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Everything posted by Shamu

  1. Stupid stuff is fun I would agree. And stupid stuff can still get you killed, even on a scooter.
  2. Can we get a deposit slot on the XI Home Page where I can stuff in a buck or two on occasion?
  3. Yea, but it's the easiest way to donate to XI. Just do not like the inconvenience. Well, I just may have to accept it as a cost of doing business. For now I will just stew on it for a bit. No, I have no money in Paypal, I just use it to donate to sites like XI, charities and various sites that offer Paypal as a method of payment for goods or services offered. My credit card is on Paypal file and Paypal then applies the charges to my credit card. Once verified it seems Paypal makes your bank account the first method of payment and you have to manually change the method of payment to the credit card so funds are not taken from my bank account. A lot of this is just me being me, I do not like giving anyone access to my bank account and do not understand why as a long time paying customer I need to be verified and provide access to my bank account. I have never even been denied charges to my credit card, it's paid off in full every month. I understand what they are doing but do not see the need or justification for Paypal to gain access to my bank account. In addition I have already been verified once, why the need to do it again. My only guess is that I have hit the $10,000.00 bogey again since I was last verified.
  4. Yea, but it's the easiest way to donate to XI. Just do not like the inconvenience. Well, I just may have to accept it as a cost of doing business. For now I will just stew on it for a bit.
  5. Last week I road right through West, TX on Int. 35 on my way back to Dallas, TX. Had lunch just south of West, TX in Waco, TX. Glad I was not in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  6. The fraud use these days which I am dealing with now is very high. Shamu they simply do this to make sure no one has hacked yours or any account. Yes its irritating but if it protects you from fraud it may well be worth the irritation. It's not fraud, it's a legitimate Paypal feature. After you use Paypal for $10,00.00 worth of purchases or donations they ask that you be "Verified". You need to provide verification of your bank account and they will contribute something like $.05 to verify the info. Then when you pay or contribute your bank account will be the first option for payment. To pay by credit card as I do you have to manually change the payment method. It's just a pain in the ass and I certainly do not like divulging my bank account info even if it is a legitimate request. Trust me this is not bogus or fraud, it is a legitimate Paypal process. I just do not like it and would think with a customer who pays on time everytime would not need to be "Verified". I suppose Paypal would rather you pay through your bank account than a credit card to avoid credit card fees. Anyone else who has used Paypal for in excess of $10,000.00 in purchases or donations has probably encountered the same issue. I also believe I posted about this once before and I did take the time to get verified. I am not sure I will do so again.
  7. For the second time I am being asked to verify my account. This is a pain in the but. Apparently being a good paying customer does not suffice. I think each time you reach $10,000.00 you apparently need to recertify.
  8. First a Colt Python Target 8" in 38 Spcl. This is a relatively unique Python, not too many 38 Targets were made. It is in like new condition. Pythons just happen to be my favorite revolvers. Second a Colt AR 15 Model 6951 in 9mm.
  9. Oooops! Duplicated previous post. Paving way to be a multiple post whore. Sorry.
  10. I have had the pleasure of shooting the S&W 500 and also the S&W 460 at the S&W range in Springfield, MA. I am fortunate in that S&W is one of my customers which at times has been to my benefit. You might find it of interest in that the 460 is actually the most powerfull in the S&W line. In fact when being developed they initially wanted to use the 500 frame for the 460. Guess what? It was not strong enough, it cracked. The frame had to be modified to handle the power of the 460. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category4_750001_750051_757771_-1_757767_757751_image Another observation from my point of view on the 500 and 460 was that I was surprised how well they handled. I expected it to beat me to death and was very surprised at how well they handled. No where near as bad as I had expected. Good luck, you have a very nice pistol.
  11. No offense meant but they are much less complicated to use than a keyboard and many times more comfortable.
  12. I have used a Nostromo for many years, would not want to game without it. Simply cannot imagine having use the keyboard.
  13. Point well taken and applauded. Friends you can make part of your family by choice. Relatives you are stuck with, both the good and bad.
  14. Damn, almost a marathon! Congrats are in order in this day and age.
  15. Can anyone say Joe Theisman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGnVNyDljmc
  16. Do not pre-order anything. My experience is that being first in is more often than not wasted money. I have many FPS games I never should have bought. Take some sage advice and wait. Wait and see how it develops before investing. It's not like it's going to disappear on you if you do not pre-order.
  17. Why does Hxtr remind me of Charley Brown, sung by the Coasters?
  18. Well, I guess the bottom line is nobody ever said parenting is easy.
  19. Regardless of the child's condition dragging a protesting child on the floor was inappropriate under any circumstance. I have no regrets for my action. My one possible regret is that I did not stand by to see if the child's treatment improved. Maybe I should have offered her a shopping cart. Like she probably should have used in the first place.
  20. I have the same question Harry. Even if I do loose it it's not that big of a deal. As I will just get that back quickly except on WAW. There I will have to re-earn everything back I believe but I may have to call for assistance on that one! If the name change has personal value to you then do it. Stats are only a secondary consideration.
  21. Well..I am sorry , BUT, Bad judgment on your part bud..I am pretty sure if it was the Father..you would NOT ask such dumb question then..As the Father might it had a different approach than the mother..I know I would.. Like LOM said..NOT all kids are perfect..What if this kid had some sort of Illness that makes the mother leash him..Attention Deficit Disorder comes to mind..Maybe even Deaf..Who knows man..Sometimes some things are BEST to keep to your self.. My wife is going to Dallas next week and this is one of the things we talked about..Leashing the kids while she is over site seeing..Or roaming the malls..I am sorry but my KIDS are everything to me and if something would happen to them..She knows best not to come back..We NEVER leash them here as we think our parenting is good enough up to now to trust them..But..Do I trust others out there..Hell No!!! My point of even responding to the original post had less to do with the leash and more to do with what he said to the mom, and feeling so proud of what he did, even equating it to one of the best things he's ever done in his life. Most of us would never consider leashing our kids, but some parents are left with no choice. Hell she may have been a single mom, who fucking knows. To me this all says less about what the mom did, and speaks volumes about the mentality of a person with the balls to humiliate a young mother in a public place. Sorry Shamu, but regardless of how proud you felt of yourself, that was a pretty fucked up thing to do. All of us who are parents do the absolute best that we can because there is no owners manual that comes with kids. Doing something like this then bragging about it to friends is about the same as beating up a little kid on the playground then bragging to your buddies about it. Who is the better parent, the one who worries about their childs safety by using a leash, or the one who acts like a bully then brags to their kids about it? I can certainly recognize that there are, as with everything, exceptions perhaps with special needs children. However if you were to generalize the majority of parents are only treating their kids like a pet as opposed to a child to whom it is your responsibility to educate in manners and behavior. It's their crutch for an easy way out. As for if I would have said anything were it a man? You obviously do not know me because I most certainly would. Also understand this kid was sitting in protest and the mother was dragging him on the floor. IMHO borderline child abuse. I have in my past intervened with a man beating his child. I might add a man much more physically endowed than I. To the credit of other bystanders once I did something I received much mutual support from what had previously been on lookers. The police were called, the man arrested but the issue was settled out of court. For normal kids I will never condone the use of a leash............. too many better options like grocery carts, strollers, back packs and heaven forbid maybe holding their hand. AN act of love often used too infrequently.
  22. Do it, not to many of us can select a game name that has personal sentiment attached. I remember the moment I saw my first grandson. No one, including myself, could have expected what an emotional moment it was for me. Swedes are usually distant and reserved choosing not to show too much of themselves. After my emotional display my son-in-law, Italian born, said he could now make me and honorary Italian. If the change is based on a true emotional and respectful reason for you I would do it. Damn, it is good to be a Grandpop, the one best thing of getting old.
  23. He apparently knew Sit / Stay!
  24. I have an Invisible Fence for my dogs, works great. With my Grandkids we just keep an eye on them.
  25. That is essentially my feelings. No I do not want kids running around amok or loose in a store, but again that happens because parents have not done their job. It's the parents fault, not the kids. I raised 3 rather close in ages. They stayed with us in a store and sat and ate at a restaurant and respected the houses of our friends. No they were not angels but knew when certain behavior was expected and taught. I think a leash is just a tool for a parent who has failed miserably in the upbringing of their child. I still feel god about having said something. I know it was not right for me to do so, but damn it felt good.
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