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+ COD4 Moderator
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About Cooper

  • Birthday 05/03/1957

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vancouver, Washington
  • Interests
    Sailing. Would love a Corbin 39 along with some time for a blue water adventure.

    Reading. Non-fiction practical stuff. I don't read easily, but can if there's a purpose.

    Currently learning about Copywriting. Hopefully this will be my last year of driving a semi, and parttime writing can take its place.

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About Me

Coop, has been in law enforcement. Includes work on a SWAT team, FTO, child abuse investigations, and self defense instructor. That's about the most exciting part of me. Now I am mostly driving an 18 to 30 wheeler. Enjoy driving. Most recently became a "Driver Trainer".
Will try not to pass on my bad habits...

Enjoy talking with others whose perspective may be different than mine. Really enjoy when that conversation can be a healthy exchange of differing views as opposed to turning into an argument. They are not so fun. People have such a variety of life experiences. The stories can be fascinating.

I am a Granddad to a handful of cute humans. They all tend to look Scandinavian. Proud of my daughters and who they've become as adults. They've done well considering the sub-par role model, me (lol?).
Been around the block too damn many times. Love my girls, every single last one.

I am working on becoming a copywriter. Hope this to be my last year driving a “big truck”, and move into a writing field that allows me to work from home.

I tend to be reserved which makes it more difficult to know me. Did I mention my good sense of humor? 

Thanks for checking in. Friend me if we are not already. 



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