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Everything posted by Streetcleaner

  1. OMG !! What's going on....?....Another tragic loss in music .... I can still remember wearing out my CD of "Hybrid Theory" when it first came out.I was listening to this before it was on the radio, thanks to a friend of mine out in LA. who worked at Warner Bros......and I knew they were going to be Big !! It's very sad news... R.I.P. Chester
  2. TRASHY !! Let me try and be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday !! and many more to follow.. yeah...alright ! so ....go out and lay waste(d) to everything !!!
  3. I DID !! Mother fucker !! but,,,,I used a condom... ....and I'll do it again !!!
  4. went back to charcoal 7 years ago and haven't regretted it..... I use a Weber with an ash collector and temp. gauge .....Love it and its simple and cooks great. If you like to slow cook at low temps or indirect heat I suggest you get a hot box to heat your charcoal so you can add additional coals (grey) to your grill without introducing more flames and higher temps. GRILL ON !!!
  5. Bob !! Hey Bob !! yeah you.....Happy Birthday !
  6. Happy B-Day Ronnie !! enjoy the madness and cheers
  7. you guys would laugh if I took a pic of my PC...old and full of cobwebs yet the only problem I have is I get locked out of certain maps because I still use XP as my O.S. I do have 3 fans though....on in back ,one in front and one right on my old duo/ core processor ....and yet I have no problem holding my own against you techno geeks ...no ill will intended......if I had the cheese I would invest in a dual video card, megacore processor and a 1 mil. delay screen...maybe a BEN Q 27 INCH with memory out the ass.....but I keep it simple/old/and outdated...so maybe break out that old dinosaur you have stuck in the back of your closet and fire that bitch up !! who knows........ see you guys in COD5 DM and COD4 Ace Stay out of my $treets if you want to grow old
  8. I believe they are playing in Quebec City tonight...so to all you Quebecers that are going...Viva la Iron Maiden !! I hope I said that right...
  9. no spawn protection in cod5 DM Plz...I have to deal with that bullshit in cod4 Ace mod....look,when you spawn, assess your situation as your MOVING out of the spawn.I.E. Hit the ground running....and no spawn loitering as I like to call it, Also, don't camp spawns or choke points out of a spawn....geeez
  10. welcome to my slaughter Kage(s) Muhahaha.....cough....cough..uh......yeah Hold on......cough...cough....uh ya ...whew ! sorry about that.......
  11. I will miss his visits into the Ace mod in COD4 a good guy and friendly .He will be missed by many,clan members and non members alike.... R.I.P Cobrabites
  12. You will do a GREAT job couldn't have picked a better person.... ...with that being said .....if you need a" lab rat"...you can kick me anytime you want.... just don't kick me when I'm down.... Congratulations Girl
  13. Happy B-Day IQ !! Keep on Groovin' and dancing...maybe not while you're playing ...unless you already do .....
  14. I usually use a fine point pen...when I can....for "my" signature....
  15. ....and I thought you were going to make it" 6Toes "
  16. Only three things can't stay hidden for too long, The Sun The Moon and the TRUTH
  17. I have to deal with these two freaks as moderators....? guess I need to go back to COD4 ......
  18. Yeah,I dropped cable and just have internet and Netflix....and just last week was in a customers house and they had Sling T.V. Yup It's the real deal and I'm getting it this week....very cool indeed.
  19. I use a Gear Head headset....cost me $10 hey don't knock it,it works !!
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