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Everything posted by MrBubbles

  1. Here's how Bobby's appointments would go with his doctor: BobBarker heads to the doctors on Monday. Doctor asks him what can I help you with? Bobby asks, "Doc, what can you do for me, my shit is all loosey goosey, no matter what my wife does, my shit won't get hard. Can you get me some of those little blue pills? Doc says, "Sure thing! I'll give you a couple of sample packs to get you through the week, meanwhile I'll need you to schedule an appointment for next week Monday. Will pull blood today too, just to make sure you're okay.". Bobby, "Cool, cause this shit is killing me!". Doc says, "Ah now, it's not the end of the world!". Bobby says, "Okay what ever doc"! Monday, Bobby's in the doctors office anxiously waiting to see the doctor. Finally, Bobby says, "Doc those pills didn't make my shit hard, made my junk hard for two days. I didn't know what to do, I took all of them in one day and shit my dick been hard ever since. Those pills work on your dick not your shit! I couldn't fuck my wife enough! Shit!!!". You could imagine how the doctor is feeling right about now!
  2. Wow, sounds like something BobBarker would ask his doctor, hum? Party like BobBarker
  3. Well now, you're going to have to party BobBarker style tonight, congrats!
  4. This type of thing first happened to me when my grandfather passed away. He came to me while I was sleeping at around 1:00 A.M. to tell me that he was sorry that he let my father get under his skin. At this point I had woken up, the experience continued with this comforting hug from him and some words of praise. I would say around 20 minutes after this experience the phone rang at the house. Soon afterwards my mother came into my room. Before she said anything, with my deepest sorrow I told her that grampy died. She gently told me, with tears, that he had died from a heart attack. I told her what he had said to me! My mother was not surprised by this what so ever. If is wasn't my grandfather, I would had freaked out, I was 13 years-old at the time. I still can't talk about what happened before, during and after the experiences surrounding my first wife Valerie. Amazing stuff!
  5. Happy birthday frags! If you party, you party like BobBarker! If you don't know what that means, ask anyone?
  6. Hey Jacko, now we can found out what you're really like! Welcome to the forums!
  7. If you're going to party today, you party BobBarker style!
  8. You party like BobBarker now good buddy!
  9. No f'ing way, you beat bubbles! Congrats!
  10. I like my pee-shooter the most. It is without a doubt the most accurate thing I shoot each day! My wife would argue differently?
  11. LIttleOldMan, you'er killing me man! Shit! SOB, get well, not good!
  12. Is this like a canibas thing, or you having like too much party like BobBarker syndrome? If so, that shit is crazy!
  13. Once I changed my name to MrBubbles, everyone stopped accusing me of hacking too! Maybe you should change your name to say, "hmm... I know, whimpy!", yes that will do! Otherwise, party like BobBarker!
  14. Fuck me man! Shit! I can't stop laughing! shit
  15. If you decide to party like BobBarker, make sure you wear a full body condum!
  16. On this day moonpie, party like no other than BobBarker!
  17. I hope that is a golf bag with an ice cooler in it, filled with a 12 pak. She's got to get use to carrying a heavy kid too, right? Party like BobBarker!
  18. Oh my, more meat for the pile! Remember to always party BobBarker style! Welcome aboard!
  19. You need to party like BobBarker tonight! Welcome aboard!
  20. They have basically little-mans disease, which isn't true, however, it is much the same type of thing. They need to be the best at something, the little-man disease is really driven by laziness/ low-self-esteem. The desire is the same just not driven in the same manner. Thank God for PunkBuser! Party like BobBarker! I don't care how I die! I do prefer you blow bubbles!
  21. We use to have Hughes.net up in our place in BigBear, CA. Surfing the web is horrible slow let alone attempting to play a game. Not once was I able to get into a game. I understand completely!
  22. The skipping player, can be a user with shit for graphics, say a laptop. I won't use any names, BobBarker for instance. Can appear to have a great connection to the server, packet exchange is held up not by network traffic, rather by the lag the player experiences due to slow processor and graphics card. That player rarely has a high score, I'm sure that BobBarker can contest to this fact! He blows bubbles more than anyone! The best all around solution to such players that seem invincible, is a very fast connection to the internet and a decent gaming rig. Otherwise, do as you do best, knife the fuckers or blow the hell out of them as BobBarker does! I mean shit, he really blows bubbles more than anyone I know!
  23. Dean, what you're saying is very possible. I've written software in the past that can do such a thing utilizing sockets. The software was developed for two real world business applications, not for hacking. However, one side effect was that the software can be used to throttle down a connection, perfectly. Most connections that users posses that are high, say 200 and above, their over flow rate to and from the server, seen through the lago-o-meter, usually is choppy, not smooth. You can see this while spectating a user while the lago-meter is present. Does this mean the person is cheating? No, however, an admin then could check to see if someone say living 12 miles from Bubbles with the same ISP would be experiencing such hike in connection speed. Still doesn't mean that they are cheating! The factors determining whether someone is cheating in this fashion, in my opinion is unmanageable. I know of players that only play on servers that gives them the high ping, that's not cheating! To me this issue is no different than the super-scrollers!
  24. Sounds like a walk I had with the wife and dogs a few years back. While we were waiting for one of our dogs to finish up with it's business. I noticed that there was shit about 18 inches from our dog doing it's biz. I offered to pick it up so that my wife wouldn't accidentally step in it. That back fired big time. When I went to go pick it up, I slipped, lost my balance, landed hand first into this mega pile of dog-shit. The dog shit acted like lubricant. When my hand landed in it, I then began to slide and the shit rolled from my hand, onto my arm and then under my side. I'm not done, it was raining, I was on a hill. Fucking Bernese mountain dogs love shitting on hills. Go figure! The shit doh pile that ran down my side made it all the way to my knees. We all have bad days, some shittier than others man! Hope the story helps!
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