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Status Updates posted by LilAcorn

  1. who plays draw something on their mobilephone?? im having a blast on there LOLhow do you upload a drawing on there from the phone?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1lost1


      just hit send


    3. Angel


      yes we love to play it...i can play for hours..lol sometimes what they draw oh it cracks me up laughing. :)

    4. Angel


      Name is Shells9801

  2. Wild weather is expected in Colorado the next 48 hours including strong windsover 80 mph, heavy mountain snow, and a big drop in temperatures on the plains.

    1. Mule


      Grab a stiff drink and crawl under the covers!

    2. Mule


      Grab a stiff drink and crawl under the covers!

  3. The boy you punched in the hall today. Committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today. She's a virgin. The boy you called lame. He has to work every night to support his family. ... That girl you pushed down the other day. She's already being abused at home. That girl you called fat. She's starving herself. The old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars. He fought for our country. The boy you made fun of for crying. His mother is dying. You think you know...

    1. 1lost1


      Thats awesome Acorn.

    2. 1lost1


      Thats awesome Acorn.

  4. Today is my daughter's 9th Birthday! She has her BFF here and hopes to have her spend the night. We will also treat her to a trip to Southlands Mall and find some fun things to do and maybe a dinner trip out. I am making her a cake and going to attempt to decorate a cat on it.

    1. Gatorgirl


      Happy Birthday to her!!

    2. Gatorgirl


      Happy Birthday to her!!

  5. The kindness keeps on pouring in.... 2 teen girls came to my door and said, "Sorry to see and hear that the ambulance was at your house on Saturday. Are you okay?" Me, "Yeah I am doing much better, it was an emergency miscarriage." Girls, "Oh I am sorry to hear, we have made a plate for you." Me, "Oh thank you! You didn't have to." I took it to the kitchen and checked it out. They made burritos!

    1. Boomer


      wow, you ok? I hope so!

    2. Boomer


      wow, you ok? I hope so!

  6. 10 PM and all three kids are sound asleep.... need to move the lil one into his bed... Wish I knew why he is scared of sleeping in his own bed at bedtime but once I place him in his bed when he has passed out in his playpen its all good till morning. Hope he will out grow it and start wanting to go to bed when the older two do soon.

    1. CobraBites


      cant remember how old the lil one is but mayb its time for a regular toddler bed we had same issue with ours..come to findi out its was the mattress was too hard for them to sleep on it...

    2. CobraBites


      cant remember how old the lil one is but mayb its time for a regular toddler bed we had same issue with ours..come to findi out its was the mattress was too hard for them to sleep on it...

  7. I swear I am about to go to someone's house or face for bulling my daughter for a sucker that she paid for and also said, "I wont be your friend if you dont give me one." over and over.... I wana bully the legal guardian of that bratty 2nd grader big time if the school principal doesnt do anything about it. Really dont want to get on my mean side at all when it comes to my kids being heart broken and stomped on n etc.

    1. LaRSin


      thats one sick kid..


  9. Ugh my poor lil baby isnt doing well... Running a fever 103.5 for some reason out of the blue... Get better for mama, Mitchell.... :(

    1. Gatorgirl


      Awww hope he gets better!

  10. ROFLMAO Fuzzy my big fat cat jumpped into the bathtub with Mitchell while he was getting his bath gunna get a pic.....

  11. I find it quite funny when a player on the opposite faction tries to kill you when they are 2 levels lower and they cant see my pet due to it is stealth when I am a beast mastery hunter... So I owned this Shaman Dwarf two times in a row when I was minding my own business doing my quests and he sneaks up behind me. LOL

  12. Heads up..... If you shop at amazon.... they reset everyone's passwords due to some email phishing scam....



      No, they didn't... Beware of any email asking you to insert your old password and username as *that* is likely to be a fraud attempt.


  13. I'm ok... Can my luck get any shitty? Had an emergency d&c cause I lost a lot of blood in 1 hr. or went really smooth. I am very weak though from blood loss. I am thankful for Mickayla Margaret Bell's fast reaction for my call of help when needed.

    1. dayton


      :( me and dg send prayers. get better


  14. Watching Men in Back III

    1. deerejon


      Men in Back? sounds dirtty... ;)

  15. seems sooooo calm outside.... wishing I had a dog, and take the kids and the dog with me for a nice walk and play fetch....

    1. deerejon


      you can always teach the kids to fetch !!

  16. We need parents to teach their kids it is not nice to pull other kids hairs or spread rumors or gossip of other kids... Please teach your kids manners!

    1. Cross


      adults cant stop doing those things.... you expect those same adults to teach their kids?

  17. My cousin Kim has a water all around her house and neighbors.... Hope it does not get into their house! stay safe Cousin Kim!

    1. 7Toes


      i think it time to fire up a bowl


  18. Michael Jr is sick with some sort of infection to make his uvula and tonsils swell up red n etc... its even touching his tongue... my poor poor baby.

    1. longblade


      Sorry to hear Lil :( Tell him i said to get better ASAP! :) (Also make him watch him lots of funny Youtube videos >_> Laughter is best medicine :D

  19. wow why would some states ban "Bath Salt" never heard anything bad about it...

  20. I wish starbucks could deliver their drinks!

  21. heavy slushy snow.....

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