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tsw 8.5

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  1. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to Shadow in My son   
    Well the time has come..  The boy wants to start playing CoD4 with me.  He's 14, and quite a good shot on other games.   He just loaded into his first game under the name KnuckleDust.  
    How does the Jr members thing work?  I'm sure in time he'll be interested.
  2. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to Giggles in Affairs in order   
    Big ol facts here. I know most people think I'm young and have years before dealing with this but facts are it could happen to anyone at any time. 
  3. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from BUDMAN in Affairs in order   
    after my wife passed away in May . i put everything in my kids name so she won't have to go through what i did .
  4. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from major-mark63 in Affairs in order   
    after my wife passed away in May . i put everything in my kids name so she won't have to go through what i did .
  5. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from Smeggie in Affairs in order   
    after my wife passed away in May . i put everything in my kids name so she won't have to go through what i did .
  6. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Affairs in order   
    after my wife passed away in May . i put everything in my kids name so she won't have to go through what i did .
  7. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to TheLastColdBeer in Affairs in order   
    Not a happy topic, and virtually no one is prepared for end of life. All I can say at the moment, if you actually have anything of value, property, accounts, IRAs or 401s, put a beneficiary's name on them. Title upon death for property/homes/land & names on accounts. You DO NOT want a court involved in transfer, and you definitely do not want anything trapped in Probate court.  A valid will is nice, but can be ignored by probate if monies exceed a certain value ($75k +) and they get involved. Direct transfer is the best method.
    Why am I saying this? A valid will was recorded last December, and the Probate court has yet to schedule a hearing or issue papers declaring the estate open. Property standing empty for a year is a welcome mat for squatters, and the IRS & Social Security office is not understanding. You don't want your own accounts drained maintaining something that may never be yours. Courts & attorneys have no concept of time, & no concern for expenses created.
  8. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to ANGUS in Another trip and 100 of Smiles per mile made!   
    Our last trip to the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina with @Gatorgirl

  9. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in 52 years ago   
    do you remember this stuff
  10. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from major-mark63 in 52 years ago   
    do you remember this stuff
  11. I have read this post
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from Unchileno in Daddy and Daughter Tattoo Day!!!!!   
    cool we got started on my next one yesterday have to get a few better pics when the swelling goes down but it's going to be bad ass when done that was a hour and we have about 2 more to go

  12. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from Shadow in Daddy and Daughter Tattoo Day!!!!!   
    cool we got started on my next one yesterday have to get a few better pics when the swelling goes down but it's going to be bad ass when done that was a hour and we have about 2 more to go

  13. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from StormCrow in Daddy and Daughter Tattoo Day!!!!!   
    hell yes . i can't wait to get the color and shading done .5 weeks to heal then back at it .the back of the hand must have been a little painful
  14. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to WeednFeed in Bottled Some Honey Today   
    Yes, I’m selling it. This is only my second year bee keeping. $12 Canadian local pickup. 
    My honey is all natural raw and simply filtered. It contains a bit of fine micro pieces pollen. Not pasteurized! 
  15. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to WeednFeed in Bottled Some Honey Today   
    Extracted 175 pounds of honey last week. So far today I bottled 28 bottles each bottle is 500 mil. They hold 1 pound 6.5-7.5 ounces each. That converts to 637-667 grams. The air bubbles will rise up and out over 24 hours. 
  16. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to PHUCKITMAN in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    I am sitting here in tears just thinking about old friends made long long ago. When I was asked to become the Head COD2 Admin when COD4 took off and many admins moved over to the new game and Rugger knew I wouldn't leave the game I loved I told him that I would do it in spite of my insecurities and hot head. After thinking about it overnight I told @Ruggerxi the only way this would work was if I could add @Blackbart, and @loaderXI as my next in command and @TedsofBeverlyHills, @window @Artimus Prime @PimpedOutPete as Game Admins. Bart and Loader were added to offset my hotheadedness since they were much calmer people and Ted, Window, and Artimus were well respected players who played well but always put the Clan and Gaming fun first. I saw the talent in them all as well as the fun they all brought to every game. I was a very lucky man to make friends with them long before we became the best Admin team and most solid one >XI< ever had. These men were more to me then just gaming friends they became like brothers to me. We are coming up on 20 years of playing COD2 together and keeping it alive as a team of wonderful human beings. I have spent many hours on the phone with Ted, Bart and Loader over the years and they made me a better person and the COD2 servers the best option in the game. I can not express my Gratitude to them all and the other Admins we added later but the thought of first Losing Bart and now the possibility losing Ted "The funniest player ever" in spite of his high ping and connection issues is a hard blow to handle. We are all getting older and many of you know I have had 2 massive heart attacks in the past 18 months so I want to take this time to pray for Ted and hope he kicks out of this or if not is in fact painlessly able to join Johnny Dos, Killa, Macdaddy, Too Cute Sue, Bud , Starfire, Sherm, Boiler don and Black Bart is got a great server set up in some beautiful place in Heaven waiting for the rest of us when it is out time to go be with God. If I haven't told you all just how much I love and respect your all and consider each of you a huge part of my Family and and so many my friends for coming up on 20 years. Please if you read this and don't know these men take the time to say hello and thank you for the work they have put in for over 15 years to keep the first >XI< servers alive so we can remember where we started they are great guys dedicated to the >XI< Family. Also take this situation to remember that life is precious and can be gone in a second so tell those you like and love how you feel. It takes such little time and can mean so much to the person hearing your kind words. Expressing LOVE to another person can do wonders for people dealing with struggles big or small and takes such little effort on our part. I might not be here today without the love that @Ruggerxi and the rest of my team and friends have shown a man who suffers from Anxiety and depression and I am not afraid to admit that they lifted me up many times and keep me from quitting especially when I was under attack by people who quit here like HXTR and Laz felt it was cool to trash me every chance they got. They always said calm down they will go away and you staying here doing what you do will show them who was the weak sack. I challenge you all to tell 10 people you play with and might not be close to you how much you enjoy them and how important they are in our FAMILY. LOVE has amazing healing powers. Thanks for reading this and accepting my challenge, Ron aka Phuckitman/COD Admin
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    tsw 8.5 reacted to dawgy in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    Ted is so cool love the guy I hope he knows how much we love him
  18. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to LtLaszlo in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    So sad to hear this about yet another long time COD2, XI member. As many know, I can relate, since my wife has been battling lung cancer for 7 years. Some of you met her at two of three XI Fests since. The last three years has been stage 4, as it's moving around (she get's radiation again next week for four new, small growths). But like Ted has had to do, it's an ugly battle and my prayers and best wishes go out to him and his family (no fun for them either!). God be with him!
  19. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to Painsponge in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    Saddened to learn our friend is about to depart. Many laughs and good battles have been enjoyed over the years. Ted is one of the best shit talkers on the server and have always loves that about him. I'm sorry for the diagnosis and will miss the friendship. Peace and love in this difficult time.
  20. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to WeednFeed in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    So sad hearing this. Sending prayers your way @TedsofBeverlyHills!
  21. Like
    tsw 8.5 reacted to wildthing in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    Love to a fellow member and to the best restaurant I heard of. When we meat again I hope to see you cooking out because your ad said it best. You love it when we put our meat in your mouth.
  22. Cares
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from PHUCKITMAN in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    sad news .the big C word has taken a lot of people and i know first hand lost the wife in may to it .all you can do is fight ted fight .stay strong .old friend .
  23. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from rexbowan in 52 years ago   
  24. Like
    tsw 8.5 got a reaction from rexbowan in 52 years ago   
    do you remember this stuff
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    tsw 8.5 reacted to StormCrow in Daddy and Daughter Tattoo Day!!!!!   
    Mine still a bit swollen, but love it none the less!!!

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