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Bamm last won the day on November 21 2022

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About Bamm

  • Birthday 07/04/1995

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    The Netherlands

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  1. We have plenty of people on SSRI's and have had no school shootings ever. This is our list of Mass shootings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_shootings_in_the_Netherlands For the people who don't want to click.. there have been three total. Granted two have been in cities where I lived at the time, so maybe it has something to do with me instead
  2. Thanks! And I just found this on the web to also make the font smaller: cg_chatheight 0-8. 8 is default 0 is off 4 is half
  3. There's something wrong with that last game. Check it yourself. Last game compared with a random game in the middle.. I can barely even see the name of who you killed or got killed by in that last game. Such a difference with the earlier ones
  4. How is the image quality of that last SO freaking bad?? I wanted to see myself play And unrelated questions, how did you get the chat font smaller and keep the chat messages so long on the screen? I can have at most 3 people say something and it bumps the rest of chat off, plus it disappears quite quick anyways. Is that a normal option in settings or did you do something in the console?
  5. Having to worry in such a big way over stupid money and your home on top of all the worries over your health.. that's so bad. I guess I can say I know some of how it feels, but in a light version. You want to focus on your health only, on staying alive, recovering, but you can't because of bills. I wish I could do anything for you in that regard. Still hoping for a good recovery for you and that the attacks stop coming..
  6. Bamm


    Elephants think babies are cute. Their brain responds to seeing human babies in the same way as our brains respond when they see puppies or something similar.
  7. Quite a surgery to recover from I guess, but great news!
  8. I figured I would check quickly, but I can only find the normal version in the Netherlands. @Cheyenne @Kisses4You can you find some in Germany?
  9. I had so hoped you guys would get better news than this, this is just awful.. And I am hoping you can find a place where you yourself can be the one who is unsure, sad, maybe angry or whatever emotion might lead at that moment. If we can have a place in that, I'm sure all of us would want to give that space. For now, I'm thinking of you guys and hoping for good following up results in all this uncertainty
  10. Bamm


    You can live without a stomach Seahorses and platypuses don't have stomachs either No stomach, no problem ^^
  11. Bamm


    The wandering albatross can travel 10,000 miles (16,090 kilometers) without flapping its wings even once. Common Swifts can stay in the air for 10 months without stopping.
  12. Bamm


    Ants take 250 naps a day of a little over a minute
  13. I'll add this one: I'm too sexy for my cat.. poor pussy..
  14. I can only say this from the other side, while there may be patients that will be a pain in the ass, there will be others who will be forever grateful to you. When I was in the hospital, I got a whole lot of respect and love for the nurses (and I started to dislike the doctors a bit who just barged in with advice and where gone again). I'll always remember them, because they were people who were there for me and stood up for me in some really hard days.
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