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Everything posted by LtLaszlo

  1. I've had similar issues with excessive dust on motherboards, so once a year I take the covers off and blow it out with a blower or compressor. Has resolved it a couple times. My wife is a "clean-freak", but you'd be amazed how fast the fans pull dust in. Twice it has fixed what seemed like over-heating, though the fans were on. Just a something else to check. Good luck Bart!!
  2. LtLaszlo


    Welcome djMOt. Nice to shoot at you for the firsttime the other night! Always looking to kep the DM server populated! See you there.
  3. Happy Birthday you "Little Witch"!! Have a great one!!
  4. hxtr i think a SD or something of the likes would be cool.... not sure if you can do it like COD2 and have it change the type per map... not sure but I love the COD5 DM server... perfect speed and lots of fun. +1 I'm with HXTR. Not a fan of FT or MW, just the original WatW play. Last weekend, for a while the DM server was all TDM game. Is it possible to mix it up a round DM another TDM? Kind of like some maps have tanks, some don't? (I know, I'm a COD2 Admin................but i really like the COD5 game also!! Especially since I got a new graphics card that makes it look SOOO much better now!) Still getting lots of time in COD2 also!
  5. Sassy, you don't say if this is XI members or not?? Just curious.
  6. Very nice!! Anything to get more "racing" fans!! Either lady could "drive me home"!!
  7. Yes! Have a great Birthday! You get to be Star for the day!!
  8. LOL!! Good thing their backpacks double as floatation devices!! Haha!! Speaking of floatation, nice sig GatorGirl!! And I like how she grips that weapon!!
  9. Haha!! Good one Bud! So, what did he want you to do when he pulled you over?!! LOL!
  10. Happy Birthday Doc! I hope Hexe has a birthday surprise for you!!
  11. Hahaha!! He looks fucked up!! Must have just put down the pipe!
  12. Joe Canadian I feel you pain Yes, here too! 45 years without them damned things, the last one in denial until I couldn't read magazines anymore. And I don't really mind wearing them - its keeping the damned things clean that is a pain in the ass!! Well, that and the cost!!
  13. My brother-in-law had something like this a while ago, but he has U-verse email. I and others in his email list were getting ads for Viagra every day. I thought he was screwing around with me (old dude jokes), but found all in his address book were getting it and he wasn't sending them. Fortunately, it didn't seem contageous so I don't seem to have an issue. I think he finally did something, since the mails stopped coming (or they ran out of Viagra!).
  14. Happy Birthday Chile! Can I have a piece of that cake?! LOL! Have a good "high" one!!
  15. HaHaHa! Nice ones Pete!! So if they're hot, they get put in clear body bags?! LOL! One last good look?!
  16. Spartacus1968 Great Deke! Hey The Wings Had Trouble With My Islanders In New York a couple weeks back lol! OK, Sparty! Even the best take a night off. Rather be on top with a occasional flub to a non-contender, than be a non-contender and beat a good team!! LOL. But then NYI needs a few hi-lights this season!! Don't think I would have admitted to being an NYI fan....NY Rangers, yes. But the Islanders?! Hehe.
  17. Yes, definately TOOT! They've become the NY Yankees of Hockey, at least over the last 15 years for sure. Mr. Illitch loves a winner and has done well with the Tigers also. PIZZA, PIZZA!!
  18. LOL, Joe! I remember bowling had a last place trophy and the bowler had the ball between his legs. I think for COD it could be your balls on the ground!! OUCH!!
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