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Everything posted by Smeggie

  1. We're missing you too, buddy. Get back here soon!
  2. Seems the snakes are finally out since the rain stopped and its finally warming up. I guess they were getting water logged.....interesting considering its a water snake
  3. Damn Virginia drivers! Oh wait....... Right on NJ, well done. Did this happen in TN? They should ban Virginian's from TN (everyone but me)...
  4. Was walking down the path in the woods behind my house today...and I had this creepy feeling I was being watched. My first thought was that Sally or Sephiroth were stalking me. But then, there it was..20 feet up, in a hole dug out of a true by..whatever. So I shot it.....with my camera.
  5. Smeggie


    Welcome CW4, enjoy playing with you!
  6. Excellent. This is one place I think I can actually kill him....
  7. Congrats, beautiful family.! Thank goodness he got his looks from his mommy.
  8. Windoze 10 professional 64 bit upgraded from windows 7. Not a single issue. Works great.
  9. Ayaq, Gonna miss you for sure. I hope your temporary relocation is the first step to better things in life. I will keep a 'nade' handy to welcome you back in style with (although the way I have been throwing them lately, I'll probably catch it myself) Don't be a stranger and shoot us a message from time to time. 'Til we frag again..... Be safe out there.
  10. A few random shots from my trip to the Florida Keys last week. I miss being there already....
  11. Glad you're okay. Sorry about the ride. Damn Canadian drivers!
  12. Welcome! Enjoyed playing with you last night.
  13. A man, feeling poorly, goes to his doctor for an examination. The doc performs lots of tests, takes blood and urine samples, etc. He sends the man home, and tells him to come back next week. At the next appointment, the man says, "So Doc, what's wrong with me?" "Well, I'm afraid it's not good: you've got HAGS." "HAGS? What the hell is HAGS?" The Dcotor says, its a combination of "Hepatitis, AIDS, Ghonorea, and Syphilis." "Oh no! What are we going to do?" The Doctore replies, "Well, first thing we've got to do is get you checked into the hospital. After that, we're going to put you on a diet of Flounder and pancakes." That sounds unusual, the man says, is it going to help? The Doctor replies, "Hell if I know, but it's the only thing that will fit under the door!"
  14. IT Engineer (Storage, Backup / Disaster Recovery)....volunteer Firefighter and professional photographer. Other than that....nothing.....
  15. A man walked into the produce section of his local supermarket, and asked to buy half a head of lettuce. The boy working in that department told him that they only sold whole heads of lettuce. The man was insistent that the boy ask his manager about the matter. Walking into the back room, the boy said to the manager, "Some asshole wants to buy half a head of lettuce." As he finished his sentence, he turned to find the man standing right behind him, so he added, "and this gentleman kindly offered to buy the other half." The manager approved the deal, and the man went on his way. Later the manager said to the boy, "I was impressed with the way you got yourself out of that situation earlier. We like people here who think on their feet. "Where are you from, son?" "Canada, sir," the boy replied. "Well, why did you leave Canada?", the manager asked. The boy said, "Sir, there's nothing but whores and hockey players up there." "Really?" said the manager. "My wife is from Canada." "No shit?" replied the boy. "Who'd she play for?"
  16. Took this picture of a Humpback Whale breaching on a whale watching trip out of Bar Harbor, ME a couple of years ago. Taken with a Canon 5D MK II and a Canon 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM.
  17. Very nice! Exposure is spot on! What gear did you use to take this?
  18. I don't have a problem with it. It's even stated that you might be kicked to make room for a clan member. I usually quit just the game and go play on another XI server until things clear up a little. There is plenty of fun times to have on another XI server IMHO
  19. I have vacationed a few times in Barrie and spent some time on Lake Simcoe. Are you in that area? I love it up there....
  20. Wild Orchid HDR - Key West, FL This orchid was growing wild out of a palm tree in Key West. I took three shots at different exposures and pulled together into an HDR.
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