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Everything posted by TheLastColdBeer

  1. 10-4 to Harry's comment. When my brother moved out to go to college, that was it. When I moved out, you're welcome to visit anytime, but you sink or swim on your own. Wasn't any safety net provided or mentioned.
  2. kleinehexe haha...he have tomorow bday.....wrong time..lol....:-) ahhhhhh, then he can remain young for one more day...... Doesn't this birthday end in a "0"? Oh my, oh dear..........
  3. Well, well. Another Birthday. Hope you have a grand day & enjoy yourself! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
  4. hxtr How do you know when you are a post whore... .when you answer to Pete........ that fucking fucker.......... love you Pete. NEVER consider answering Hxtr to be a whore.
  5. Lol, sure you aren't enjoying her birthday right along with her? Best wishes and cherish every moment .
  6. Happy Birthday Snafu! Haven't had a taste of your RPG lately. Where ya been dude? Enjoy your day!
  7. Happy Birthday Hogan, enjoy every minute!
  8. South Carolina!?! Lori & I cruised through there a couple of months ago coming back from Savannah. Gads....the thought I might have brushed up against Burnin & Bama. Narrowest of escapes. Think we'll pour a drink and toast our fortune.
  9. Ahhhhh, WTF. One more post makes me half-a-whore. Might as well be on Hxtr's time.
  10. I was gonna mention Xfire, but this thread fell apart so fast it didn't seem necessary. Can't we all agree Hxtr needs help? Maybe an itunes enema...........Oh shit! It's impossible to be serious or mature about anything around here .
  11. Congratulations Maximus! Welcome to XI and wear those tags proudly. See you on the servers!
  12. Does this mean you're a full-time Bama? BTW how did you survive the latest batch of tornadoes?
  13. Oh Harry, our media has long since forgotten about facts. It's about opinions, and how YOU should think. I've had the opportunity the last few days to check out daily news. About 2 minutes in the morning is all you need. You got ALL the facts for the day. The rest is a collage of crap continuously repeated ad nauseum all day. BTW, does your pet guillotine have a name? Gigi? Franci? Michelle? Just curious mind you............
  14. Harry is Quebecois........well doesn't that just fit. Should've known. Bet he has a Guillotine under wraps in the back yard.
  15. Happy Birthday Gentlemen! Thanks for taking the time to play with all us Idiots!
  16. Oh 3rd......you've stirred that pot right off the stove. Sure you aren't bucking for post whore-dom? Couldn't have picked a better topic (other than boobs) for shaking up a bee hive.
  17. 10-4 to that! Thank you everyone that keeps this creaky ship afloat!
  18. Oh dear, I didn't expect this to turn into a rant..........ahhh, who am I kidding . BTW, dislocated my shoulder Monday. Trip to emergency room and my first taste of narcotic painkillers. Whoa......that's a buzz that'll take getting used to. Definitely puts a different spin on things.
  19. No comments on Obama's speech yet? OK, I'll start. I really wish he would get a different speech writer & lose the pauses for effect. That is sooooooo Captain Kirk. My efforts.........for our continued prosperity...........lie in the direction.........of a united house and senate...........What a pile of boiler plate tripe. Heard it before, puts me to sleep. I will agree our tax system needs an overhaul, but increased income was never our government's problem. Galactically insane spending is. I didn't hear any proposal for spending reduction that sounded feasible. Guess that's not important.
  20. Shamu You know what? I think, much to my regret, Sandusky will plea bargain and get off with what amounts to a slap on the wrist. That's not where he needs slapping. Maybe a good REMOVAL would curb his urges. What say Nuttcutter? Looking for work?
  21. Yeah, it's a shame. Too bad Joe turned a blind eye, doing the RIGHT thing is always better than doing nothing. When you wear the hat, you're responsible for everything on your watch. Whiteboy, your avatar is a distraction.......
  22. Congrat's Ma'am. That's quite the extended family for someone so young.
  23. That's the Toot I know, very diplomatic.
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