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Everything posted by PigDog

  1. I still feel dirty from that place......I'm with you and Gorilla. I thought I was gonna die from laughter. My sides were killing me and I was crying from laughing so hard. Good times......Thanks for getting it all put together. I vote for somewhere South of the Mason-Dixon line next year !!!
  2. Really? All this time and we don't hear from you and now you waltz your ass back in here and want to pick up where you left off??? I am hurt and disgusted........Actually, I am hurt because I ran and my legs are sore. I ma disgusted because Hxtr is over there flapping his weiner at you and making monkey noises.......disgusting. Welcome back buddy.
  3. Who is Damit? lol, congrats on the promo......now you get to do even more work!
  4. LMAO......welcome to our little part of the world. Now get yourself a copy of COD4 and jump on a server!!
  5. LMAO.....damned straight 'Rilla. I have lived in Pennsylvania - in Pittsburgh. You can have it! And all that snow! No thanks. Today I was driving home and the temp in my car said 108 on the road I was on. It was hot, so I had my windows up with the A/C on. When I got closer to home, the temp went down to 101 - so I opened the windows and the sunroof and turned off the A/C. It even dropped to 99. Good stuff there!! I agree with Gorilla, I like the Dallas area better. It is a little drier, not as humid as Houston. But in Houston, it cools off more when the sun goes down, so it is give and take. Shamu, I have lived in L.A., Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, etc. etc. I love my Texas......Don't Mess With It !!!!
  6. You are a wierdo Hxtr, but we expect that from ya. I havent been to the dentist in about 7 years. NEver had a cavity and I don't get plaque build up. I have mutant teeth
  7. LMAO, I thought the same thing Hxtr!!!
  8. Nothing wrong with a little "man"scaping....... OMG, I laughed my ass off at this!!!! The first one is funny, but the more I read, the more I laughed. LOL
  9. Try plugging in your headphones.......that did it for me when I was getting that. It is related to sound. I didn't try what Monk put above, but that is sound related also.....so might work.
  10. June was hot, but July has not been so bad. You should come back in August! 100+ with high humidity! Gotta love summer in Houston!!
  11. Woo hooo, you are another year older than me!!!! Happy Birthday, buddy!
  12. Ummm, you better explain! WTF is wrong with Texas?! I am thinking that he is from PA and TX is a little warm for his taste....... Just have a cold beer!!!
  13. I agree Jack, unfortunately, you cannot take your gun onto some places. I had my gun with me the last time I went to the movies and they had a state authorized sign ,big as life, that took the right away in their building. You see, there is a specific sign, that if it is posted in certain places, you cannot take your gun. I had to turn around and go lock my gun in my car. Sure, I could have taken it in with me, but I was not going to do that and get myself into trouble. Too bad, when you see something like this happen. I would have taken that piece of trash out.
  14. I will be going in Houston in August!!!!! Can't wait. Although they are pulling out some old songs on this tour that I am not familiar with, so I guess I need to brush up.
  15. PigDog

    Hi Yall!

    OK, I don't get it......everyone is saying Welcome to the Forums....wtf? Mancakes here has 263 posts!!! That is more posts than a lot of our damn members have! He has BEEN in the forums for a while!! And he plays in our servers more than a lot too. Anyway, nice intro. It is nice to see who folks are.
  16. OMG what is this world coming to? congrats you two. Hit me up if you have any questions on anything. I can show you the washroom, the pool and the kitchen.....they don't let me get out beyond those 3 areas.
  17. Sorry Kage, I have played Server 1 recently and not found a problem. This has been discussed, ad nauseum. The reason that we allow it is because you can change the setting to allow a bind to your scroll wheel. That is not a cheat or a glitch. Anybody has that ability. Hey, I don't like it either, but I also don't like bunny hopping and we allow that too. Just get over it and have fun. If you don't like server 1, we have several others. Try one of them for a change.
  18. Nice Markoff.....Hell,I don't know what my anniversary date is, since it changed with the last 2 websites! and SOB, you only have a 2 years tag now......is that supposed to be a 3 years, or are you going for 3 years in Sept??
  19. Nice, thank you Cavey!!! Elegnat theme is much better for my old ass eyes!!
  20. Sweet!! Damn awesome line up!! Good videos, Mike. I'm jealous!
  21. Simplemod is right, if you can put down 20%, you shouldn't have a problem getting a good loan rate. I would check with several banks or mortgage brokers before you decide. I would not advise an ARM, or adjustable rate mortgage right now. With rates where they are right now, there is no reason to go with an adjustable rate. It is too risky. Just get yourself the lowest fixed rate you can and go with it. Here is a website for mortgage rates in New Jersey. You might try giving some of these a call.......oh, and at where the rates are right now, you probably don't need to pay any points to get the rate reduced further. Good Luck! http://www.interest.com/mortgage/rates/?prods=1&loan=165000&market=1055&points=Zero&perc=20
  22. Thank you for the kind words of appreciation........and Harry is right, he doesn't do a whole lot, but we keep him around because he smells like Old Spice!
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