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  1. I recently bought cod4 on pc (steam), and I can't seem to get into the MW2 freezetag server. It would say "key code in use. try reconnecting later". I tried many key codes. I can play on other servers that require keycodes, but not this one. Any sort of help i can have?
  2. Obviously, my favorite player is @FRENCHI because of his lovely French accent when giving information and saying jokes in English in game And, of course, being French, he is a very good player! PS: thanks to @SweeperMan for the idea and sorry for having stolen your post! (Hope it won't bother you )
  3. ignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignoreignore
  4. I would like to host a ftg tournament of sorts, 1 match of ftg with: 1 round of crouched knifing, 1 round of prone knifing only, 1 round of bolt action sniper rifles no scope, 1 round of shottys, and 1 round of pistols only, tie breaker round: noobs tubes and knifes. prizes: winning team can choose from these games some may be region locked if they are I'll give you another , noobiest player gets a humble bundle monthly pack for October. In the link below you can see the list there is over 100 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JK5Bpno5vsnV381O6rB7aQT0_pUPPm3YpQMT5Zmx-O0/edit# Please reply if interested
  5. Hello, before on my server I ran an original mod where to make tactics have a cfg with configs disabled type, rpg, deadsilencio, racker etc ... Now I put this mod ow2 v145f_2 and I do not cosigo disable some things in the perks. Does anyone know how to do this?
  6. Hey you... Yeah you.. Got your Funderwear on? Looking for a diverse Gaming Commmunity? Tired of gaming alone or with people that wear their undies to tight? Xtreme Idiots is here for you! Oh yeah baby.. We got you covered like mud on the tires of your Jeep Willy. What I offer? You know you want to know more.. Sorta like that moment when you're asked what the hell we do all day? WE GAME!! My Care Package includes.. 1) I'm Canadian... Who doesn't love Canadians we got that maple syrup and bacon that makes you wanting to know me more.. 2) I'm 31 years of age.. Sorta like them tires on that Jeep Willy. 3) I'm very open and honest and have a great personality and am easy to get along with.. Unlike them tight undies. 4) I have teamspeak, discord, just about anything your heart desires for communication needs. 5) What do I do? I drive a limousine a 30FT Ford Excursion blacked out with no mud on them tires.. (Just snow and ice) 6) What else do I do? I build and theme websites for Invision Power Boards and HTML websites. I also am sponsored by a hosting company (CLASSIFIED HIGH LEVEL ACCESS REQUIRED). 7) I'm am a FPS gamer I shoot things that move... Just ask Hammer well he will say I die frequently but that's cause he is a "Noob Tuber". 8 ) Highly designed PC gaming rig that is built with military precision like that Jeep willy.. 9) I'm a DAD. 10) I originally started hanging around with XI back in 2014 but due to personal life issues and the job I had then (Tow Truck Operator) time for gaming was limited and spent alot of time working. I did check in frequently didn't post but jumped into the COD4 Freeze Tag server and kept in touch with a few people. HIGHLY CLASSIFIED CONTACT INFO: 1) STEAM: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ucjohn/ 2) TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/ucjohn 3) DISCORD: UCJOHN™#3338 4) ORIGIN: UCJOHN 5) UPLAY: UCJOHN Sincerely, UCJOHN
  7. Need some help. My PC restarts randomly when I am playing COD4. Some background is that I had AMD 7870HD and switched it out with GTX 1080 TI. Thats when I started noticing that my system would restart once in 30 mins in COD4. I attributed that to legacy drivers from AMD or some crap in registry. I did a clean install of windows last week (formatted the drive) and now I have a restart in COD for once in 5-10 mins. Not sure what the issue is. I am not overclocking, CPU or GPU. They are running in stock config. CPU is on liquid cooling and case has 4 fans so plenty of cooling. GPU is Asus strix 1080TI (has 3 fans) so shouldnt be heating up. I am running memory on XMP so there is some overclocking there but I tried disabling XMP but no change. Power-wise, I have a single GPU system with one NVME drive (Samsung 960PRO) and two HDDs 2TB each. My PSU is Corsair HX850 so should be ample power. Another data point is that I have run GPU stress test FurMark and no restarts. I also tried playing Battlefield 4 (1 hr+) and no restart. Max GPU temp seen was 68C. The restart only happens in COD4. I have attached a snapshot of HWMonitor outpu Any advice on how to debug this issue? HWMonitor.txt Below is the HWMonitor readings after 1 Hr of BF4 HWMonitor_BF4.txt
  8. Make it so you can remote thaw a teammate in view while you are being thawed. Could be chained through multiple frozen teammates. Just an idea...
  9. Evenbalance no longer supports Call of Duty 4. This does not mean we will be removing Punkbuster - it is still a viable admin tool which provides us with many methods of protecting our servers. It does mean that if you reinstall then the standard PBSetup will be unable to download and setup the files for you. I have therefore added a legacy section to our downloads that will help you setup Punkbuster. There is now an updated walk-through found here: http://www.xtremeidiots.com/page/public/bible/_/xi-website/punkbuster-installation-for-call-of-duty-r24
  10. Version windows/linux 32/64


    PBSetup for legacy games Video Walkthrough: AA2, BF1942, Call of Duty (all formerly pb supported Versions), cysis, cysis wars, D3, ET, FFOW, FC2, q3, Q4, ETQW, MoHA, NfSPS, Prey, RtCW, RSR6, RSV, RSV2, SoF2, Wolf, Warock This is a workaround to install the latest punkbuster update released for games with discontinued PunkBuster support using the original tools and update resources released by http://www.evenbalance.com 2002-2011. For Linux skip to footnote. HowTo: Extract the archive to any folder, change directory to the new folder (double-click Posted Imagepbsetup+legacy) From there run pbsetup. Add the legacy game and the proper Game_Path (not! /pb), that is: where the Game.exe is. To check the Game_Path just ALT+Return the Windows-Shortcut to the Game [copy+paste the 2nd line's "Execute in:" Value]. Then run menu item 'check for updates' and pbsetup will download the latest pb-update (*) to the proper /pb location(s). See also: HowTo.gif Limitations: pbsetup will download a new pbgame.htm without legacy games each time when it is run. Thus it is recommended to unpack the archive again from scratch if needed. Disclaimer: This is a workaround to install the latest punkbuster update released for games with discontinued punkbuster support using the original tools and update resources released by http://www.evenbalance.com2002-2011. No fixes, updates or support will be delivered, this workaround is delivered as is. (*) No warranty is given if or how long the download resources used to pb-update the listed games will stay available online. this information can be found in Readme.txt _____________ Note for Linux: Both archives include pbsetup.run and pbsetup64.run , For further information please refer to the information center article : http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsetup.html#usingpbsetupcon - soz this HowTo was focused at windows lusers
  11. 2480 downloads

    Call of Duty 4 PB files for Windows
  12. Hi there, I've been trying to get into the XI servers I have saved in my favourites, and none of them have been showing "ping" since yesterday.....I'm not computer friendly and hoping someone may have a suggestion for me...refreshing doesn't help, I can't find XI servers when I look under the Internet as a source.........I can see there are presently 30 people in the server from the website, but my favourites does not refresh to show that. Any suggestions? Thank you for your time....Shadow
  13. Been playing COD4 freezetag for a few years now ( 700+ hours according to Steam ), primarily on XI but sometimes F4H or ESC if XI is full. For those who don't know the origin of my name, this will catch you up: ( click image for video ) I play other games as "Noumenon"
  14. Hello XI sorry admin i try add in download section dont work I'm glad to share you good news for CoD4 MODs community Big thanks to HUGO to spend his time creating this map So dear Admins of modded servers, great news for you all thanks again Hugo http://www.mediafire.com/download/i192t0vobpl3uvf/mp_cgc_crossfire_V1.4+.rar PS:sorry for bad english
  15. Hi guys, my name is The Famous One and probably all of you will already know me of course I'm a 21 year old guy living in Leuven, Belgium. I'm not a terrorist, not a beer brewer and not a chocolatier! Just a regular guy studying Industrial Engineering who has been enjoying all Xtreme Idiots since 2011 I think. You can find me on the COD4 Freezetag MW2 server, and sometimes I play the zombie server and the deathrun server! All of you have a great day, see you in game! The Famous One
  16. Hi folks. I have a problem running COD4 in MP. It runs in single player okay but when I try and start a MP game it quits and I get the error "iw3mp.exe has stopped". I have tried reinstalling Steam and COD4 and installed the PB update mentioned elsewhere. Any Ideas?
  17. Good day friends, I'd like to give a shout out to Loader for his help installing my game on my new rig. It's been a long and tiresome task getting this thing up and running, as I had to return the first main board I purchased. I finally got it assembled with a new working main board and excited to see the improvements in battle on line. Loader is the "MAN"! He has been through a lot lately with the passing of his mom and is still not through the fall out of that loss. I am very thankful to be a part of such a giving community and also to have found so many great personalities. Thanks again Loader, much love buddy.
  18. Hey everyone I recently came into an issue. I play on the Cod4 MW2 Freezetag server and I have played a lot. I would like to say I'm pretty well known there. But recently out of nowhere I'm getting kicked with an error I can not seem to fix. The error states: Kicked for 0 minutes. Punkbuster corrupted File/Memory [81353] I have done the basics... reboot... reinstall... re download and replace.... blah blah... I googled it but no avail If Anyone can help me with this issue it would be very grateful because I am completely lost. Thanks!
  19. Hi, I have a new pc on the way with no OS installed as of yet, I want to back-up my games so that I don't have to sit and wait for all the maps to download. I'm currently running Windows 7 Pro. Are there any specific folders I can copy and then just copy over once I have installed the game on the new machine? I know my config file might need tweaking as the new machine is different specs (or does this not matter), or i can just copy my binds portion. Also I have origin and steam , can i copy my game contents or do i have to download the huge 80 odd gb of Battlefield 4 all over again? ONE MORE QUESTION Should I stick with Windows 7 Pro or upgrade (?) to 8 Pro? cheers Elbow
  20. Version 0.58


    Tool for easy playing demos of game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. You can use slowmotion, faster playing, freezing demo, toggle third person view, toggle view HUD info and some keys for cheathunters. Installation and run: 1. Download file cod4player.zip (227 kB, cod4player.exe + readme.txt). 2. Just unzip file "cod4player.exe", but rather don't put it into the COD4 folder. Then simply run it. Controls: * In main screen click on the keybord to show info about controls. * You can set association demos in Setup menu and then just click on demofile to playback. Restrictions: - If You have CoD4 just as copy on HD (no info in registry), cod4player ask You for path to iw3mp.exe. - Windows Vista: When get this error "Permission denied", run cod4player as Administrator (right mouse on cod4player ad select from menu Run as..)
  21. Hello, Everyone Just figured I had gone MIA from gaming on the XI COD4 servers. I miss gaming with everyone some might still recall who I am. Gamed with Devildog and a few others, was good times. I'm 28 I live in Manitoba, Canada I drive Limousines I go between the 2 Black n White Ford Excursion 26" Feet long fun stuff driving around here. I also do alot of assisting with people fix game server issues or teamspeak issues or generaly PC hardware & computer tech support. I rock out with my Shotgun out in Battlefield 4 that's how I roll with my 870 CMS. My other half and I had our first child on May 8th/2014 8lbs 8oz 21 1/2" long he eats, n sleeps more then me but he is growing fast now... YIKES well he is a future gamer hoping FPS lol Anyways hopefully will get back into the swing of things and maybe get asked to join XI again. I'll be around alot more. Thanks, ucjohn
  22. 298 downloads

    Call of Duty 4 PB files for Linux
  23. Hey I want to give working on labyrinth another go. Version 2.0 for CoD2 has spawn bugs since the spawn points didn't go were I wanted them. People spawning in walls, darn it. Version 1.0 is fine since I just decided to overwrite the CoD Spawn points, and didn't add any new ones. Labyrinth doesn't have any custom models or prefabs so this should be an easier port. I want to port Labyrinth for the following games: Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty WaW Call of Duty 2 (redo from v1 or redo from scratch) Going to start the port to CoD4 first. I need to know if headquarters uses TDM spawn points, how to get helicopter into game for testing, and do I need to add Sabotage and SD? I think I'll go with dynamic lighting, one huge light for ground level. Static lights for underground. I saw a tutorial on lighting on Modsonline so I should be fine with that. The walls are one large texture on each side, I think a bunch of small textures repeating would look weird. I should go for the largest textures and stretch it for the walls? I have no mods in CoD4, and latest mod tools installed. Latest patch installed. Going to just overwrite the CoD spawn points and switch to CoD4 spawn points. Don't want anyone else spawning in the walls again, lol.
  24. Yop yop everyone, my name is Nicolas and I'm from Paris (France). Most of you saw me on the freezetag CoD4 server as {ESG}*Goku*, among other aliases, for two years and a half now. So, here is about the time to land a little introduction. I'm from the world of Unreal Tournament (2004) for those who know the game, where I used to play freezetag as well, back in the days when my clan was still alive. I recognized some of the old times players I used to play with back then, such as Nutcutter (and his famous 'Why thank you?'), BBB (of A$$Hole, for the regulars), Toothless (I mean, Ruthle$$) and some others former PSI members. Yet, you never heard me ingame, as I can't use my microphone, but still can read and listen to intel, when available (or not muted for my tranquility), and give some, using the chat. Your freezetag mod is nice, especially with the possibility of shared thaws. (Congratulations to the coder(s) then!). See you later.
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