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Posts posted by USAFVetCruz

  1. Hello, i recently set my computer back to its factory settings which includes wiping out all files and folders. I tried to re-install CoD WAW with a valid key however installation stops after a few moments and then I  get an error  message-----------Data error (cyclic redundancy check).   After that the next message states--------Error 1603 Fatal error during installation. Consult windows installer help (Msi.chm) or MSDN for more information. I have went to installer help and have got no where as the error code 1603 is a general code covering many possibilities. SOMEONE HELP ME GET WAW INSTALLED AGAIN. Ahem, excuse me for that example of pure frustration. Its been almost 2 weeks since I have played freeze-tag and I am starting to get withdrawels  

  2. The planes crashed into the towers with 1000's of gallons of aviation fuel which super heated the joists supporting one of the top floors weakening it to the point at which they gave way. All the weight of the entire floor crashed onto the floor below it which was not designed to hold double the weight which in turn created a domino effect where as each floor crashed onto the next and next and so on. That is why you hear a clack-clack-clack as each floor crashed onto the next. The design of the twin towers was an ecto-skeleton design where the support for the structure was supported by the outside skeleton and each floor was supported by huge joists that were not designed to withstand 2000 degree heat. Had the towers been designed the traditional way, where as the structure was internally supported by steel beams, they would not have come down. To suggest that a conspiracy was behind the 911 attacks would mean that all the people involved in this conspiracy would have to keep quiet and be extremely motivated. I don't believe that our government is evil enough to kill thousands of its own citizens in order to achieve something. If the U.S. government feels strongly enough about something, it does it. It doesnt need to stage attacks the size of 911 on its own citizens in order to achieve its agenda. Being an AirForce veteran I can tell you that the likely hood of a conspiracy with all the logistics involved and all the people needed to succeed without anyone saying anything and without anyone morally objecting to this evil deed is impossible.

  3.  I dont enjoy drama whatsoever. But I hate cheaters even more. I have been playing in the XI freezetag server for awhile now and I have become familiar with types of play. Hotrocket's play is right in-line with Devote-BBQ-Resident. Certain maps his play is abnormally high-scoring. Especially maps with brush, bushes, etc. There are very skilled players in freezetag that score the same or higher such as Viper, Terminator, etc.. however their kills and deaths are right in-line with normal play. Hotrockets kills and deaths are abnormal on certain maps. Just venting my opinion.

  4. I have been playing for awhile so i think i have a good feel for the gameplay in this server. Having said that, i feel something isnt right. I have no proof and I could be wrong, but if he is doing what the resident was doing with the graphics, then it is impossible to get video of his play. Hopefully if something isnt right then punkbuster will get him like they got the resident. if i am wrong then i will apologize

  5.  I would just like to thank XI for providing the servers that I thoroughly  enjoy playing in nightly. Sure there are some things that happen in the servers that I don't agree with but seeing how this is  A GAME!!!!!! I don't let things like that bother me. What does bother/bewilders/makes me laugh is when men start acting like they dont have a pair. Once again, THANK YOU XI AND ALL THE ADMINS FOR PROVIDING A SERVER THAT I CAN I HAVE FUN AND BLOW OFF STEAM AT.

  6. if you go south of fort brag CA to irish beech I have fished there!but if you realy like surf fishing?nothing beats south FL!

    Florida has great surf fishing, I know this however I am 4000 plus miles away. Have you ever seen the River Monsters show they have on animal planet?  In one episode the guy is in Florida,  fishing a river where it meets the ocean and he hooks a monster 6 ft. grouper. It was impressive

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