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Everything posted by GorillaXI

  1. Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes. It was a good day.
  2. Didn't even realize you left.
  3. I find it hard to believe that there is an establishment that is not familiar with Barker.
  4. Not sure why I was singled out in one of his last posts? But I am sure he is in a better place now and my thoughts go out to his family.
  5. GorillaXI

    Kelly Hu3

    Me with Kelly Hu.
  6. WOW, is it that time of the year again? Happy B-Day Big Bad Ted.
  7. And this one is my friends bands new video released last week. If you watch the credits in the end my name is mentioned for helping finance and setting up the shoot.
  8. Don't be jealous Pete. Do we need to go down this road again? How bout that mayor from Ontario?
  9. Had to do it. From last nights party.
  10. Here is me at the Curtain Club in Dallas on stage in my TK Armor with Rivet Head. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjHhpK092ps
  11. Me last weekend at my friends band Rivethead concert on stage in my Stormtrooper armor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfgBEvDoCC8
  12. This should work. As you can see, this one has plenty of ventilation and shouldn't require more fans.
  13. Don't worry my Canadian friends, I am working on getting the same deal for you up there. No need to complain.
  14. Someone please cut the break lines before he leaves!!!!!!
  15. That is AWESOME Olive. I had the same opportunity a few years ago to fly a FedEx simulator. Crash and burn.....
  16. Yeah, where is the side boob pic?
  17. It's made from ABS plastic. Here a a few pics of my friends doing a charity event at the Children's Medical Center in Dallas the other day.
  18. So, most of you don't know that I have been working on set of armor for a Stormtrooper. But here is where I am at after 3 months. I still have a few weeks to go before I can get approved to be a part of Vader's 501st. I did a dry run tonight to see where I need to do some trimming, and I am getting close. Later.
  19. I guess all my guns are lazy also. They have never hurt another person. Now deer and elk have been shot by them, but that's a different story.
  20. Soon "Big Brother" will be the all seeing, and all knowing.
  21. Gotta remember this is Florida, land of the "Nanny State" So I want to know why the "Lame stream media" is calling for race riots if he gets acquitted? I can give an educated guess that if he goes to jail that there wont be people in the streets calling for justice.
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