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Everything posted by YellowSnow

  1. I left my house yesterday at 11am and drove to North Dakota for a hockey tourney for Jr (5 hour drive). His first game was last night at 6pm. After the game we went out to dinner before checking in at hotel. Got into hotel around 9pm. realized I forgot our biggest piece of luggage. The luggage that is a must have. Got in my truck...drove home.....picked up luggage.......and drove back to hotel.....5 hours both ways...... Got back to hotel around 8am this morning just in time to head out to his second hockey game at 9. Now I'm so fucking tired but I can't sleep nor nap. Not sure why.... Good news is Jr. won both games, first 10-0 and this morning 8-5. He had 2 goals and 3 assists first game and 1 Goal and 2 assists today.
  2. Happy Birthday Wildthing...... yellow and jr
  3. Gotta love our troops...awesome post......
  4. an email!!!! just saying....lol...........................your kidding me right?.........................bet he wont come here...................right...............lol
  5. lol, I'm sure I will see you guys in the monthly tourney. btw cobra poker is not something new, there have been players playing and enjoying it for a long time now. Come and play and re-buy in so I can take your bank. some players on any given night can earn quite a bit. i would be happy to take your bank from you anytime........lol
  6. Cobra maybe you forget what it's like to be on the other side. Why start controversy with an admin? I would'nt....... just saying....
  7. you can still play. grad some buds head to ts, find a poker table and play. its been done before and tons of fun...
  8. blk_plague we have changed the poker a bit. We will have a tourney once a month. There will be three games. First poker game will be for a cah payout. This is free for everyone. Also a chance to get your name on our website for 30 days until the next tourney. The tourneys are set for the first Sunday of every month. I think December 2nd is our first. You can always go to ts and see if players are sitting in the poker room. Most likely they are playing a fun game somewhere and would welcome you to join. btw: your registration to join in xi tourneys has been excepted and you should be good to go. Any problems come up shoot me a PM or hook up with me in xfire. My xfire name is "titleguy". See ya soon plaque.... YellowSnow>XI<ADM
  9. Wild nice post....BUT who the hell is going to come out in a forum and vote yes. I vote No. I like you and what you do. And if I voted against you Jr would have a problem with me. I do believe this is an unfair post though. If people want to keep anonymous then they can seek an admin to vote for them. How does that sound to you Wild? YellowSnow
  10. Come one comae all. Poker tonight 8pm, 8:30pm and 9pm Central Time. If anyone needs help registering on line or setting up PokerStars hook up with me on xfire or ts. I will be setting the games up one half hour before tourneys start. I will also be in ts early to help anyone who needs it. Hope to see you idiots in poker tonight. Keep a good eye on your chips. Dayton, Cobra, Gorilla and Rami... to name a few will be going after them........Unless I get them first....... Lets all have fun sit in ts and poker it up for a fun night....... YellowSnow>XI<ADM
  11. Is anyone having a issue with the website having a black bar at the top? Seems that I have to hit the refresh button to get the whole screen. About half the screen is black. Our website is the only place that I have a problem with. thanks for any imput. YellowSnow>XI<
  12. Happy Birthday Stormhawkjr!!!! YellowSnowJr and I both wish you a great Birthday. YellowSnowjr is 9 as well. He really enjoys playing in game with you. YellowSnowjr hopes you had a great day and received some cool presents. He says "cya in game buddy".
  13. Rugger, Senior Admin, Head Admin, Well done with this mess. Your post in forums and the way you handled yourselfs have been extraordinary. We have such a great Admin team running this. Good Job!!!! As for the guilty...They need some serious help. WOW! I feel bad for them. As for clan I would be ok with a global ban. That's up to you seniors and head admin though. I wouldn't trust these two ever again. I say be gone with them...... YellowSnow
  14. PimpedoutPete, Um! Girls can do it too. WOW! lmao... you are starting something again...I'm getting HXTR!! lol YellowSnow
  15. YellowSnowJR>XI< (Jack) Had the opportunity to be the honorary University Minnesota Duluth Bulldog for the night. He led the team on the ice and was announced at the beginning on the game with the starters. He was in shere heven. I put a helmet cam on hi as well. When I get done editing it I will share with you guys. At one time he runs into one of the players. Knocks him down good. When asked if he was OK he replied "I've been hit harder then that".
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