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Everything posted by PrimalFear

  1. I was intending on getting bfbc2 but in the middle of a hardware upgrade for it, as for CoD Black Ops we'll see, it will have to be time tested, patched out and modded with mod tools before I bother even considering it. As of now it's off the table for me I'll check into it again in about a year after the lawsuits are over. MoH I wouldn't mind looking into more, but judging from your impression of it, I'm not that optimistic. Crysis2 looks very promising to me, brand new engine, graphics outstanding and a time tested company without the crap.
  2. No they started their own company, it's called "Respawn Entertainment" and they will own and have full control of the intellectual property that Respawn develops, however they are being funded by EA giving Electronic Arts exclusive publishing and distribution rights for their future games. They have some ties with Treyarch but none of that will effect anything, they have proof that Activision was jacking them and was investigating them as part of a plot to fire them. Since Black Ops is clearly not a WW2 game, they could end up owning any and all distribution rights for any future Call of Duty games based on a "Modern" genre (which Black Ops takes place during the cold war, could be considered modern in court, we'll see) furthermore they also created the propriatary gaming engine that is being used by Treyarch (IW Engine aka IW 4.0 aka Infinity Ward Engine) which was specifically developed for Modern Warfare and Treyarch is using that engine for Black Ops, so the platform they are using from moment one is being built on top of the Modern Warfare platform. By very definition, Black Ops is a Modern Warfare "mod" with some tweaking to the existing engine. I hope this answers your questions in detail, I have some really bad family stuff going on right now so I might not get back to this thread for a few days, take care X-Ray.
  3. and yes I know this says Crysis but Black Ops is Call of Duty and the links to this video lead to Call of Duty so I am commenting on it for that purpose
  4. Lawsuits [edit] West and Zampella v. Activision Following the initial news of West and Zampella's departure, it was reported that Infinity Ward has not received royalties from the sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and that the developer may have breached their contract with Activision by holding meetings with other video game publishers including Electronic Arts.[27][29] This was revealed to be the reason behind the firings when West and Zampella filed a lawsuit against Activision on March 4, 2010 over "substantial royalty payments" that Activision failed to pay them in the weeks leading up to their firing. According to their attorney Robert Schwartz, Activision had hired lawyers to investigate West and Zampella on charges of insubordination and breaches of contract in February, which culminated in their dismissal. West and Zampella's lawsuit was filed to force Activision to compensate West and Zampella for the unpaid royalties, and to secure contractual rights over the Modern Warfare branch of the Call of Duty franchise, among other things.[30]If their lawsuit is successful, West and Zampella could retain the power to halt the development and release of any future games and downloadable content in the Modern Warfare setting.[29] Stay away from Call of Duty very very far away, bfbc2 or crysis2 will prevent you from wasting your money and getting screwed again by this franchise. At the very least don't go pre-ordering anything or your asking to get screwed out dedicated servers again, no support or patch fixes, or worse!! And if you look at that video, it's abunch of flashes and 1 second scenes, there is really very little (if any) indication of what the gameplay is like, what are they hiding? Just be careful my friends, I don't trust these bastards one bit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity_Ward
  5. Grats Fire, I just had my second son myself, (still gotta post some pics.) Hoping for a boy or girl? If you need a name for the little one, PrimalFear is available!!
  6. Congratulations LE, I just had a second boy myself, I hope everything goes smooth as silk and you don't have to go for to many cherry pies and ice cream at 3am like I did
  7. Iron I contacted Rugger about this issue right after you contacted me about the issue on Saturday morning. There is an error that we are dealing with and one of two things will happen, one....it will get fixed within the next few days, or two the ultrastats will just be reset. They are supposed to be reset in about 2 weeks anyway and Rugger has been working on mods and setting up the online store and I'm sure about a million other things as well, hang in there, I know stats are important to you and several others as well...but the problem will be dealt with soon, I promise you. If I could fix it right this second I would in a heartbeat but I don't have game server access, problem will be solved soon though. Keep your knife sharpened, I know mine will be muhahah
  8. Big time congratulations KA, I hope you have many happy years together
  9. That game looks awesome, but because of EA Games link to Infinity Ward rejects like "West" I'm with Danko on this one, we'll see if they have dedicated servers and mod tools. The graphics and gameplay look great though I'll keep my eyes open for this one, nice find John
  10. ah ok that explains it then, I did want to say thank you for adding this mod for us Rugger I think there is a little something for everybody and I think everyone will enjoy it and I know I will. Thanx again
  11. I enjoyed playing during the testing, and 4 of us were on yesterday, love this mod and am looking forward to getting it populated, the server works great and the games are fun. I still can't play on server1 ftag though I wish there was something that could be done about that. The chopper game I kinda don't understand, all that happens is I parachute, then I'm in a chopper that flies around by itself and I sit there as a tailgunner shooting at other people's helicopters, and if not careful you can shoot your own helicopter with the guns and blow yourself up. On the website link you posted it indicates that a chopper will come and people are on the ground, I was INSIDE the helicopter every time I spawned and couldn't get out, all I could do was fire the tailguns just like from the game "Frontlines Fuel of War" where you jump in someone elses helicopter, are they two different games? Jimp, BlackWidow and Zorg were in that game as well, there was no ground play at all, just robotic helicopters that fired rockets by themselves and you get the machine gun? Wrath looks like an awesome gametype I'd really like to try, I always enjoyed holding the trophy for knife kills, this one would be great fun
  12. yeah we kicked thier ass My grandfather was a prisoner of war in the Bataan Death March for 3 years, so it really means alot to me what they endured so my sons would have a free place to live. Good post Gorilla, never forget.
  13. Sorry to hear your having to deal with some crap you really didn't need Wildthing, they don't deserve you anyway walk into your ex-boss' office and plant a claymore on his desk
  14. I'd be interested but ftag1 doesn't work where I live, if its on 2 or acemod then cool
  15. I just checked it and you were right it was removed. I logged in and fixed it, it should be good now. It's automated now it might just default back to some setting somewhere, send me a pm if it happens again.
  16. CHKN i have a question here, fact is if u look at statistics usa got like the most crime by guns ever. why ? Wow I love these easy questions.... First USA does not have the most gun crimes, here are the statistics... http://www.gun-control-network.org/GF10.htm Second, In the United States, cities tend to have higher criminal gun violence rates but lower rates of gun ownership, compared with rural areas which tend to have lower criminal gun violence rates but higher rates of gun ownership The statistics show that where there are MORE guns, there is LESS crime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence Crime Breakdown: Burglary – Widely believed as the gravest of property crimes, burglary is lower in US today than in the 80s. As of 2000, US has lower rates than Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, and Wales. It has higher rates than Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Spain. Why? Because your likely to get shot, but here is the deal, if I shoot you I can be convicted of homocide (gun crime) depending on the state I live in and the conditions, so you die and I goto jail and it adds a homocide count to the crime rate, that is a fact. Go ahead and try to break into Killroy's house and see what happens, I bet you don't walk out. And he will be charged with homocide and when I am on the jury I will find him NOT GUILTY. Homicide – US had been consistently high in homicide rates than most of the Western countries from 1980 – 2000. Though the rate was cut almost in half in the 90s, it is still higher than all nations without political and social turmoil with the 2000 rate of 5.5 homicides per 100,000 people. Countries entrenched in turmoil like Colombia and South Africa, had 63 homicides per 100,000 and 51, respectively. Rape – In the 80s and 90s, US rates were higher than most of the Western countries, but by 2000, Canada is leading. (Guns Illegal in Canada) Rape reports are lower in Asia and the Middle East. And last but not least there is our mentality, your country does not view freedom like ours does, we view our individual freedoms as something we are willing to die for, nothing means more to us, nothing. We will never surrender. In WW2 Belgium had a small regular army of 43,000 men with another 115,000 trained reserves. The Belgian Air Force had only one squadron of 12 aircraft. Under the supreme command of Leopold III, the Belgian Army fought against the German Army when it invaded the country on 10th May 1940. However, without tanks, and very few aniti-aircraft and anti-tank guns, the government was forced to surrender eighteen days later. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/2WWbelgium.htm Looks to me like they just needed more guns. But hey you decide, it's not my country to decide why.
  17. OMG I forgot what a good server was like lol! The new server 79-86 ping most of the time with an occasional spike to 89 or 91, gameplay is smooth, I would like to see this server under load though with a full group. I immediately changed to and same old crap, constant lag spikes, lock-ups (packet loss) and horrible choppy gameplay. Frosty was telling me somebody was behind me and I couldn't even turn around, there was no mouse response at all, people blinking around the screen and crap like that. Even empty this server has the same packet loss problem btw. No comparison, "in a nutshell" current server Sucks Ass & the new server Kicks Ass.
  18. Ricko primal the old tag 1 has now gone bud new 1 is also if you look @ the top of this thread the poll is now closed Read my post on page 2 from two weeks ago and then Rugger's post below that one, you will see the IP is the same one you listed, I'm aware of the new IP, rugger was gonna try another server because that one sucks for about 1/2 the people. Thanx though, just waiting to hear about the server info to replace
  19. Ruggerxi I want to try one more server and see if it helps out the majority. I will have details soon BUMP
  20. who cares, screw em. If you own the game sell it on ebay for whatever you can get for it and buy bfbc2 Let em burn and when they come crawling back with promises....let em burn some more, when they go bankrupt and have to sell thier company to another game company that is not out to screw it's base, laugh your ass off.
  21. It's about time Killingman I thought you dropped off the planet, welcome back
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