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    Essssieeee reacted to Markoff in Is there anyone here that can edit photo ?   
    hi m8only way i can do it is like this

  2. Haha
    Essssieeee reacted to FlyingDutch in I received a gift   
    ahh yes - what a numpty lol - never looked there 
  3. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to SweeperMan in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
  4. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in RE: White Dragon ?   
    smeg has called the number a couple times and its always busy.....
  5. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to Biotech in RE: White Dragon ?   
    thank you Smeg and Rose
  6. Cares
    Essssieeee reacted to WeednFeed in Why has WeednFeed Not Been Around?   
    Hello everyone, some of you know what's been going on with my parents. I'll try and keep this short. Mom and dad are 87 and 90. Dad will be 91 in August mom 88 in September.
    in April mom had critical loss of blood circulation in her left leg. If you've never seen someone's legs dying it's a nasty looking and painful thing.  She was faced with the real possibility of amputation. Luckily her medical providers were able to surgically improve her circulation to the point her feet are slowly healing and the pain has improved.
    As you know my dad has a multitude of health issues. Congestive heart failure, dialysis 3 times a week, broke his hip twice. Sadly in May he started having sores on his legs and was being in the home by Extramural care. Finally we had to call an ambulance and have him taken to Emergency. He was diagnosed with Critical loss of blood circulation in his right leg and LIVER CANCER involving 1/3 of his liver.
    At 90 there was great debate in the hospital about treating a 90 year old man with so many conditions of which anyone of them could kill him at any moment. You see my dad is a very intelligent and mentally functioning man. He still pays his bills on line with an iPad. The medical staff are all amazed at how sharp of mind he is.
    They performed the same procedure on his right leg as they did for my mother. He now has improved blood flow in his lower legs reducing the pain and starting the healing.
    Dad, my 2 bothers and I had a meeting with the Oncologist regarding the Liver Cancer. He was a great Doctor and explained everything in a gentle way to all of us. He made it a point to say he questioned the wisdom of the other Doctors in treating Dad's circulation but he said after he met dad and interviewed he now agrees with their decision. 
    Unfortunately Dad's Liver Cancer is not treatable as his age and multitude of medical issue would just make him suffer and not accomplish any improvement. The Oncologist mentioned dad's options will be Palliative or Hospice care when the time comes. He is currently in the hospital.
    Dad has made great improvement in the last week as always he continues to shock his Doctors. This morning the Unit Doctor told us Dad is not ready for Palliative! They are going to heal the sores on his legs and get him ready for a nursing home. He is one fighter.
    On July 1st Mom and Dad celebrated their 69th wedding Anniversary in the Dialysis department in the hospital.
    Sorry this is so long.
    Remember if you have someone in your life you love you better tell them.
    So I love you all....................in a family way!
    Wayne aka WeednFeed
  7. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in RE: White Dragon ?   
    I did not text because it says its a land line,,,there are cell numbers and email listed but it does not show all the numbers or letters.
    But I have 4 different numbers so I texted them all!!!lolol
  8. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to Buffalo Cody in Member Spotlight -E-raser >XI< COD 5 ADMIN   
    Hey Key you mean the pic with the good looking guy in front of the RV with the BEER!
  9. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from lTplkey336 in RE: White Dragon ?   
    Thanks all for finding dragon 🙂 
  10. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Dot80 in RE: White Dragon ?   
    Thanks all for finding dragon 🙂 
  11. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight -E-raser >XI< COD 5 ADMIN   
    Let start with your clan name? E-raser
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game?  'E'
        When and where were you born?  Northern Michigan Jan 1954
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? No idea, living day-to-day
        Where have you lived? Northern Michigan / South East Michigan
        What got you into gaming? Video Arcades
        Your first game you played? On the PC, Duke Nukem
        And what do you play now? Mostly COD5 WAW FT (XI servers) / Oculus VR WW1 air combat
        Why did you join XI? Met some great people while playing COD, so wanted to be a part of the community
        What do you get from being in this clan? Meeting some great people from around the world , daily socializing
        What is your favorite hobby? I have many off and on.. just now getting in photography
        What is your favorite travel destination? Grand Cayman, but haven't been back there in a long time
        Are you married? Yes    
        Do you have children? Yes, a son and daughter - both of them married and moved out.
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names?  Used to have a cat (since passed) but now only some fish(guppies).
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? No not really into sports.
        What causes are you passionate about? People taking responsibility for their actions.
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? No
        What is an interesting fact about you? None that I'm aware of.
        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? I'm a lot into self learning.  While many people took up golf and hitting the bars , I actually enjoy reading tech books and 'how to books' (not much of a social life ??  Having an electrical background in vocational high school, I taught myself computer programming starting with machine language.  Then 'C' ... this progressed later into my work career.
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? No idea, Was getting married and only knew I needed a job. Only had about 4-months of college(dropped out for job) then found a job in the Airline Ground handling sector, which turned into a career 43-years
        Did you belong to any professional organizations? A couple unions through work.
        What is your current job title? Retired
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? Runner up in Michigans 1972 State Electronics Design competition (4th place).
        Where do you work? Retired now since 31DEC2016 - before that North Central Airlines / Republic Airlines / Northwest Airlines and finally Delta Airlines..  Actually 'same-airline' just through multiple mergers.
        What other job titles have you had in your career? Grocery Store bagger / shelf stocking / resort dish washer
        Where else have you worked? Local small grocery store / Local resort
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Airlines, just needed a job - ended up loving it.
        Why do you like your job? My job 'retired' .. love not having daily must do work routines / no time management
        How would you describe your career? 'my life' , good parts and bad.
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Started with the airline basics.. loading unloading planes/jets - working weight and balance - worked air freight handling / tariffs , billing.  Worked in employee scheduling and administration.  Used my computer programming skills to stream line some of our work processes.. this let to a position working with I.T. and mainframe programming.
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. Others that recognized my value and appreciated my input / work.
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Unknown to me at the time, in high school we had to take a semester of typing. I was pretty good at it because my penmanship is horrendous.  My typing skills then came to play at work when our weight and balance computerized.  Other employees struggled with the 'hunt-n-pick' typing method.
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? Discounted travel , however others don't realize that it has challenges as well.  Your not guaranteed getting a seat.  This can be a process when trying to book hotels and car rentals - especially those with no refunds.  Many times your left behind at the airport.
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? This may sound racist, however growing up in Northern Michigan, I think there was only one black family.  All my folks knew was what they read in the newspapers about the Detroit Riots in the 60's, so I feel their understanding was tainted.  When they knew I was moving to the Detroit area for work they instilled in me a fear about the area and people.  Actually when I started working at the Airport I learned really quick there are good and bad in all of our different groups.  I worked with the Black, Asian, Arab, Latino people.  I made some great friends in all of the groups.
        I also became more sensitive to their particular backgrounds and history. We all have the same fears and wants out of life and family.
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? I'm retired... I hope I left the place in better shape than when I started.
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? none
        What is your favorite sport? none
        Do you play any sports? no
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? To start life over again, knowing the lessons I've now already learned along the way.
        If you won a very large amount of money what would you do? Probably do more traveling and give a bunch away.
     Quote: Listen to the quiet people, they are the ones with something to say....

  12. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to Biotech in New Rotation for OWFT   
    Hi Skuz,
    is it possible to remove the map Lost Temple of the rotations ?
    i speak on behalf of most ( not all ) ' afternoon ' players when i say this map isn't really liked.
    I do not know if the ' evening ' players like or dislike this map so like i said, i only speak on behalf of most afternoon players.
  13. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from WeednFeed in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Aaah thank you 🙂
  14. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from BlackRose in RE: White Dragon ?   
    I hope someone did with some good news 
  15. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to WeednFeed in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Love this Bio! @Essssieeee you seem to be a very passionate and caring young lady. 
    Cheers from Canada.
  16. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Dot80 in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Aaah thank you 🙂
  17. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Power! in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Thank you 🙃
  18. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to Majbasil in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    aren't you adorable!  
  19. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to Biotech in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    quote :
    If you won a very large amount of money what would you do?
    I would buy a beautiful old farmhouse with high windows, an old wooden floor, fireplace, fruit orchard and a vegetable garden. In addition; some chickens and a dog and a wine cellar cannot be missed.
    well now you know why i would hide the very large amount of money 😜
    ( the wine cellar is the give away lol )
    just joking Essie,  it was a nice read 🙂
  20. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to lTplkey336 in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Good job Essie very nice read!
  21. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to rexbowan in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Nice, thanks.
  22. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from rexbowan in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Thank you 🙃
  23. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from major-mark63 in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    ☹️   @RobMc will bring some wine 
  24. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Let start with your clan name?
    Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game?
    Not that I know about?
    When and where were you born?
    Born on 13 oct 1991 in A small town called Ruurlo in the Netherlands.
     When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    I had no idea.
    Where have you lived?
    Ruurlo and I live in Arnhem now.
    What got you into gaming?
    My dad Pinokkio2, a long time ago.
    Your first game you played?
    Im note sure, I forgot! Maybe Far Cry or Harry Potter.
    And what do you play now?
    Only COD freezeTag.
    Why did you join XI?
    I liked playing on the servers, this is a fun group of players.
    What do you get from being in this clan?
    A fun chat in the evening and Friends. Everyone thinks along with each other, looks at how each other is doing and asks when someone has not been seen for a while. I think that a reallly good thing.
    What is your favorite hobby?
    Reading, painting, being creative, interior design, walking and nature.
    What is your favorite travel destination?
    I don’t have one yet, but I would like to go to Norway, Ireland and Scotland.
    Are you married?
     Do you have children?
     What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names?
    I had a cat Tim, but he died. So no pets for me anymore.
    Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team?
    I like to watch football in a pub haha.
    What causes are you passionate about?
    teenagers and young adults who cannot find their way in this society, mental health and that my family is fine.
    Do you volunteer? If so, where?
    Drinking coffee/ tea with older people.
    What is an interesting fact about you?
    I always eat 3 tangerines when I eat tangerines.
    Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind?
    A degree in Social Work/ bachelor of Social Work.
     Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college?
    Investigating the choice of study among young people.
    Did you belong to any professional organizations?
    A school.
    What is your current job title?
    Study choice advisor.
    Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education?
    Not yet.
    Where do you work?
    At a school.
    What other job titles have you had in your career?
    Where else have you worked?
    I Worked behind the bar for a long time (student job).
    Why did you choose to work in your industry?
    There are many young people with problems. I also had a lot of trouble on a personal level and in choosing a study when I was younger. I had some help and now I want to give this back to young people in a similar situation.
    Why do you like your job?
    I can mean something to others.
    How would you describe your career?
    What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career?
    Describe a time that your career was rewarding.
    If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be?
    Do not compare your skills with that of others, you are most free when you can let go of the opinions of others, you are good as you are and you can make mistakes, you learn from them.
    What is your favorite thing about your career or industry?
    You can really mean something to others.
    What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career?
    See career advice.
     What do you hope to accomplish in your career?
    Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations?
     What is your favorite sport?
    Drinking wine!
    Do you play any sports?
    Is online shopping a sport?
    If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for?
    More wishes or a cure for all cancers.
    If you won a very large amount of money what would you do?
    I would buy a beautiful old farmhouse with high windows, an old wooden floor, fireplace, fruit orchard and a vegetable garden. In addition; some chickens and a dog and a wine cellar cannot be missed.
    But also investing in my mother’s business. She has a daytime activity for older people and takes care of them.

  25. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Labob in Member Spotlight -Essssieeee >XI< cod5 admin   
    Thank you 🙃
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