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Everything posted by PigDog

  1. I saw them on the 24th. Sad thing about that is that it was their next to last show. They cancelled all shows after their show on the 26th. I bet they won't go on a full tour again. It was great to see them. Gorilla, you only got part of the solo.....I posted the full 8+ minutes in my post here.... http://www.xtremeidiots.com/index.php?/topic/28318-van-halen-last-night/
  2. The show was awesome! I got all of Eddie's guitar solo. Enjoy!
  3. I am not a racist. I have many friends of many different races and nationalities. What I DO NOT LIKE however, is an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT! They are called ILLEGAL for a reason.....they are in our country illegally, i.e. they have broken the law!! Get the hell out of our country. If you want to come visit, fine, visit and then go home. Or, if you are going to stay, at least tak the manes to do it legally. That is how most of the countries in the world are run. Do you think that any Eurpoean countries would let me come over and take up residence and take advantage of their Social programs? Hell no. Why should we allow this, then? I was watching a news story the other day here in Texas about a high school where 1 out of every 3 students was here illegally. Seriously......33% of the students were here illegally!!! WTF is that ? And we pay for that shit. No, just go home. I won't say anything bad about the Mexicans that are here....they work very hard and do things that many of us would not do, but I would like to see all the illegal aliens get kicked out. As for Obama allowing illegal immigrants to stay here? What the Hell.....what a freakin' joke that is. Just a political ploy to get the Hispanic vote. OK, I will put away my soap box now.......
  4. Wow, I had to come in and take a look. I thought you were giving away children, and I was going to warn you that some people that frequent this website might not be worthy of raising your kids! Great pics and congrats. Bama, it's ok to cry, buddy. I will probably cry like a baby when I have to give away my little girl!!
  5. ok, now that made me laugh!!
  6. lol, I got a call at work the other day from someone with a very thick accent who claimed to be from Microsoft Support. He said my PC was sending error codes and he needed me to "fix it". LMAO, I am the director of IT for a large hospital system.....Hmmmmmm, Microsoft must be pretty damned hard up to start making support calls out of the blue.......
  7. I've been right here Hxtr...... And I will be here...... I thought you were going away for a short vacation? How did that go?
  8. Weeeeee Weeeee Weeeeeeeeeee!
  9. Sweet Cobra, very nice.
  10. When I select an Assault rifle with a red dot or a silencer, it won't let me select a Perk 1 - it tells me I have an attachment as my perk 1 - like you would see wiht a grenade launcher or an RPG grip, but I jsut have a red dot site.....I would like that fixed. Other than that, it is ok. I don;t know that it is really much different from the other MW2 server though.
  11. Sorry to hear you are going through that Spears. Keep your head up.
  12. OK, I am reinstalling WaW and need to run the patches. When I try to run the 1.0.1017 patch (the first patch) I get an error that says: "There is not enough free space to perform the requested operation. Please free up some space and try again." I have 16 GB or RAM and it is being installed on a drive that has 232 GB of 247 GB free. I don't have anything else running and I tried rebooting to see if it would make a difference. What is that?? And why won't it install my patch??
  13. OK, I am reinstalling WaW and need to run the patches. When I try to run the 1.0.1017 patch (the first patch) I get an error that says: "There is not enough free space to perform the requested operation. Please free up some space and try again." I have 16 GB or RAM and it is being installed on a drive that has 232 GB of 247 GB free. I don't have anything else running and I tried rebooting to see if it would make a difference. What is that?? And why won't it install my patch??
  14. CHEEEEEEEEESE!!!!! (Now take my picture) :w00t: Welcome back!!!
  15. yeah, that is pretty cool for a card. Definitely nothing that would cause you to need to turn off the PC to let it cool. Now if it was 100 C, that would be different, but 100F is pretty good. I have a GTX570 Superclocked that is sitting in a box waiting for my new motherboard to arrive. It is the second one that I have had - I had to RMA the first one becuase it was doing something similar to what you said. It worked great at first, but then it started blue screening on me. It didn't matter what drivers I had or anything. I have been very unhappy with it and have even thought about going to an ATI card. I will wait for m y new MoBo to get here and see if I can make it work.
  16. Is this a dog? Or something else???
  17. Hey Bob, wasnt' there a pic of BudSr in heels somewhere around here??? We should find that and drag it out!!
  18. Wow, looks pretty big. Will you be able to go in the buildings? Pretty cool. Would need to be for a larger server so that it would have enough players.
  19. I was on the golf course one day with an Iraqi war vet that had both of his legs blown off by an IED. He had 2 prosthetic legs like the guy in this picture and could walk around and even play some golf. It was amazing. Semper Fi Marines. And Hxtr......Semper Ubi Sub Ubi !!!!!
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