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++ COD4 Admin
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. My story started when I was born...
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. So sorry pal.
  4. So sorry pal. I have no words.
  5. My best thoughts to you and your family pal.
  6. Heading to England again in May. The last couple of times I've been I've had clan members hoping to meet up so this time I thought I would post my trip schedule so if we are near any members that want to meet up, just let me know. I'm on facebook (Chris Harker) and the best way to get me whilst there is on facebook messenger. Schedule as follows: 1) May 13th (land in Gatwick) 3 nights in Bath 2) May 16th and 17th Scarborough 3) May 18th and 19th York 4) May 20th and 21st Sheffield (have an apartment 1 block from City Hall) 5) May 22nd Gainsborough (My cousin's house and my wife's birthday so likely busy) 6) May 23rd Ely (in Cambridgeshire) 7) May 24th, 25th, 26th London (Bank District) May 27th is the return flight from Gatwick. Somebody said Rugger is coming too sometime....oh my...
  7. Good on pancakes!
  8. Welcome to the family!
  9. We were in Lincoln just outside of the castle at the top of Steep Hill.
  10. I temp banned a player for this a couple of months ago. You're welcome. Making 2025 dreams come true already!!!
  11. There was much talk of the Muffin Man in the server today. I had the opportunity to visit his home this past summer... AQPV2DsJP_lrdhIFR9yZ_P43doD6a2gWTLsbuSevuta43SbvJdy9GCe3t4UCgc3qw2Zvcimn5A7LY1GoGhxSMdH3 (1).mp4
  12. Congrats pal!
  13. Rest in peace...
  14. Passe une beau sejour!
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. It is horrible! One of the worst things I've experienced. Been cross contaminated a couple of times since. At least it's over!
  17. Rest in peace.
  18. Welcome to the family. Hopefully you play better than your dad
  19. Welcome to the family!
  20. I'm glad it wasn't worse for you. I really hope it heals quickly and there is no further damage! Your gameplay sucks so there will be no difference there Seriously, take good care!!!
  21. Welcome to the family!
  22. Welcome to the family!
  23. Welcome! Don't forget you have to sleep with Wildthing as part of your initiation!
  24. Rest in peace
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