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Posts posted by Senzei

  1. Thanks for info and reply, I do have other headphones but they are not comfy at all for long, the sxfi are very comfy and also sound is bloody good.I am using the usb 3 connection to use. I do have the soundblaster X7 UNIT (EXTERNAL) this has jacks but the headphones i use are usb, if you understand what I mean, I did have them running once no idea how, but cannot get them working now at all 🥲 at least you all wont have to listen to old senzei 🥋🥋🥋 voice.

    Thanks bud for the advice

  2. Now sadly your old senz does have a mic but unable to get this to work, not good, at 99.9 years old tech is not his best area🤔

    Running windows and have a  good powerful machine, but am totally unable to talk and getting any sort of movement on the mic side🤔

    I am using a SXFI gamer usb headset. can hear all but nothing happens with the mic

    any advice? ty all

  3. Hi all 

      I have not been able to get on line hardly at all for about 2 months now, if I ever do my ping is all over the place, totally unable to play😪 Sadly I have to use 4g here provided by the three network. Total crap as they have stuffed up the mask near me which supplies the signal 😪

    Hence if I ever get a decent signal then fire up, it lasts a minute or 2 then goes. Unable to stream movies/tv/games any sort of downloads. They are bloody useless and as for customer services that is a total joke. 
    At present there is no high speed fibre, only old fashion cooper 😪 Have unplugged re plugged , moved/ reset etc. Nothing Works. Hence why if I get on servers I have to leave.
    If three sorted out the mask then all could be fine maybe but, they do not give a (*hit)

    So sorry to all of you out there who miss their loving old Senzei😍 , he has not left so his deadly skills will return ASAP.

    1 Good bit of news fibre cables have been now laid around this area but told it will take several months to connect 😔
    So all stop 😭 Senzei Will be back :animier::animier::animier::yes


  4. Hi my lost family, little old senz here again .

    COD4 has been bad of late kept crashing on start up. So after some trying different things I uninstalled and then reinstalled it, but it does not like the server patch I have. :( says our server is a different version 1.7. Is 1.7 what i need I thought I had, if wrong can it be lowered 1.6 or raised if there is 1 ?? 

    Is also punkbuster needed as I thought that has ended???

    Does any of that make any sense ???

    Remember 99 years old so be nice 🙂

  5. thanks piglo, it is after many decades of waiting for the Message of Join us Old Senz (he waited and waited until Chris made all see the light)👀💡

    Hey presto He feels loved and wanted by thousands now.

    He can't wait for xmas invites , sleep overs , new year parties :clapping: No doubt his in box will be full. xxxx

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