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Everything posted by Sitting-Duc

  1. I haven't the time anymore to dedicate to the website (haven't in a while) and it is a disservice to XI for it to stay unchanging. Hopefully brining Totty on will bring some change and life into the forums and add some improvements over time. I will continue to be involved but taking more of a back seat and focus on the infrastructure and Portal. Will surely break stuff though
  2. Sitting-Duc


    Ticket has been raised with TeamSpeak
  3. The GameTracker website has been messed up lately; it's been unreliable serving the images for the servers list and some of the blocks appear to have been rate limit related. Ended up putting in a 'middleman' cache to stop it slowing this website. Duc
  4. Congratulations! was this doing the exam or are you joining the cult?
  5. Sitting-Duc


    I was going to remove the stats as multiple months went by without anyone visiting the site - it's a load of work to keep it going as it is legacy, especially as there is an extreme minority that use them.
  6. The temptation to edit it down to 2999 is strong...
  7. The timeout is 15mins, no persistence or refresh. This was knocked together in 3~ hours or so and I am now away from home so can't update it #sorry.. Just answer quickly or note your answers
  8. I'm in @Olive may not be though which is sad. But I will be travelling with him the month before so still happy!
  9. I thought this was going to be a car rental joke.. disappointing..
  10. Looks like it was deleted - he found the server in the end though so happy end to the story...
  11. We cannot give you any help with this as it's not our server..
  12. I think you have already said in the chat that this was a "death-inc" clan server.. so I would suggest you appeal to them not us.
  13. He asked for his profile/account to be deleted
  14. Sitting-Duc

    Win 11

    I have been using Win 11 since insider beta and haven't had any major issues - have now pushed out to my work/personal devices. No major changes to usability for me. Have got an annoying Intune issue where the device is partially enrolled.
  15. Are we using the same definition of 'censor'? I for one will never be part of a community that does not censor threats against people or content such as racism, child abuse, physical harm, personal safety, terrorism and many many others. Go to the dark web if you don't want censorship. But alas, this diverges us from the original topic which is around censorship of questionable or objectionable material is it not? it is not a straightforward topic to be driven by a set of predetermined rules and is by nature subjective.
  16. Nope not a politician Yes being in XI has been on my resume (curriculum vitae over here) - it has surprisingly helped me accelerate my career. But, check above - I posted twice. Once with a longer 'non-politician' response.
  17. Just to clarify. Yes - part of the moderation of this forum is censorship. We censor certain topics to sections of the forum e.g. politics/nudity. We censor illegal content (yes it gets posted). We censor inflammatory and racist remarks. To think we do not censor is not correct. You can of course disagree with me saying that I believe in "some aspect of" freedom of speech - comical but go for it. Yes I am at fault - my actions are mine. You forget that this community has been built upon the personal feelings and beliefs of many members including my own. And that is how many communities are made and torn down by the alignment and misalignment of those beliefs with others. I am happy where I live thanks The mistake that I consider I have made is posting on the topic after locking, what I said didn't need to be said. I don't believe it was a mistake to lock it though. I have made many worse mistakes in this community.
  18. I wrote out several responses to this post, but deleted most. It's hard to answer some of your questions but I will try and be honest. I felt free to lock your thread on the technicality that people had got to the point of 'personal attacks' and multiple 'reports'. Personally I would have liked to delete it - but ya know.. I do believe in some aspect of "freedom of speech". You wonder why I let the 'Mandated' one go? I hadn't read it until 12/10 12:30 my time when Rugger asked our thoughts on it. At that point my response was it was utter bullshit, the thread and content annoys me and some other expletives. However it was not yet a "real problem" so suggested leave as is. I have not read it since as I know the content will annoy me. So yes that is 'why' I have let it go, other seniors are aware and can step in when they feel the time is right. I also see people in the forums saying stupid shit and think very much differently about them. It's fair to not visit the forums, sad but makes sense. I also haven't been visiting the forums as much as I used to due to these types of topics. Anyway - hope that helps you understand. You probably won't agree and will find fault. But that's life - full of fault.
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