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Everything posted by TheHammer

  1. Hey storm nice AXE !!! you sound great !!!! now if you could just be johnny dos es neighbor you could rock him out i know you both live in Canada !!!!
  2. yes me too !!! he would give you the shirt of his back if you needed it !!!!!
  3. Yes i Liked his wit too . i like to read his stories, i think he a very smart guy !!!!!! he might have worked in area 51 with bob lazar !!!!!
  4. I miss the Hxtr on the web sight ..Anyone know what happened to him thanks !!!!
  5. Hi twit try turning of your lag switch!!!!!! uh ha uh ha uh ha !!!!!!!!
  6. here's your clue https://www.google.com/search?q=wernher+von+braun+tombstone&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS843US843&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=h37nRYbxc0qUgM%3A%2CU_iXK2ba2il5IM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kReq8pzkiGBrR5-aILJ6YZ55567Ww&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl5Y62q_XjAhVyg-AKHQj6DFkQ9QEwB3oECAMQEg#imgrc=h37nRYbxc0qUgM:
  7. TheHammer


    Mule just take it one day at a time buddy and god bless you !!!!!!
  8. nothing leaves the fermament ---- God Bless you all !!!!!!!
  9. maybe stop downloading that miget porn !!! that might work !!!!
  10. power when you get it fix get some real bullits :)
  11. ya look at this !!!!!! all a joke https://forfun.com/Nhz6
  12. too many martini Fridays johnny !!!!! now I hope all is well.... god bless you.. your in our prayers
  13. just turn on punkbuster like gator girl said along time ago and see who is left playing ..
  14. omg the drama (the earth is flat ))) !!!!!! we have never gone into space!!!!!!! no sattleights what so ever are up there !!!!! god bless you all :) ----
  15. I know one thing. !!! from now on when I book a flight im checking the plane specs ---no 737 max 8 ----- ill stick with jet blues fleet !!!!!!
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