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Everything posted by LandShark

  1. California. It surprised me since I'm an old beach bum and surfer when I can be. Just got to surf in St. Augustine on the 29th of September, where I truly was the oldest surfer on the beach. It's all good though, when my brother tried to talk crap, a couple locals tossed him a board. When he wouldn't paddle out, they told him to shut up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RjGqyx2x9I Land Shark
  2. Please watch the attached video concerning how to overcome game frustration. It works for Landsharks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnDxPG3KrtA Land Shark
  3. World government through the United Nations is a serious threat to the freedom of all Americans, and freedom loving people everywhere. Imagine being held prisoner in a foreign land and tried in an international court with judges from such countries as Afghanistan, China, or Iraq. The United Nations (financed by American taxpayers!) has long been a safe harbor for terrorist and oppressive regimes which target America as the enemy. Even more alarming, the United Nations is beginning to take aim at the God-given rights enjoyed by Americans and other free countries. The right to self defense, the right to keep and bear arms and cultural traditions such as this one. NO ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT! NO UN!
  4. I have to agree with Hijack. I think the speed is fun. I also must agree that Larsin should be immediately slowed down to half speed, and his body armor hack removed.
  5. Scary. Over half the audience? Wow!
  6. Our prayers are with you. I dealt with this on July 18th, 2012. Peace to you and your family. Numbers 6: 24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Land Shark and Family
  7. EMP, no question, will play in any serious conflict. I'm not anti-technology, I'm anti FOOLISHLY becoming so dependent on it that we no longer have basic infantry and combat skills, something I do know a little about. "SORRY SIR! We can't fight because we lost our GPS. Hopefully the gas station will have a map."
  8. Just think of the next war. I work with the Army and am a veteran. Take away the electronics, and suddenly our guys can't move, shoot or communicate. Technology has some great purposes, but it will never replace good, old-fashioned, military training. America needs to be wise enough to see that in all things, fundamentals are key. They don't even qualify with grenades anymore.
  9. We have an "Open Carry" law here, just for people like this. Nothing justifies a group of people beating up on one guy. What a shame about forty bystanders didn't get involved.
  10. The Landshark crew is praying for you and your family. May God give you all peace. Gary
  11. Many cultures believe such things. Check Hawaiian beliefs on Aumakua. As for me, I have experienced it twice in my life. I won't bore you with the details of the first, but the second time was on July 18th, 2012 around 2:30AM. My wife and I were sleeping when I heard my Mom's voice say "Gary, Honey, wake up." Thinking it was a pleasant dream, and in no way was her voice scary, I went back to sleep until I heard the voice again. I lifted my head, turned it towards our bathroom door, and there she was. She was not the mother I had just seen in the hospital a few weeks earlier, she was my Mom, standing straight and smiling. She gave me that tender look she always had and said, "Gary, it's okay, don't be afraid". Still clearing my eyes, and thinking I'd eaten too much pizza the night before, I closed them and opened them again and she was still there. "I love you." She said and was gone. Let me say that I am a firm believer in God, and Jesus Christ. I believe God, to comfort us both, allowed us to see each other again. The phone call at 6:00 AM was no surprise, nor was I surprised when I was told she'd died that night. What did surprise me was her time of death, 2:34 AM. Be clear, we are not to seek out the dead: · Leviticus 20:6, 27: Leviticus points out that God turns his back upon any person who , “prostitutes himself” (cf v 5) by pursuing communication with , “ghosts”, and , “departed spirits” (Lv 19:31). Just remember the bible also says: "With God, All Things Are Possible." MATT 19:26 and MARK 10:27. While clearly, we do not worship the dead, (however according to records my Mom was not dead when she visited me), I do think that God surpasses our understanding and His Word says: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." IS 55:8-9. FINS UP! Land Shark
  12. A little boy and his mother were walking through a graveyard to visit the child's grandfather, when they passed by a headstone which read "Here Lies an Alabama Fan and a Good Man". The boy looked up at his mother and asked "Why did they bury two men in this grave?"
  13. I was in New Zealand a few years ago and snapped this picture. I was told that Shaun Connery had visited the same village 50 years earlier.
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