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WookieSM got a reaction from GhostfaceJim in New ARK Server!
Crystal Isle is a nice map and also has some specific creatures for kibble you can't get anywhere else. Fjordur, Lost Island, and Ragnarok so many to choose from. 🥰
WookieSM got a reaction from jointz in Please Welcome MISERY To Our Clan
Welcome to the biggest Bunch of idiots you will ever meet, GUESS WHAT YOUR ONE 😂
WookieSM got a reaction from BlackRose in Name Change WSMFeak to WookieSM
I have changed my name from The WSMFreak to WookieSM,this has been carried out by ROCKAPE>XI<ADM at my request and all records have been updated.
WookieSM got a reaction from TBB in Name Change WSMFeak to WookieSM
I have changed my name from The WSMFreak to WookieSM,this has been carried out by ROCKAPE>XI<ADM at my request and all records have been updated.
WookieSM got a reaction from MtDeW in Update Nr.3 is online with a mouse bug
Thanks Woody i had the same issue.🤪
WookieSM reacted to Woody_Ger in Update Nr.3 is online with a mouse bug
today there is a new update for BF 2042. I load it and would play, but i can´t look left or right with my mouse.
Here you can fix it (found on reddit)
That's how I fixed it here
- Close the game.
- Open the ...\Documents\Battlefield 2042\settings\PROFSAVE_profile file
- Delete all lines starting with GstKeyBinding.infantry (should be the first 200 or something)
- Start the game
Here are the link to the original post.
I fix my game with this!
WookieSM got a reaction from JAYsus_NL in Battlefield 2042 Is In Top 10 Worst Reviewed Games On Steam
its ok, full of bugs but still fun to play.
WookieSM reacted to nosleep in Nosleep's work, for people who have been asking.
This is a few examples of some of the custom work we do.
Our bread n butter is industrial doors, roller shutters, fire/security doors and sectional doors. install, repair, maintenance and alterations. ... but thats boring!
We also do custom gates & fencing, window grills, garden items/arches, modification to any gates, barn doors, ornimental trinkets, candel holders, hanging baskets blah blah, anything basically.
and custom wood burners/BBQ's, bird baths all sorts. .. the goblet looking picture with gold handels is a 3 in 1 i made for my mother for her birthday last year. right way up its a bird bath or a garden fire pit, or a base for a bird bath basin to sit on... and upsidedown the scrolled handels create a spread base for more stability with a small bowl for a shallow bird bath or to take a larger bird bath basin. made from a gas bottle, 100mm steel tube and re-bar.
the novilty wood burners are made to order (although i can not claim any involvement in either the design or the fabrication of the wood burners/BBQ's, that all my boss's side project really)
find him here >METAL MEL< https://www.facebook.com/Metal-Mel-107306020987341/
the bobafet is a work in progress, buts its soooo sick i had to show it! he really is a god damn genius!
WookieSM reacted to Krackennutz in Footage
ok found this,uhmmm drive hovercraft up the outside of a building?? lol
WookieSM reacted to Majbasil in New Gameplay Footage
Preloaded......... I keep waiting for the email saying it is time to PLAY ...
WookieSM got a reaction from EDD THE DUCK in Battlefield 2042 Hazard Zone Trailer Premiere in t minus 47hrs
Tune in on October 14th to discover Battlefield™ Hazard Zone, an all-new high-stakes multiplayer experience.
WookieSM got a reaction from YACCster in BF2042 BETA Trailer and more details
BF2042 BETA 6-9th oct for pre order and 8-9 for Open to everyone
WookieSM got a reaction from Woody_Ger in BF2042 BETA Trailer and more details
BF2042 BETA 6-9th oct for pre order and 8-9 for Open to everyone
WookieSM reacted to Woody_Ger in System Requirements
I have it 😆
Core I7 8700K @5GHZ
Win10 64 bit
RTX 3070
and all watercooled
BF 2042 where you are - I am here. Come out and fight .....
WookieSM got a reaction from EDD THE DUCK in System Requirements
The official specs have not been released yet as far as i know but it says thist preaty much everywhere else
Here are the Battlefield 2042 System Requirements (Minimum)
CPU: Core i5 6600K / AMD FX-8350 or better RAM: 8 GB OS: 64-bit Windows 10 VIDEO CARD: 4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 560 PIXEL SHADER: 5.1 VERTEX SHADER: 5.1 DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 4096 MB Battlefield 2042 Recommended Requirements
CPU: Intel Core i7 4790 / AMD Ryzen 5 3600 or better RAM: 16 GB OS: 64-bit Windows 10 VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 or AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT PIXEL SHADER: 5.1 VERTEX SHADER: 5.1 DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 8 GB -
WookieSM got a reaction from Woody_Ger in OMG Dice !!!
You just knew it was going to happen, i was hoping they would get it right this time looks like there starting on the wrong foot again 😉
WookieSM got a reaction from Woody_Ger in Battlefield 2042 starts earlier
Thanks for the info Woody 😃
WookieSM reacted to Woody_Ger in Battlefield 2042 starts earlier
Battlefield 2042 starts earlier!
The "Battlefield 2042 - Beta will have two start dates:
Early Access: from September 4th - for all pre-orderers of “Battlefield 2042” as well as for EA-Play subscribers
Open Beta: from September 6th - for all players.
Preload appointment
The Battlefield 2042 preload will begin on October 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. German time.
Battlefield 2042 release date (Gold & Ultimate Edition)
Pre-orderers of the Battlefield 2042 Gold or Ultimate Version can start and play Battlefield 2042 for the first time on October 15, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. German time.
Battlefield 2042 release date (Standard Edition)
Pre-orderers of the Battlefield 2042 Standard Edition can start and play Battlefield 2042 for the first time on October 22, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. German time.
See you on Battlefield
WookieSM got a reaction from Woody_Ger in So how many pre ordered
Me i pre ordered the gold edition the second one at £80 on origin and am playing the techinacal play test right now 😝