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  1. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from 201xeliudjb in Hello all   
    Hi Eliud Bautista 🌞
  2. Cares
    Essssieeee got a reaction from lazymarcky in Hello all   
    Hi Eliud Bautista 🌞
  3. Thanks
    Essssieeee reacted to skuzapo in New Rotation for OWFT   
    New rotation maps are
    map mp_5nav1 map mp_agxdepo map mp_airfield map mp_ax_dawnville map mp_ax_simmerath map mp_breakout map mp_byalistok map mp_docks map mp_ict_stone map mp_louret map mp_overgrown map mp_provence5 map mp_roundhouse map mp_snr_treblink map mp_toujane_rmk map mp_waw_chateau map mp_wolfsquare
  4. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight- Major-Mark63>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? major-Mark63
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Personnal nick is Markus (not too original) but i game some call be boner or lately SkidMark
        When and where were you born? born in Montreal ,Quebec ,Canada in 1963 from two cajun parents.
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? At elementary school i dreamed about be plane pilot but since i wear glasses it changed to be a surgeon doctor.
        Where have you lived? All in Quebec prov. Carleton (gaspesian peninsula)then Boisbriand , Blainville ,Mirabel (all lower laurentians) Now Amherst Lake side 25 min of Mt-Tremblant Qc.
        What got you into gaming? early ages was Coleco vision that we had for christmas with my 3 brothers.
        Your first game you played? on pc it was DOOM my first FPS game and later Resident evil really hooked my in.
        And what do you play now? COD4 ,CODWAW (freeze tag) Left for Dead and of course a few resident evil games.
        Why did you join XI? I was playing a lot on DM XI server in afternoons and was asked to join the clan by Spinpuppy we had so much fun , and he felt a was a good idiot..
        What do you get from being in this clan? Now since im retired got most of my social here on website and servers.
        What is your favorite hobby?  actually my hobby is PC gaming but also like traditional board games like monopoly ,trivial pursuit etc and love listening to music.
        What is your favorite travel destination? All caribbeans and Mexico too for the sun the music and the rum.
        Are you married? not anymore , but now i live with my girlfriend since almost 20 yrs (shes really patient)
        Do you have children? yes two daughters , 33 and 31 and lately a grandson 2 months and a half.
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? we have 3 cats at home ,the mother named Rosie (which she was homeless and she choose us ) and two of her baby cats that we kept Garcon tomcat and Fifille femal and all sterilized now hahah..
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Yes indeed , Ice hockey is my sport and Montreal Canadian Habs forever
        What causes are you passionate about? War amputees and a local foundation to help the poorer people
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? no did had the time.
        What is an interesting fact about you? i know all world countries capitals but except geographic classes or trivial pursuit its useless.

        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? i had continuous training for new technology that was involved in upgrading PLC Most AB , robots and processes. did almost evening classes for gaining my electrician licenses.
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? iwas studying electronics but the last year of college , General motors came in lab classes to recruit some electrician apprentices and i was hired in 1983.
        Did you belong to any professional organizations? i was in Teamsters Graphics union, but now retiree.
        What is your current job title? retired licensed electrician and also electrotechnician.
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? had a few when younger at school , now they would call me a nerd.
        Where do you work? now retired since i was 56 yrs old.
        What other job titles have you had in your career? most title were electrician and or electrotechnician.
        Where else have you worked? General Motors from 1983 to 2002, then Kraft food from 2002-2006 then last at the Journal of Montreal printing plant 2006 to 2020
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? i liked a lot osund systems so wanted to study how to repair or build it, so it got me in electronics
        Why do you like your job? the challenge of fast trouble shooting, and also learn the latest technologies.i was  in maintenance and continuous improvement.
        How would you describe your career? very self rewarding and good money ive made.
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? all job i applied for was immediatly hired. But also getting the machinery ready in time in change overs is really rewarding. optimization of robots program decreasing time cycle for more productivity ; one line we did improve from 42 cars per hours to 57 just by tuning robots courses.
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. in the first months when working at Kraft food plant a big boss came to me and one other electronician to personnaly give us congrats after we started up in 3 days a wrapping machine that was down for months.
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Yes its good to do what you will enjoy  but sometimes you can choose a job thats is also give better money.
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? electronics is always in progress and learned all the newest stuff that get on market.
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? team work youll always need some one to help you or you can help.
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? its done, it bring me to good retirement .
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? none
        What is your favorite sport?  Ice hockey and cycling love also watching the olympics..
        Do you play any sports? now only snow shoes trekking (raquettes in french) in winter and cycling and boating in summer.
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? to have a perfect view without glasses
    that would have changed my life ...but to be not selfish no kids should die from deseases.
    THx for reading me.
    1St pic : me with my family,last august.
    first row my defunct mother Cecile was 82 and father Jean-Marie 84
    2nd row brothers Michel , Pierre and Daniel and me on the right the oldest.

  5. Thanks
    Essssieeee reacted to skuzapo in New Rotation for OWFT   
    New rotation maps are
    map mp_agx_shinu map mp_borisovka map mp_crossroads map mp_dock_assault map mp_foy map mp_hurtsum map mp_lost_temple map mp_nazaire map mp_newbrecourt map mp_rostov map mp_snr_stmengs2 map mp_stalingrad map mp_strike map mp_tge map mp_wbridge map mp_wolftown map mp_xi_shima map mp_xi_shiro
  6. Cares
    Essssieeee reacted to Smeggie in Tragedy hit home last night   
    Some of you have probably seen the reports of the tragedy that not only happened in my neighborhood (5 houses down!) but also struck my firefighter family last night.
    Many of you may (or may not) know that I have been volunteering at the Sterling Volunteer Fire Company for the past 15 years.
    Last night my wife and I were finishing our dinner when I noticed a dispatch on my cell phone for an outside gas leak just up the street from my house.
    These are generally routine calls, however, last night was anything but normal.  
    Our crews arrived on scene to find an underground 500 gallon propane tank leaking.  As they normally do, they request a hazardous materials response to assist with these types of calls.
    Within seconds the home literally exploded.  Our house shook like a plane crashed on it.  I bolted out front and saw the huge plume of smoke and a fireball that was taller than the trees.  I immediately knew what happened.
    As a company photographer I grabbed my boots and my camera and bolted.  I was there in less than 3 minutes after the blast.  It was literally like a war zone.
    We lost a brother last night.  And 7 others from my fire company were severely injured.  A few were released this morning, but others remain in the hospital.  Please say a prayer for them all.....
    I want to thank those of you that reached out to me this morning.  You have no idea how much that means to me. 
     My wife and I, and our house are fine.  We are devastated at the loss of our beloved friend firefighter Trevor Brown.  And we are anxious to get the rest of our firefighters out of the hospital.
    Please keep them all in your prayers....
    Here is a local news story about the incident:
  7. Cares
    Essssieeee reacted to PHUCKITMAN in Please send some Positive Vibes my wife's way today   
    My Wife developed atrial fibrillation this past summer and has been trying several ways to get her life back to normal. Lifestyle and diet changes and medications galore but she is still struggling from the serious fatigue that can come from this. Very early this morning I took her to the Hospital for her Ablation procedure. I can't stay with her during this since it is a out-patient procedure they will do today. She will be put under and have a "minor" invasive procedure while she is out on her Heart to laser the area that is short circuiting and kill those cells. This allows the Heart to rewire itself and get back to normal rhythm/beating and normal blood flow. But I am hoping for some XI love towards her because anytime they put you under it is Major and she is my much better half and my ride or die partner in crime. Thanks in advance for everyone's good vibrations for her quick recovery.
  8. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight - SweeperMan>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? SweeperMan
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Boner, AssBlaster
        When and where were you born? Northern. Illinois, USA
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Paleontologist
        Where have you lived? Mutiple places in Northern Illinois, Upper Peninsula Michigan (Yooper). Yellowstone National Park, Denver Co., Oklahoma
        Your first game you played?  Doom, then Quake, the one with Gordon in it...
        And what do you play now? COD WAW freeze tag, COD 4 freeze tag,
        Why did you join XI? was playing on our servers for years and finally decide to become a certified IDIOT
        What do you get from being in this clan? fun,fun,fun and lots of stress relief!
        What is your favorite hobby? Judge KCBS BBQ competitions, gaming, riding Harley, camping, shooting real guns, car shows and cruise nights, ebiking
        Are you married?  No...I'm allergic to it...
        Do you have children? No
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? 1 cat named Bella...I really want a Black Lab!!!!
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Greenbay Packers (Shareholder), Chicago Cubs, Rockford IceHogs hockey team
        What causes are you passionate about? Salvation Army, Mission Zero helping sucidial veterans out
        What is an interesting fact about you? I was an outlaw biker once and then become a cop
        What is your current job title? Mechanical Senior Designer, design the world's oldest street sweepers
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? High honors in college, finished 1st in my police academy class
        Where do you work? Elgin, Illinois at Elgin Sweeper
        Where else have you worked?  Union Special designing and making industrial sewing machines, Sheriff dept, Milkman.
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Because I know the CAD software and they paid money!
        Why do you like your job? Cleaning up the world one street at a time
        How would you describe your career? It pays for play time!
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Designing the 1st all Electric street sweeper
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. When customers are happy with thing sweeper and when I do CAD demos for prospective customers and explain our design process
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Learn a trade or skill. finish school, hang with like minded people, be an IDIOT!
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? Purpose and cleaning the world up abit
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? Work is a means, enjoy life
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? Retire!!!
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? Master Judge for Kansas City BBQ society, County chair of county zoning/planning commission, Chapter Prez of local motorcycle rights origination ABATE
        What is your favorite sport? Real football, ebiking, playing pinball, Freeze tag
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? more wishes!!! no wait peace, lower taxes, no corruption, more gaming time, Twix bars were healthy for me, more camping time, not to be dyslexic, cure for dementia.

  9. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to lTplkey336 in introductions   
    Nice to hear from you.  I know you play cod4 I think,  but if you ever need something just as fun with really good people too try coming and playing cod5 freeze tag in the afternoon around 2pm and 8 pm est. you  have a blast!
  10. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Labob in Member Spotlight - KaptCrunch>XI<   
    Yeeeeeeeeeeee Chrunchhhhh
  11. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight - KaptCrunch>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? KaptCrunch
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Crunchy,
        When and where were you born? Ontario, Canada, back fender of farm tractor 1970
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? truck driver, fixer and helper  
        Where have you lived? Ontario, Canada
        What got you into gaming? CoD
        Your first game you played? Pong
        And what do you play now? Call of Duty, RTC, steam
        Why did you join XI? speed and good community
        What do you get from being in this clan? friends and good times
        What is your favorite hobby? fixing things and helping people with out using money
        What is your favorite travel destination? the great outdoors
        Are you married? No
        Do you have children? One son 44
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? had fish tank, no pets now for apartment not allow
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Toronto Maple Buds
        What causes are you passionate about? Child and Youth Advocacy Center
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? yes if someone needs help, offer my services  
        What is an interesting fact about you? I can fix anything but a broken heart

        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? Electronics  
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? Machine Shop
        Did you belong to any professional organizations? No
        What is your current job title? cable builder
        Did you win any awards or recognition's during your education? collage on removing rusted parts without a torch, just hammer and center punch.
        Where do you work? National truck builder
        What other job titles have you had in your career? farmer, Mover, Small engines
        Where else have you worked? Hospital
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? My analytical thinking of solving issues
        Why do you like your job? pays the bills and kept old equipment working.
        How would you describe your career? jack of all trades Master of none
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? keep a roof over head
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. essential service
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? work for government
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry? every day has something different
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? when working with live Hydro wires stand on a wooden skid
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? livable life
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? No
        What is your favorite sport? Hockey, swimming, water skiing and meeting people
        Do you play any sports? Not now but active
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? free of monopoly, no more bondage to money.....care and share
  12. Thanks
    Essssieeee reacted to skuzapo in New Rotation for OWFT   
    New rotation maps are
    map mp_78druglord map mp_assault map mp_blood_island map mp_corregidor map mp_desolate map mp_farmhouse2 map mp_hunt map mp_little_town map mp_makin_day map mp_myths_farm map mp_nuenen map mp_pds map mp_rhinevalleygits map mp_snr_kassel map mp_suburban map mp_warehouse map mp_warsaw map mp_xi_jordan5
  13. Thanks
    Essssieeee reacted to Ruggerxi in Hacking accusations need to stop or bans will be the next step   
    I want to say thanks to everyone for reducing the hacking accusations and actually taking video and getting these hackers banned. 3 players have been banned already because they took video and sent it in to an admin or posted to the forums. 
    Thank you again and please do not accuse people of hacking in the servers, take video and send it in and they will be banned if they are hacking. 
  14. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight - Mightymike1>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name?  Mightymike 1 or 2 (because my game was hacked I lost the original Mightymike and had to add a number)
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Mighty or Mike
        When and where were you born? June 1953, Roanoke Rapids, NC
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Lawyer
        Where have you lived? Kassel, Ger., Saigon, Vietnam, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Frankfurt, Ger., Bad Toelz, Ger., Berlin, Ger., Savannah, Ga., Virginia
        What got you into gaming?  the computer age
        Your first game you played? Atari, pacman
        And what do you play now? CoDWAW freezetag, CoD4 Freezetag, Civilization VI
        Why did you join XI?  Loved the idea of playing with a clan.  Played on the servers and was always welcomed.
        What do you get from being in this clan?  Comradery, enjoyment
        What is your favorite hobby? woodworking, oil painting
        What is your favorite travel destination? Germany
        Are you married? yes, to a Norwegian princess
        Do you have children? 2 daughters, 34 and 38
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? A black cat named JaCole
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? American football:Dallas, English football: Toddenheim
        What causes are you passionate about? Christianity
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? Yes, with LOVE, Inc a local organization that serves the less fortunate.
        What is an interesting fact about you? I worked as a forester for an electric utility company for 31 years.

        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind?
          I am retired, but I am attending seminary to obtain an MDiv
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college?  Yes, forestry
        Did you belong to any professional organizations?  International Society of Arboriculture, North Carolina Vegetation Management Assoc.
        What is your current job title?  RETIRED ??
            Where do you work?  for our church
        What other job titles have you had in your career?  specialist in the US Army, Senior Forester
        Where else have you worked? Army, lumber company
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? yes
        Why do you like your job?  independent work, had an area I responsible for, free to work it as I saw the need
        How would you describe your career?  rewarding and fun
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career?  from associate forester to senior forester
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding.  really rewarding during storm restoration
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be?  find something you love doing, not always about the money
        What is your favorite thing about your career or industry?  while we had to keep power lines clear of vegetation, we did it with the health of the environment in mind
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career?  When dealing with an unhappy customer, keep calm and listen
           Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations?
        What is your favorite sport?  football
            If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for?  more grandchildren
  15. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from AthenA in New Rotation for OWFT   
    Thanks skuzzieee 
  16. Like
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Merlin007 in New Rotation for OWFT   
    Thanks skuzzieee 
  17. Like
    Essssieeee reacted to Twinkie 13 in cod5 waw profile missing   
    ok got it fixed never mind
  18. Haha
    Essssieeee reacted to lTplkey336 in Hacking accusations need to stop or bans will be the next step   
    If you record me Crunch, just make sure you get my good side.
  19. Thanks
    Essssieeee reacted to Ruggerxi in Hacking accusations need to stop or bans will be the next step   
    The servers have been getting very busy lately which is a good thing, but with that also comes more whining and complaining and more hacking accusations. 
    The hacking accusations have gotten so bad lately that we have to start taking action against the repeat accusers. These people will get a warning to start and then temp bans will start. If that doesn't work then you will be banned from the server. 
    It's very easy to get proof, go to spectate, record the player. However you want to do it, but the most easy way to do it is this 
    Bring down your console and type:
    /record (demo's will be named demo00000.dm_1, demo000001.dm_1 etc etc.)
    To stop the record, type:
    Get the demo file and send it to an admin, they look at it and see the hacking being done and they ban the player. 
    It's so easy to do, instead of going in game everyday and accusing the same players everyday and whine they're not banned yet, just get the video and they're banned. Very very simple. So instead of possibly getting banned from the greatest servers on the planet, just get the video. 
    If you spectate the person and can't see their hacking then you should go into the server after and say I spectated them and they are not hacking. 
  20. Haha
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Cheyenne in What would you come back as?, Boy, Girl or inbetween   
    Can I come back as a bottle wine? 🍷 
  21. Haha
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Bamm in What would you come back as?, Boy, Girl or inbetween   
    Can I come back as a bottle wine? 🍷 
  22. Haha
    Essssieeee reacted to Icequeen in What would you come back as?, Boy, Girl or inbetween   
    I wanna come back as a remote control. Don't ask me why. 
  23. Haha
    Essssieeee reacted to bds1961 in What would you come back as?, Boy, Girl or inbetween   
    You just want your buttons pushed
  24. Haha
    Essssieeee got a reaction from bds1961 in What would you come back as?, Boy, Girl or inbetween   
    Can I come back as a bottle wine? 🍷 
  25. Haha
    Essssieeee got a reaction from Icequeen in What would you come back as?, Boy, Girl or inbetween   
    Can I come back as a bottle wine? 🍷 
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