Heading to England again in May. The last couple of times I've been I've had clan members hoping to meet up so this time I thought I would post my trip schedule so if we are near any members that want to meet up, just let me know. I'm on facebook (Chris Harker) and the best way to get me whilst there is on facebook messenger. Schedule as follows:
1) May 13th (land in Gatwick) 3 nights in Bath
2) May 16th and 17th Scarborough
3) May 18th and 19th York
4) May 20th and 21st Sheffield (have an apartment 1 block from City Hall)
5) May 22nd Gainsborough (My cousin's house and my wife's birthday so likely busy)
6) May 23rd Ely (in Cambridgeshire)
7) May 24th, 25th, 26th London (Bank District)
May 27th is the return flight from Gatwick.
Somebody said Rugger is coming too sometime....oh my...