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+ COD4 Moderator
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About Cooper

  • Birthday 05/03/1957

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vancouver, Washington
  • Interests
    Sailing. Would love a Corbin 39 along with some time for a blue water adventure.

    Reading. Non-fiction practical stuff. I don't read easily, but can if there's a purpose.

    Currently learning about Copywriting. Hopefully this will be my last year of driving a semi, and parttime writing can take its place.

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  • Game Alias's

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  1. I tried to get in, but ZOOM needed me to update. Then I couldn't get in...it just kept going to update... GRRRR.... Sorry I missed it..
  2. Happy Birthday all…!!!
  3. Hey brother, I think you know this, but I'll say it to be clear... I appreciate you, who you are, your person. Blessings my friend... Coop
  4. Tom, Sorry for the loss. Sounds like a she was amazing. And the displays are beautiful. Nicely done Tabatha… Blessings…
  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes gang... I had 2 people guess me to be only 52 yesterday. That'll be good when I'm 80...I'll look 53...right? LMAO All you idiots are the best...!!!
  6. Thanks for the birthday brewski...!!!

    1. AthenA


      You're very welcome and I hope you had a wonderful day ! 

      Btw, it would be fun to run into you and some of the "old" Ace Mod late night players sometime soon 🙂 

  7. You are one of the good ones Queenie… Thank you
  8. Appreciate you Queenie. I have to wonder though, do you actually throw the dildo anywhere, or hold on for dear life...? Truly though, respect... My parents are still around. Dad 95 and mom 93. Dad's care just stepped up a bit. He now needs help getting into and out of his chair. Difficult moments ahead. He is not expected to make it through the year. When I read about your work with the elderly and how you like to help them, it did touch me. Thank you so much for what you do Queenie. Truly, appreciate you... Coop
  9. So awesome to get to know you.... Enjoy, and have fun...
  10. Welcome to the clan of idiots... Is this what feeling "overjoyed" is like? LOL...!!! Welcome...fer reals...
  11. OH YAY...!!! You'll be a good one Weed...Congrats my friend...
  12. So sorry for this loss. Prayers to Trevor and his family, and to you and yours...
  13. It was fun playing with you idiots. Good to do it for the sake of those gone. thanks for the fun peeps… miss you
  14. pacific. I start getting some from Europe around then, and Chris sometimes...
  15. My best time would be weekdays after about 2 am to 4... Weekend time would be up in the air, but I would try to make arrangements if you are short participants
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