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Everything posted by WiZiD

  1. CoolMax 1,300 Watt , Phenom II x4 9403ghz, DFI 790FX B M2RSH, 8gig G.SkillDDR2-1066, Thermaltake Viaxcooler, 2 Sapphire HD 4870x2in Crossfire (4gig video memory), 2 VelociRaptor 75gig 10,000 rpm drives in raid0, CMSTACKER 830 S2 case, Dell SP2309w 23” wide screen 80,000 to 1 contrast ratio2048x1152 Vista 64bit ultimate…. Logitech G15 keyboard Logitech G500 Gaming Mouse Belkin n52te Game controler
  2. WiZiD


    Have you tried to set everything back to defaults. If that dont work try uninstall/reinstall....And are they a cheap headset?
  3. Hey ph4mt0m dont sweat the small stuff.Gave me more time to mod levels for Hardcore......SHIT HAPPENS
  4. Googled it and found this.... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-wireless-networking-41/which-usb-wireless-adapter-works-best-with-linux-717056/ Found this on ebay...not sure if it will work for you....do some research first..... http://cgi.ebay.com/TP-Link-Wireless-N-USB-Adapter-Atheros-2T2R-2-4Ghz_W0QQitemZ190367333133QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Networking?hash=item2c52c6fb0d
  5. I have found that on EVERY pic that I post that If I dont give them each a differant name when uploading them before applying them that it will change every pic that I have posted earlier to the latest pic with that same name...ie: dsc000012 ....and if I remove that pic from my uploaded picks all the post that I made no matter what subject is now gone. I had thought that once you uploaded a file to the website that it was stored there...Also If i remove my avitar from my list of uploaded files it will no longer show up on the website.....IDONO
  6. CHKN I just had someone call me as to an update completely locking/screwing up there pc......I NEVER have auto updates and choose when at what to install. As far as netframework you may want to assure that ALL the previous netframework update are done/installed first also I have ran into problems with installing video drivers without netframe work install first so you might uninstall your video driver first then install all the netframework drivers, then install you video drivers. But please remember I am just guessing but it may be worth a try. I have found in all my years of fixing PC's that they are not all the same beast. You could also fomat and start from the begining. Insall windows, Motherboard drivers, rerstart, processor driver (if needed) register windows, update windows, (pick and choose what updates) do not let windows install video drivers or sound drivers, and lastly download and install the latest video drivers from the manufacture .Hope this may help.
  7. Just to add my opinion....I like shot gun only maps and have designed a few in the hard core levels myself. Not because I wanted to force players to just use a shot gun but only to make the SMALL maps fun. We were having problems with people camping and that took care of it as I have not seen any more. But we have just started so we will see. Also before the only shot gun levels, myself and a few others did agreed on shotgun only untill someone else joined and even though was asked to use a shotgun they deceided not to. So we ALL just switch to other weapons without argument. Nobody should be MADE to do anything they dont want to so I agree with Phuckitman. If anyone likes shotgun only...come over to Hardcore WE NEED PLAYERS! PHUCKITMAN if anyone ask you to ban/kick someone for that again just type back..................... SILENCE......................................I KILL YOU
  8. Bake it!!!! http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1421792 You got nothing to loose now!!!
  9. Welcome aboard....I want to know which movie that sig comes from where the guy is about to suck the other ones snot......holy shit got to get that one....lol
  10. Caper if these ideas are not working, check to see if your video card is running hot. Another thing you may have to look at is maybe your power supply is not running enough power to your PC. these are just some things to look for, when your system turns off and leaves you scratching your head if your PC just turns off on it's own. Another reason for this maybe DEAD PEOPLE. thats a riot caper
  11. This one is for everyone who... a) has kids had kids c) was a kid d) knows a kid e) is going to have kids. I guess that means all of us!! DADDY'S GONNA EAT YOUR FINGERS I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said, 'Daddy, look at this' , and stuck out two of her fingers. Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said , 'Daddy's gonna eat your fingers,' pretending to eat them. I went back to packing, looked up again and my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face. I said, 'What's wrong, honey?' She replied, 'What happened to my booger?'
  12. Also go to screen saver options and then to power button...then to the hibernate tab and turn off Hibernation by unchecking the box. Also go to the control panel/user accounts under Change the way users log on and off uncheck the use Welcome screen....that sould fix it!!
  13. For some reason my pics keep disapearing as I just reposted....sorry
  14. I am still working on coast. Shotgun only: Coast outpost excavation peak Stranded Add: Fistfights (nothing to change other than the norm. Hardcore for the suit menu)
  15. WiZiD


    Hey Whoppo. its nice to see a fellow New Englander here. Has a blast......really great bunch of good PEOPLE here...and remember it is just a game for fun and laughs........WiZiD>XI<
  16. Best buy aint got shit compare to me:-)
  17. WiZiD


    Dont give up on the lost pics. They can still be restored....Send me the drive and I will do my best to get them back.you will be suprized. Send me a pm and i will send you my address to mail it to. NO CHARGE and I will pay the shipping back!!! Or mail me the whole dam thing and I fix it for you. I would need some help on mailing it back to you though. ( the whole comp)
  18. Notice the mound of butts in the ash tray in the back.....Holy shit I think its time to quit
  19. Thanks Shadow.....Here is a little more of it. Someone game me a Nasua cash drawer, It is from the early 1900s before electric ones came out. The keys on the bottom can be set to any combination and if you try the wrong one it rings a bell to let the store keeper know that someone is tring to get in it! I built a fold down window for kids that may come over in need of computer help. Too much stuff to notice anything missing. Also some other stuff.
  20. Use Ctrol+c to copy and Cotrol+v to paiste That always works for me
  21. I have a fellow gamer/tech come over that works for a local computer shop. After his first time over he when to work the next day and told his boss when he dies he wants to spend eternity in my shop. That would be heaven for him.
  22. I wanted to post a little more on my shop. I posted a bunchof my gaming rigs but did not seem to get too much of a response. Well heregoes.... Someone gave me an August West soot sweeper...a really old one. You will see in the pic toward the bottom there is a black hose. This wasplaced in the chimney flu at the bottom. Start the unit up and go to the top ofthe chimney and brush the ashes down and it sucks it in the barrel. It has areally large filter on the inside. On the top there is a flex pipe that Ivented out one of my basement windows so all that air does not blow everything aroundin my shop. I built a box out of some scarp wood and ordered some thickplastic strips. The kind they use for large freezer doorways. I placed the suctionhose at the bottom of this cabinet I made. I have a small vac that is set justto blow air underneath. So now before I work on a PC I take the side panel off,place it in, start the vac, and blow the dust out. No more dust in my shop! Pleasetell me what you think???? I am also posting a pic of my motherboard repair bench. Got thebench out of the garbage! I love free shit……… By the way the vac works great for smoking dope. Blows all the smoke in the back yard. Feel's just like when I was a kid smoking in my parents house in front of a fan!
  23. Notice they dont show him getting his ass kicked as I sure he's been smacked quite a few times. Hence all the makeup.
  24. WiZiD


    I have several recover programs that can recover lost files. Do not format it! If you want send me the drive and I will recover the files for you or send me an email and I can send you a link to the programs. I have recovered several computers two were from buisnesses that thought they lost ALL their files from quick books for 3/4 of a year. What a mess. When I got his pc and put it in as a slave the drive showed and emty....NOTHING ON THE DRIVE. I was able to recover almost all his pics and his documents including his quick book files. needless to say I ate free at he store for a long time. Let me know
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