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  1. Like
    djMot got a reaction from Fire in One Of The Guys   
    From the guys side of this equation, I think I can (loosely) speak for us all in thanking you and all the ladies of XI and guests for being so amazing that you put up with our shit, knowing full well that we think you rock for playing with the boys. It's a better place with the girls around.
  2. Like
    djMot got a reaction from window in One Of The Guys   
    From the guys side of this equation, I think I can (loosely) speak for us all in thanking you and all the ladies of XI and guests for being so amazing that you put up with our shit, knowing full well that we think you rock for playing with the boys. It's a better place with the girls around.
  3. Like
    djMot got a reaction from simplemod in Sharing Some Of My Songs Where I Sing   
    UnionJackk is on to something there, Rusty. About getting over the stage fright. You've got talent, my friend. Now, just think how elated it will feel to walk off that stage at the end of your very first set.
    Watch the movie Coyote Ugly for inspiration. Seriously awesome movie. You'll connect with it, I feel sure.
  4. Like
    djMot got a reaction from HellKid in One Of The Guys   
    From the guys side of this equation, I think I can (loosely) speak for us all in thanking you and all the ladies of XI and guests for being so amazing that you put up with our shit, knowing full well that we think you rock for playing with the boys. It's a better place with the girls around.
  5. Like
    djMot got a reaction from LtLaszlo in One Of The Guys   
    From the guys side of this equation, I think I can (loosely) speak for us all in thanking you and all the ladies of XI and guests for being so amazing that you put up with our shit, knowing full well that we think you rock for playing with the boys. It's a better place with the girls around.
  6. Like
    djMot reacted to Boomer in What Are You Listening To Today?   
    to bad she doesn't strip on stage
  7. Like
    djMot got a reaction from AngerIssues in What Are You Listening To Today?   
    This one's for BlackCat. (Hope you're feeling better, babe.)

  8. Like
    djMot got a reaction from Boomer in Happy Birthday Boomer<Xi>   
    Happy Birthday, Boomer. Rock this bitch!
  9. Like
    djMot got a reaction from Belted in One Of The Guys   
    From the guys side of this equation, I think I can (loosely) speak for us all in thanking you and all the ladies of XI and guests for being so amazing that you put up with our shit, knowing full well that we think you rock for playing with the boys. It's a better place with the girls around.
  10. Like
    djMot got a reaction from Belted in Xi Donations Challenge   
    My internet radio station is Girls Rock Radio. A station featuring the music of women artist in the rock, pop, and alternative music genres.
    Girls Rock Radio can also be found on iTunes Radio in the "Alternative" genre.
    Thanks for tuning in.
    And BTW, I highly recommend you use an external MP3 player, like WinAmp to listen. The links are all on the Tune In page at the website.
  11. Like
    djMot got a reaction from Sonovabich in Xi Donations Challenge   
    My internet radio station is Girls Rock Radio. A station featuring the music of women artist in the rock, pop, and alternative music genres.
    Girls Rock Radio can also be found on iTunes Radio in the "Alternative" genre.
    Thanks for tuning in.
    And BTW, I highly recommend you use an external MP3 player, like WinAmp to listen. The links are all on the Tune In page at the website.
  12. Like
    djMot got a reaction from hxtr in Xi Donations Challenge   
    My internet radio station is Girls Rock Radio. A station featuring the music of women artist in the rock, pop, and alternative music genres.
    Girls Rock Radio can also be found on iTunes Radio in the "Alternative" genre.
    Thanks for tuning in.
    And BTW, I highly recommend you use an external MP3 player, like WinAmp to listen. The links are all on the Tune In page at the website.
  13. Like
    djMot reacted to 1Tigerlily in One Of The Guys   
    I just want to thank you for treating me like one of the guys. Playing on Call of Duty is my way of relieving stress after a hard day of work.
  14. Like
    djMot reacted to Boomer in What Are You Listening To Today?   

  15. Like
    djMot reacted to Boomer in What Are You Listening To Today?   
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.c...bed/_0LTRPMpOVM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Long Cool Woman In a Black Dress : The Hollies
  16. Like
    djMot reacted to JohnnyDos in What Are You Listening To Today?   


  17. Like
    djMot reacted to blackcat in What Are You Listening To Today?   
  18. Like
    djMot reacted to blackcat in What Are You Listening To Today?   

  19. Like
    djMot reacted to Shamu in Who Looks Old?   
    Mary was waiting for her first appointment in the reception room of a new dentist, and suddenly noticed his certificate, which bore his full name.
    Suddenly, she remembered a tall, handsome boy with the same name that had been in her high school class some 40+ years ago.
    Upon seeing him, however, she quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was far too old to have been her classmate!!
    After he had examined her teeth, she asked him if he had attended the local high school.
    "Yes," he replied.
    "When did you graduate?" she asked.
    He answered, "In 1954."
    "Why, you were in my class!" she exclaimed.
    He looked closely and then asked, "What did you teach?"

  20. Like
    djMot got a reaction from mikepaz666 in Lol   
    OMG. How do you spell concussion? Did you hear his head crack?
  21. Like
    djMot got a reaction from RustyRifle in Upload Music   
    Rusty - please accept my apologies. The LAST thing I meant to do was offend you or hurt your feelings! You never said they were non-copyrighted tracks, or your own. And I am not in the habit of stirring up ugly emotions, so again, I humbly apologize to you.
    Where I'm coming from...
    The prevalence of complete disregard for copyrighted material is disturbing. One of the other "gaming" things I do is fly flight simulators - FSX and X-Plane. Many people record their flights and create AMAZING movies out of them, and of course, they often provide a popular song as a soundtrack. They really don't get that they have broken copyright law by creating a public instance of the performance of copyrighted material. And you're right about YouTube, but in fact, a lot of videos ARE shut down due to claimed DMCA violations by the actual copyright holder. As for my internet radio station, people are trying to ripp my stream all the time, and the music industry says I am not supposed to allow that. And finally, in general 99% of the time people who are talking about uploading music to the internet so their friends can have it, too, they are talking about major label artists.
    I had no way of knowing that you were talking about sharing your own music. It was MY BAD for not at least qualifying my remarks as applying to copyrighted material. But in my world, that's just a given. Nonetheless, that's no excuse, and again and again and again, I humbly apologize to you.
    Perhaps Dropbox would be a great way for you to share your music with friends. There's a cool video introducing the service on their home page at http://www.dropbox.com
    Dropbox is available on many platforms, and you can share with people who don't even have a Dropbox account. If you click a download link, then just cancel the download, there's a link on the page that lets you take a look at their FAQs which should answer any questions you have.
    Again, I apologize for offending you and hurting your feelings. I was only trying to educate and did not mean to come off pompous and insulting.
    Are we cool?
    Hopeful we are,
  22. Like
    djMot got a reaction from blackcat in Happy Birthday Blackcat!   
    I thought kitty cats get licks.
    Happy Birthday.
  23. Like
    djMot got a reaction from drunksniper in What Are You Listening To Today?   
    Well, I didn't know (till just 15 minutes ago) that Billie Piper was a pop singer...

  24. Like
    djMot reacted to GMoney in Help ! I Just Finished Upgrading To Win7   
    I do not see a need for any local email client, like was mentioned above web based is where it is at. I prefer Gmail.
    For the pesky Microsoft attachments google docs is ok, but I have been testing this for my people that need free and legal....seems to work pretty well so far.
    Kingsoft Office with AntiVirus. Free is good.
    And for file compression amd management I think that Winzip is overrated, I like 7zip.
    Windows 7 x64 works well IMHO. Windows 8 is turning people off, but I do like the network enhancements. TechNet subscription got me the RTM a month ago. I like the pause feature on large fdile transfers...and a few other things. I do not like that Microsoft is making Media center a pay product.
    There's my nickel!
  25. Like
    djMot got a reaction from hxtr in Kind Of A Bit Pornographic- Bring Something To Wash Out Your Eyes   
    Someone hold my hair while I puke. Oh wait, I don't have any...
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