15. Thank you to all and gongrats to new admin. My first job I was going to Ban Bob, but I guess I can't do that now. Thanks again. YellowSnow
  16. xCaliber, Buying a home for the first time can be difficult and frustarting. Appraisal fees, closing fees, realtor fees, plat drawings, title insurance, bank escro fees....i could keep going on. Yes, shop around for the best interest rates but also shop for best closing costs too. Most if not all banks charge a 1 persent loan origination fee. That's 1 percent of the loan. The Lender requires Title Insurance and you have the option to buy an Owners Policy. The Title Insurance is charged by the Title Company. Also, you have the choice of which Title Company you want to close with. I would call several Title Companies to find out what their fees are. Tell them you are shopping around. Title Companies are always fighting for the biz. This is a buisness of wolves and sharks. Be careful and don't always beleive what you hear. Shoot me a PM and I'll give you my number and we can talk about it. YellowSnow a/k/a TITLEGUY
  17. Hey bud nice to see you in forums. Yes Wildthing is loud! lmao!
  18. Hey all! My boy has been wanting to play for sometime now. He turned 9 in may. I gave him the OK and put tags on him. He will play mostly in freeze MW2. I told him some rules and hope he understands them. I also told him he had to listen to his XI family. If he does something wrong or gets out of line, let him know or shoot me an xfire or PM. I don't think he will be a problem. Don't feel that you can't speak to him directly. Please do. While in game any advise for him would be greatful. Although he's 9, his mother and I both know that this is an adult server. We are OK with that. You may not want to teach him all your tricks as he is a fast learner and soon will be kickin some butt. Thanks to you all! YellowSnow>XI<
  19. Hey all just wanted to share with you some pictures of Duluth, MN USA. We got hit pretty hard a couple of days ago with a ton of rain overnight. My home seemed to be fine and make it through it just fine. Wish I could say the same for family, friends and neighbors. My mothers camper was washed out to Lake Superior, amoung other things. Here is the link as I am an idiot!! http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2012/06/20/disaster/duluth-flood-photos/ YellowSnow>XI<
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