I looked up his username, and it seems he's already been banned, so it looks like the mods/admins are on top of things. But now you see why I'm so guarded about letting people build on my base. In your case it just happened to be a worst case scenario player who took advantage of your trust. Too bad I couldn't have warned you about this idiot beforehand though. He was starting to garner a rather unsavory reputation. Constantly annoying other players, ignoring set boundaries, setting warp pages at other players bases without permission, etc. The fool actually attacked me next to my base because apparently I got too close when he was mining out what was left of a skystone meteor, then proceeded to tell me that I had no say in the matter because it wasn't claimed. The whole thing struck me as incredibly rude because A: It was RIGHT ON THE EDGE OF MY CURRENT CLAIM, and B: it was in an area I was waiting just another hour at the time to claim when I had enough blocks to do so. iExo was with him, and he got out of there quick, didn't want anything to do with this altercation. I stayed online a few hours more than I had intended, because I watched him set a warp page and then tp away. I already dealt with thieves and trolls and a stolen ME before, and I sure as hell wasn't going to again.