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Everything posted by CW4

  1. Good to see you on the servers and forums. Defrosted my ass more than a few times, shot it too.
  2. As I am the #1 target on the Freeze Tag 1 server, glad to see you.
  3. I too have a Smartcar and I too park in HC spots. But my car has the proper tag to park there. Couldn't have happened to a "nicer" person... Whatever...
  4. Thanks for the welcome all. See ya on the servers. (I'll be the one face down in the sand with Sally's knife in my back.)
  5. CW4

    usa v uk

    Dadda2 have you read about the new GTX 1080 that was just released? Also the GTX 1070 comes out in June. "If You Just Bought a GTX 980 Ti, You’re Screwed! GTX 1070 is the New King" http://techfrag.com/2016/05/07/gtx-1070/
  6. CW4


    Long time COD player and have played in XI's Freeze Tag servers for years. Sally said I needed to make a intro post or she'll knife me. Like that would be something new! NOT!!! Was a member and server admin back in the day, starting in 2003, with [3rdArmy] and CTR Clans, but sadly those melted away. However there are several guys that found a home here, SGTScott, NOONE, and Cotton that I know of. And if I recall right, there was some contact back then with XI to help get your COD2 server setup with the old AWE mod setup. Been spending my time on Freeze Tag 1 server, but my in game tag is CW-4, Great bunch or Gals and Guys there and they are glad that I provide such a easy target for them, I'm sure. Retired US Army helicopter instructor pilot with 22 years as a "CW4", flew Hueys, OH-58's and Blackhawks. Also retired as a school bus driver with 21 years after my Army time. Live in East LA, that's East Lower Alabama, just outside "Mother Rucker." Fully retired now and just hanging out and enjoying each day as it comes. Ride a Vulcan VN800b for things to do, along with being the local computer geek and fixer guy. ( I keep SGTScott up and running.) Also do some camping with MS. C-Dub in our RV, trailering the bike and tend to "disappear" for a few weeks at a time. I just got a SmartCar to tow behind the RV as I was told "I tired of looking at the back of your helmet." I know a hint when I hear one. Having not being in a Clan for a while i guess it's time to settle down. To use a favorite word of T-Rat, XI would be an "excellent" place to be. PS.... As for my sig block, that's a "normal" dust landing for a chopper and no it isn't a crash.
  7. I'm with you. Not enough info about servers, can one rent, can one mod, will the old maps still work, to even start thinking about buying.
  8. So right after starting it up after driving a while does the temp drop from 270 back to the normal range? Had a RV with a Ford 460 it it that would almost be pegged out on the gauge if I cranked up 5 minuted after driving for a bit. Always dropped back down in a minute or so to where she normally ran at.
  9. Guess I'll stick around and see if you can get your 40 year tags.
  10. Take care man. I'm sure that we'll see you back on before long.
  11. Retired Army helicopter instructor pilot... Then just retired as a school bus driver. So now what I do is sleep in until 9am. After that it's anything I want.
  12. Maybe they have finally realized that COD4 is really is the last COD that they got right. Most all of the others are too much of a arcade game for me. Except maybe for BO1.
  13. The excuse I always use is.... I'm 63 and I'm really just an OLD SLOW FART.
  14. What I've read about it, Remastered is only going to be for PS4 and XBox one. Mostly just updating the graphics and adding a few more maps for those platforms.
  15. From time to time I get a BSOD with Win10 Pro. I don't think it's a fault of the OS as much as me overclocking the crap out of a FX-8350. I've always believed as the song goes... Take it to the limit one more time!
  16. Had this issue with the wife's laptop. Tried all the "fixes" recommended by MS to no avail. Ended up using a backup I made With True Image to get it back. Then went and downloaded all the updates and all was good. Guess something in one of the updates didn't go in clean the first time, but did after I did the restore.
  17. So Googled Modern Warfare Remasterand this is what I found. Remastered is only for XBox One and PS4. Updated the graphics but will play just about the same, I think, as the current MW4 does on the older consoles. Nothing for us PC guys to think about.
  18. Vipersniper, your 285 won't run this game as it's a DX10 card. The game is coded for DX11, so it looks like another upgrade for you. Not sure but it might run on a 64bit Vista machine, after Win7 is really "Vista 2.0", well sort of. Win7 is what Vista should have been.
  19. Yep the 285 is only a DX10 card, got to have a DX11 card to run this game. I meet all the specs to run COD:G but I think I'll wait and see at this time before I commit to getting it. The last real PC COD was WaW in the area of support, mapping and mods, IMHO.
  20. Sorry to hear the bad news. My best wishes and thoughts to you and your family.
  21. I ran AMD's starting with the 386/40 up until COD4 was released. Then I got a good price on Intel's E6750. Wanting to upgrade to a faster cpu I moved to a Q9550 and oc'd it to 3.6ghz, which is still fast enough to run anything out there. AMD has the best bang for the buck, Intel's will run faster. So you have to balance it between needs... wants... and most importantly - MONEY.
  22. Congrats!!!!! Live long and prosper!
  23. OK so I played a bit yesterday. Got 1 and 1/2 maps in before I had to stop due to elbow just giving out. So if I tell you guys that I'm leaving before a map is finished, it's not that I don't like you.
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