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Everything posted by MtDeW

  1. Just what >XI< needs is more Pian! Welcome they need the Pain
  2. it depends on what you are hunting? quail or moose or cans?
  4. i am in Port Saint Lucie, Fl that is what it was at 2 pm today $3.49
  5. that is over $6.34 a gallon! ouch! it is $3.49 a gallon in south Fl.
  6. https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Kraken-Tournament-Gel-Infused-Cushions/dp/B07G5FQMJ8?keywords=Razer%2BKraken%2BTournament%2BEdition%2BTHX%2Bheadphones&qid=1637832229&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=headphones29-20&linkId=351a41de8c7857d27765a3993ea0be81&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl&th=1
  7. @Timmah! take that as a true threat to a good time!
  8. MtDeW

    Sax here

    i hope his first name is not ball welcome to the troll house @Sax
  9. ifn it aint maken you sweat? it aint hot enough!
  10. that is glass NOT acrylic me thinks
  11. now get a dab bowl and do a good rip for me my bong is yellow and green and red speckled shaped like a genie bottle and it is only 56 years old now
  12. MtDeW


    have you tried to add the servers back manually?
  13. that is funny i was thinking the same thing but if you suck up to @Joe Canadian he might let you do the filming or directing!
  14. get a usb long range wifi antenna like me! https://store.rokland.com/products/copy-of-alfa-ubdo-nt8-outdoor-wi-fi-usb-kit-12-dbi-antenna?variant=39314929481&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAxc6PBhCEARIsAH8Hff3G-Z9IpqE5zWXOrxLeWVCBPgoJi1ENdK2tw6lPKMJRE1IhdE-Hbz0aAp7fEALw_wcB works great
  15. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/specialofferssd240inf.aspx?referaldomain=youtube.com&web=EMAIL OPT IN - DLA_INFLUENCER_MooresLawIsDead_01212022&utm_campaign=MooresLawIsDead_01212022&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=referral
  16. the pig behind the mask! i just knew he was on the dark side
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