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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Sorry to hear about the nightmare Nick. Thanks for the info. One of us should start a post on the places to go and make up some kind of guide depending on where and what country your traveling to.
  2. Awsome story Title. Kids are awsome and its the little things like that story that are priceless.
  3. RIP Another rock Metal legend that will be missed.
  4. I haven't been able to play much myself in awhile. She is always fun to play with. I do miss hearing dammit Hoth!
  5. My favorite all female metal band. They have went through some member changes over the years but they are still kicking arse! ">
  6. Unexist First, the only and most important quenstion... IF it has multiplayer option... will it have dedicated servers? First and only question I have as well. :]
  7. Just do a google search on the model# you have and you should see some screenshots for it.
  8. Heres the deal. I've been building pcs and screwing with hardware,software since 95. Unless your my mom, my wife, my signifigant other or my children you are getting charged. Make them have the donation up front. Say x amount minimum. After looking at the pc estimate what its going to take to get it running correctly. It may be a 5 minute piece of cake(rare)or say it will cost you x amount as you will be spending way to much time fixing the 3 viruses they picked up fron the torrent site they were on. Early on I worked on peoples pc for nothing and it was a great learning tool. After that my time became more valuable to me. It became even more scarce when I started my family. I've been working for a isp the last 10 years. So playing with pc hardware or software is about the last thing I want to do when I get home. Headshooting someone thats a different story if my eyes aren't shot from looking at a monitor all day. Bottom line your time is valuable don't let people take advantage of that. If you have that drive to learn that it seems you do from the post I suggest you get into network engineering, network administration,network security or voip services. Thats where job security and the money is at. If your not in that field already. Just some advice from a computer geek who pays his bills with his geekiness.
  9. Happy birthday all! Is it true Crack is 97 years old?
  10. Sure he can join. :] Will his game name be The_Trooper ?
  11. All good I should get the configs to you tomorrow. What do you want the timelimits set to?
  12. The issue seemed to be gone today. Not sure if someone made the config change or not? Any feedback from an admin would be good.
  13. Playing on the server today I noticed there was a delay in drawing your gun up after sprinting or throwing a grenade. I'm pretty sure this is a option in the server config that I will find where its at. Unless this was put on accidentally its a terrible idea. Someone who sprints alot like myself it really slows down the game. Also screws pushing people where I want into my shot path with grenades. The whole reason I enjoy the mod is because of the speed. If I wanted to take my time I would play some version of the stock game. There also quite a few small things that need cleaned up on the ctf server that I will put on another post.
  14. The map Ted refered to with the moon surface is pretty good as a custom.
  15. Bart Title does have decent reflexes for being a senior citizen. Its cool the home he is in lets him play! Happy birthday guys!
  16. I have seen both bands multiple times live. Both put on great shows. Both bands are excellent. Many times I listened to either band while working out. I used to listen to them at Paintball tournements back when I played in the 90s to stay focused and juiced up. Now I listen to them before or during Cod games of course. Bud I'll look through and post some more of my pics of taken of them in concert. Heres one from 11-18-09 in Columbus. Right now Megadeth is doing a show playing the entire(my favorite Album) Rust in Peace album. I missed the Indianapolis show(2 hrs from me) Thinking about taking a road trip to see the show somewhere. There is nothing like seeing a great band in a smaller venue in my opinion.
  17. I voted. XI will help win this for her I hope. She deserves it!
  18. Looks good. Always good to have fresh maps. We have some good map makers in this clan. Be sure to have my picture or name inscribed in a tomb somewhere :]
  19. My name original Cod2 name was HothNaThong This was a inside joke at work. I used it for a laugh and and I played cod2 to relax. I started playing on the XI servers on 3rd shift over 3 years ago. It was later shortened to Hoth which most of you know me by now. I still get people asking me if I'm female from time to time lol. I've been playing fps since 95. I started with Doom,Doom 2,Rott,Duke Nukem 3d. I later moved on to my crack addiction of Quake. I originally played under X-racer in alot of tournaments (lan&online) and leagues mostly of 1v1 format. Quake 1/Quakeworld (alot of time),Quake II(not as much),Quake III (way to much time :] )Now I play some Quake Live. www.quakelive.com for those of you that don't know is a free download alot like Quake III and is alot of fun. It's simple fast and really helps your aim. I have found nothing that challenges you mentally more than a 1v1 match. My Quake name evolved from X-racer to now X5. If any of you play quake live search for me to add as a friend under the name X5. That name came from paintball tournament days. We played in alot of 5 man tournaments. Our frag count was X then the number eliminated. X1,X2 etc... X5 meaning game OVER! I also played alot of Dungeons and Dragons when I was younger. shhh....
  20. Hoth LittleTooT Thank you my dear, I could never find it, lol. Big TooT is my best friend he's an Admin on the [TYA] Clan.That is the rest of the story. Get with me Toot I can tell you a few easy ways to transfer it from tape to the pc. I didn't see Shadow Lady already found it on youtube. Click on this link and you will be able to download mp4 of the song. Now you have it digitally! http://keepvid.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dg3aCbmck2Co
  21. LittleTooT Thank you my dear, I could never find it, lol. Big TooT is my best friend he's an Admin on the [TYA] Clan.That is the rest of the story. Get with me Toot I can tell you a few easy ways to transfer it from tape to the pc.
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