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lTplkey336 last won the day on June 13 2022

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  1. Dont be stupid AlanHim, if you buy land on the bottom side of the flat earth you will fall off!
  2. TSW those cookies are making me hungry , they look yummy.
  3. Looks like a peice of my old bathroom tile lol. But seriously that is cool nice find. Should be interesting to see if they can figure out some details of your find.
  4. Happy birthday all. And a special Happy Birthday to White Dragon, Dont know which side of the grass your on but let it be known you are greatly missed !
  6. Damn that brings back soooo many memories, Thanks Beer you put a smile on my face while reading your post.
  7. Nothing wrong with a triumph, my first bike was a 79 Beezer {BSA} Thunderbolt. Electrics were a pain but fond memories of it. Built it into a beautiful chopper. Now that was a new riding experience if you never rode a chopper. Beautiful Triumph!
  8. Had that when I was a lot younger, but not as bad as you have it, hope everything goes away as quickly as possible.
  9. It must of been a really good song you used to get that bike , lol gorgeous looking bike, makes me wanna go out ,get a battery and get my 71 sportser going again. As you know Harleys never die.
  10. Actually Crunch I did here Florida was under 2 feet of water in Miami the other day and you needed a boat to get around. I'm just fucking with you, sorry for what happenned to you . We have all been scammed at one time or another. Even me , but I blame it on my old age lol.
  11. LOL It was the lucas electronics they used. Dont know about now but back then they were about as reliable as a camel with no humps and everything on the car, switches engine electrical etc was Lucas.
  12. My first car was a beat up oil burning 67 triumph TR4A, got a picture of it but dont know how to put it on here. I was 18 yr old when I bought it and thats when I learned how to fix everything on cars cause everything was bad on this car. Loved the car though, have fond memories of it.
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