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Everything posted by NightmareXI

  1. go for a G 700 of Logitech u can use it both ways ...wired and wireless decide for yourself whats better I am using it for a few weeks now and I dont think there is lot of a difference but I am just an idiot LOL
  2. hate to see you go..... but sometimes life changes maybe think about keeping your tags like Ray said take care and best of luck
  3. LOL same here.... would be nice to see both....original poster and which forum it is... if this is possible
  4. NightmareXI kkillll und wie meinst du das eine einladung von einem adm ich dachte es reicht wenn man eine appl. schickt und dann wird entschieden nein nur ne app schicken reicht nicht.... wenn ein Admin meint du solltest ein Member werden schickt er dir eine App die du ausfüllen musst... dann wird entschieden.... he was wrong with the way apps are handled here at XI he thought he can write an app and it will be discussed sorry I missed to translate it...I am an idiot
  5. kkillll und wie meinst du das eine einladung von einem adm ich dachte es reicht wenn man eine appl. schickt und dann wird entschieden nein nur ne app schicken reicht nicht.... wenn ein Admin meint du solltest ein Member werden schickt er dir eine App die du ausfüllen musst... dann wird entschieden....
  6. I am running two of them with 6970 bios in CF with an i5 750 @ 4 Ghz great cards
  7. hey KKILLLL.... Du kannst nur von einem Admin eine Einladung übermittelt bekommen... aber das weisst Du bestimmt? mach Dir mal keine Sorgen wegen deinem Englisch LOL zur Not kann ich Dir da bestimmt ein bißchen helfen hau mich morgen einfach mal auf Xfire an und wir reden darüber...heute muss ich leider noch zur Arbeit invite is by admin only but for sure you know that already dont worry about your english I am here to help you out hit me up on xfire tomorrow and we will talk a bit...today I have to go to work sorry regards
  8. good job ...... welcome to the club of double whores
  9. WiZiD Is there any idea on a date yet???? Ray suggested 11/11 I think
  10. looks like you will be back soon
  11. bumpedy bump still any participants who are interested?
  12. wish you all the best buddy...
  13. hope you get your things sorted soon.... take care
  14. very very nice... really enjoyed it thanks for sharing
  15. CplMOFO 8000pts is pretty darn good Sun! Your 6870s are even with my 560Tis pretty much.... 8000?LOL dont listen to me....its a really good score with 2 x 6870 in CF ...
  16. Labob Really is it worth al that work for .8 of a gig of ram ? Don't worry about till next time you need to do ao reinstall. good question Labob LOL I know I am almost running out of memory sometimes with 8GB using Adobe After Effects and Photoshop at the same time and next time I will upgrade to 16 GB of Ram for sure but that wont happen while you are just gaming or doing common things with your PC oh the other side it might be nice if you paid for 8GB to work with 8GB your turn Baldie... LOL
  17. you have a 32-bit operating system you need x64 because the 32 bit sys cannot adress all of your new memory (:
  18. Cavey Sorry for bringing up an old topic, but I have finally finshed this website for wickedwelk's mother, who I may add is a lovely lady, and it has been a pleasure to help out. Sorry this isn't meant to be advertising, but to show the work I've done. It's my first ecommerce website, but I'm very proud of it, using the technologies (SSL encryption for secure payment). Let me know what you think www.vintagehomestyle.co.uk looks good to me m8
  19. Sonovabich Yeah Nightmare but i mean if i buy a new video card i might need more power, where can i find that info when i am looking at buying cards, i got caught out with that last time, anyone know? use any psu calculator... here is one http://extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp but like they stated on this page: The recommended total Power Supply Wattage gives you a general idea on what to look for BUT it is NOT a crucial factor in power supply selection! Total Amperage Available on the +12V Rail(s) is the most important this info can be found at reviews or tests of the cards I think the easiest way is to ask our PC gurus here to be sure....LOL and we have a lot of them ...you know that
  20. Sonovabich my power supply is 750u i just upgraded that with this card i hope i won't need any more power....bugger it I am running 2x 6950 2 GB upgraded to 6970 in Crossfire with an 850 watts psu you should be fine with your psu
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