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Everything posted by WiZiD

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq9993iJlYU
  2. That is tooooo funny......Nice post
  3. Well was up till 3am but got that PC done.....Cant wait till I see him with my bill. Gonna suggest a bar tab/credit
  4. http://www.hulu.com/watch/61336/saturday-night-live-turlingtons-lower-back-tattoo-remover
  5. Seeing that pic reminded me of when I was 15 and a friend that was in collage did a term paper on the markup of car parts. He took a Toyata Cellaca cost $6226 and went to the parts department and did a cost sheet for every part to build the car himself. Cost........over $35,000
  6. Sorry Sitting- I had to go to work....needed to go pick a pc up for a friend and fix it by the AM so they could open shop first thing in the morning. Replaced motherboard, power supply, cpu and memory. Their computer was trashed and they needed my help. I will say that I hope to be spending more time there soon. I have been straight out with my wife in the nursing home for two weeks trying to get as much done as I can while she is gone. When she comes back next week I will be grounded again for another six months but I aint complaining. More time on the PC for me.....By the way I had a blast with the 4 of us in there tonight. Thanks to all for being there
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Microsoft-Trackball-Optical-Mouse-1-0-PS2-USB_W0QQitemZ330393950542QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4ced03994e
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Microsoft-Trackball-Optical-Mouse-1-0-PS2-USB_W0QQitemZ330393950542QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4ced03994e
  9. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=473153&CatId=540
  10. Was in and still am in hard core....holy shit what a differance. Great grafics.......lot more to see. The level right before armada got really dark though. worst as it went on...dont know if this may be a good thing for hard core as it will make it more difficult to see your enemy. It may work for the best so you may want to leave it for now till we get to try it with more players arround. IDONO but have not seen many players in any of the Crysis Wars servers as of late. WTH
  11. Hard core sever reflection map seems to stuck in download. It just keeps downloading and will not play. I have tried to remove the map for my list of maps but still the same problem.
  12. What excactly is wrong with your old one as I may have the parts that you would need to fix it? It may not be as bad as you think.
  13. I am 3 miles from the Maine-NH border Southern tip.
  14. Welcome aboard, play hard, have fun, and remember its just a game! With the best clan on the plannit!
  15. Excuse me for this BUT I live in NH ...close to Canada for those folks. A few large lakes within an hours drive.
  16. Why cant we set up a huge tent or rend a hall for everyone to bring there pc's and have a huge Idiot lan party....I have the room here! 50'x32' room with a pool table on one side and a huge table on the other.....yee friggennn hhaaaaaa!!!!
  18. Here are a small list of commands thet I use in Crysis Wars. As Far as Binding more than 1 key to a command I THINK and ONLY THINK that when you first install the game it give you that option. So take the time to write everything down that you have for key assingments and under options - mouse and keyboard assignments. Hit the default button. This may bring it back to the begining and allow you to do that. But I am unsure so do it at your own risk. Thats why I stated to write everthing down first so you can set it back to where it was with little effort. (no cussing involved that way) And my ears wont be ringing....lol
  19. I check mine as well and there does not seem to be a way to delete messages you have sent. Only from the inbox. Can I ask why you would want to delete them anyways. It is not like they are taking up any space on you pc as they are stored on the server. In fact I kinda like them there as it gives me a way to go back and see what I have asked. So its not a problem at all for me. By the way luv your sig
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