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Everything posted by Shamu

  1. That would be perhaps my one exception to proper parenting. The rest need to go to parents class.
  2. Bummer, you have my sympathies since I also have an apparent rotator cuff injury. At this point mine can not be fully determined because I can not have an MRI because of metal chips in my eye. I did have an ultrasound test but it was inconclusive. Living with it is tough especially in trying to sleep in a semi comfortable position. Hurt the darn thing putting luggage into the back of my SUV on a business trip. Pain when it happened almost put me on my knees. I have seen the very best available specialists in my area, (Rothman Institute) and what is also a little disappointing is that at my age, almost 70, I have been cautioned that the success rate is drastically lower than for a younger person. And as Power said, I was also advised should I have surgery the therapy will require a lot of dedication. So for now it's Cortisone injections and seeing if time helps. Golf game is also on hold.
  3. Well, I thoroughly pissed of a women in my local supermarket yesterday evening. She had a kid, maybe 2-3 years old on a leash. The kid was not cooperating and was sitting on the floor protesting any further movement. Now understand I simply do not like kids on leashes, to me it is exceptionally poor parenting. As moved past her I casually asked her what type breed of dog the kid was. She exploded! Telling me quite loudly to "FCK**** mind your own God Damn business!" Her words exactly. I simply casually continued on my way to check out with a smile of self satisfaction on my face. I sit here chuckling to myself as I type. This will be a story for me to relate to my kids.........they will be proud of me. A highlight of my day, perhaps on my top ten list of things I have done.
  4. Maybe, but if it does get back over $4.00 that will be almost a 20% profit. It's all about percentages, if I beat the banks I am happy. So far this year I am very happy.
  5. I have the HTC Droid DNA, so far so good. As for stocks I really invest very little in stocks and mostly invest in Vanguard ETF's, Of course saying "very little" is subjective. In NOK I invested about $5,500.00 @ $3.27 which was money sitting in a money market wasting away after some other transactions I had made. I did make a very nice penny in OPK, in at 4.50 and out and 7.50 when it hit my stop-limit a few days ago. Perhaps should have stayed in, I still like it but it has slowed down. All of this is money I consider recreational, my form of gambling. Do not gamble what you cannot afford to lose. Stocks like Apple and what is happening now are a real hard call. Knowing when to sell and not be greedy may be the hardest thing to do in playing stocks. My miss of the year is FB which I seriously considered buying at 18 back in Sept. I probably would have sold at a nice profit. I was just chicken and lacked enough knowledge to make the play.
  6. All I really want to know is Nokia stock going to go up? Just bought some at $3.27. To hell with Samsung, Apple, Blackberry, Dell or IBM.
  7. My new PC is still in the womb. And from this computer illiterate what the heck is "UAC"?
  8. Almost all the time a book is the better option. My one exception..........Jaws....... the movie was better. Because you get to see the naked ladies instead of having to imagine them right? Imagination can't be beat, you get to do whatever you want with whoever you want.
  9. Today is the day to honor those whose have performed extraordinary services to their county. Please take a moment to remember them. http://armylive.dodlive.mil/index.php/2013/03/the-medal-of-honor-eight-surprising-facts/
  10. Almost all the time a book is the better option. My one exception..........Jaws....... the movie was better.
  11. I don't have 10. I rarely watch TV, I mostly read. However two I will go out of my way to watch are: Deadliest Catch (BTW: back April 16, 2013) and The Vikings That's all folks. BTW: those of you who have 10 fav's must have no life.
  12. I am the same Deejay, can't remember when i last read any fiction, i tend to go for biographies nowadays, or something about WW2. If you like non fiction WW II seriously consider "With the Old Breed" by E B Sledge as I mentioned earlier. It is truly a classic written by one who was there. A highly recommended read. Forgive me for posting twice about the same book but that also show my opinion of the book. In fact I just ordered it to have on my Kindle. For me , worth reading twice and books I would read twice are few and far between. Can't think of any others at the moment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/With_the_Old_Breed
  13. Michener's earlier books surpassed the ones later in his career. He has an amazing way of moving you through time in his books. However, I have read almost all of his single title books with Hawaii being my favorite. He tells an amazing story starting with a bird shitting on the island. I will have to go surf Amazon to see what I may have missed. BTW, he lived locally.
  14. No, I did not see the series, I will keep an eye out for it. I also liked the C. S. Forester series on Horatio Hornblower and have watched a set of 6 CD's It is another series worthy of consideration. As I said I do like Historical Fiction. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_10?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=hornblower&sprefix=hornblower%2Caps%2C311
  15. Yea, they were all LRP's and each one authored a book in the series. Were that me I would have been scared shitless.
  16. I hope my best wishes and condolences to you and you family can suffice from this heathen. Do all you can to lend family support and accept all that is given to you.
  17. Richard Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell' Historical fiction during the Napoleonic wars. Easy reading and entertaining. Several books. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_16?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bernard+cornwell+sharpe+series&sprefix=bernard+cornwell%2Caps%2C232 On a more realistic vein the Six Silent Men series based on actual Long Range Patrols (LRP / LRRP) in Nam. 3 books. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_14?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=six+silent+men&sprefix=six+silent+men%2Caps%2C694&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Asix+silent+men And perhaps the very best book I have read on the Pacific war, With the Old Breed by E. B. Sledge. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_18?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=with+the+old+breed+by+e.b.+sledge&sprefix=with+the+old+breed%2Cstripbooks%2C694&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Awith+the+old+breed+by+e.b.+sledge All very good reads in my opinion.
  18. A hard loss Pimp. Your priorities are certainly family. You are in my thoughts.
  19. So admired the respect shown by today's snipers And the humility of Ted Gundy. Very nice Vid, glad you figured out how to get it posted.
  20. Send him over PB, maybe he can chase out the snakes in the grass.
  21. Thank you for clarification and most likely a lot of hard work and time invested.
  22. With regard to PB issues do the Admins have any suggestion or educated knowledge if there is a problem or not? Maybe turn off PB on servers until the smoke has settled and issues are understood? I have had no issues nor do I know of any on COD WAW but then again maybe PB has not got around to addressing the game as yet. Just curious if there is any advice from interaction with PB. (Other than the smart ass answer to turn off hacks. )
  23. Also in Ozzy's case the joy the family brought to him.
  24. It seems the issue is money as most services are. If I can afford it I'll stick with the stateside system. If ever I can't maybe I will move to Canada or Sweden.
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