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  1. Fuck You
    SexPanther got a reaction from StormCrow in Who is she?   
    Hello everyone!
    I finally got a new computer. Im not back yet, but baby steps. 
    Hope everyone is doing alright. I miss everyone except storm crow... fuck that guy!  
  2. Like
    SexPanther got a reaction from Chris in Who is she?   
    Hello everyone!
    I finally got a new computer. Im not back yet, but baby steps. 
    Hope everyone is doing alright. I miss everyone except storm crow... fuck that guy!  
  3. Like
    SexPanther got a reaction from JohnnyDos in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    It was so lit i forgot to say thank you to you all.
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    SexPanther reacted to JohnnyDos in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
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    SexPanther reacted to Roxy! in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
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    SexPanther reacted to KillerKitty in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy Birthday

    hope u have a great day
  7. Like
    SexPanther reacted to J3st3r in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy Birthday hot stuff
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    SexPanther reacted to TBB in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Have a GREAT birthday!!!!
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    SexPanther reacted to RattleHead in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    hAPYY bIRTHDAY!!!!
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    SexPanther reacted to Timmah! in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy Birthday!
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    SexPanther reacted to Bogleg in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy birthday youngin'!  Hope you have a great day filled with sativas and indicas.
  12. Like
    SexPanther reacted to LaRSin in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy Birthday    SexPanther
    Happy Birthday and have a great day
  13. Like
    SexPanther got a reaction from ANGUS in Where to have >XI< US Fest 2018   
    They have a year to fix up the place.
  14. Like
    SexPanther got a reaction from ANGUS in Where to have >XI< US Fest 2018   
    West coast is the best coast for obvious reason. but Florida would be cool. I love the keys
  15. Like
    SexPanther reacted to StormCrow in Thanks For Cumming!!!   
    Wanted to toss a thanks out to all who made their way up to our lovely country this year!!! it was amazing to meet you all and put faces to names and check out the different real life vs online persona's! This was my 1st XI fest due to reasons ya's all heard enough about by now LOL. Hope we can get another one going in the future up north of the border! Wanted to toss out a huge thank you to you all for making my wife feel so at home and part of things! She was worried and leery before coming, the only XI she had met was @Chris so honestly, who could blame her! She had a wonderful time and damn you @Angus and your accent, my wife says to Angus as we are walking to dinner the 1st night "I love your accent" he lays it on extra thick with a "How you doing tonight Mama" and ya could hear the puddles form in her panties LOL!!! Everything was great jokes. Wish I could have got it a bit tighter organized but with a town such as Niagara Falls where there is soooooooooo fucking much to do it is tough pleasing everyone. We tried getting everyone hooked up for 1 or 2 group things a day. Friday day we managed to get most of us on Maid Of The Mist and I had my very special moment with Angus that I shall always cherish!, then dinner was  a bit hectic as well 30+ idiots converging on a diner is enough to toss any place into a bit of a tail spin! Friday night was random drinking and wandering around LOL, I ended up hitting up the haunted house with @pitbullpete and @Unchileno  That was a fucking hoot and @DragonSlayer got to meet Petey!  Saturday day we managed to get a group off to the jet boat and another group off to the Fort and Niagara on the Lake. Then a few went casino hopping and group met for Lunch. Dinner was loosey goosey as every one ate at a few different places, I maxed out at lunch buffett so just chillaxed for a while. Then we got 15 of us together for the Escape room that was sooooooooo much fun!!! We got random split into two groups, and I somehow ended up getting handcuffed to @WildPenguin #BONER!!!!!! Team Winner (Myself, Dirty Bird-Penguin, Rami and his Wife, Yaccster, Roxy GG and Wildthings wife) beat Team Banana (Angus, Yaccsters Wife, My Wife, Roxys friend Alie, Dragon Slayer, Wildthing and Chris) by a score of 200 to 180 with 2 COMPLETE Escapes!!!! WTG Team Winner!!! and hell, even if we lost, I had won from the beginning with the handcuffs LOL
    After the Escape room we ended up with about 15 or more of us at some sports bar for a quick bite to eat and drinks then back to the main hotel area. I puffed a few joints around 130am and put in my ear buds and passed out... would love to hear what happened afterwards LOL, apparently according to the girl at the front desk whomever from the hotel that came out that night around 2 or 3 am ended up getting a written warning for whatever transpired LOL
    Sunday was a quick breakfast with a few before people were heading out, and damn it was a good freaking breaky!!!
    The whatsApp thing was a huge help with the fest on getting MOST of the people organized and shit, only thing I would suggest for the WhatsApp for future besides @YACCster Idea, but Ill let him own that one, is a seperate group for only event planning and timing talk, I have a feeling some may have missed out on things in the midst of 279+ new messages if you happened to leave your phone while you went poop!!
    Either way, I had a fucking blast of a time and feel like I bonded even more with so many of you over the 2 days I was there (Im looking at you DB). It was very surreal at times and I found myself on more than one occasion just sitting back with a smile looking out at you all and feeling very content! Thank you all!!! much love from me and the Mrs to each and every one of you!!!
  16. Haha
    SexPanther reacted to ANGUS in My trip to fest 2017   
    First off I just want to take a quick moment before the picks to say something about this trip.. I have been fortunate  to travel places and meet people from all over the world and not much excites me like it used  or gets me where I like damn that was cool. But this weekend did just that....I spent the weekend with some very amazing people who in their own way made it one the funnest, amazing ,memorable trips I've done in a long time.. Something I will always remember.. I have played with so many of you for years and as we all know gotten to know a lot of you very well and to finally put a face and a laugh and a hand shake or a hug with it made it very cool.  I could say somethings crazy and great about everyone of you, And im sure i wont mention everyone one, But those I don't know I have a story about you as well  . First off Thanks to @WildPenguin  ( Mine and @Gatorgirl Dirty Bird  )for being such a beautiful host in her home the night before and the day and night after, Taking us to great food and fun downtown Cleveland. For @Roxy!and her friend form making the room next to ours a wild fun and crazy experience and glad I could help get you there   For @YACCster being generous and helping out concertedly on gun shoot day.For @1lkysob making a special trip down town to find us on club night and hang before going on vaca himself... For @Hoth helping me babysit on dance night with girls  And for @StormCrowand wife working on putting things together at the beginning and getting us all fired up about going.. And to @wildthing for helping on mist day... And I want to thank the local law enforcement for holding my bourbon while I parked... You know who you are ..And a few more  that made a lasting impression, @Bosun and Mrs Bosun and Bosunette for making sure I had a drinking partner and some one for a good laugh all weekend. Great folks!!   Point is i could go on forever about each and every one that came and how super exciting it was to see each and every one in person!! Any way, Thank you to all and thank you Canada for  a great trip!!


  17. Like
    SexPanther reacted to Bogleg in The Legal-ish Weed Topic   
    Many of us now live in places where growing and consuming marijuana is legal(ish).  Therefore, I think we need a topic to discuss it.
    It's a proven fact backed by science that smoking weed dramatically reduces whining when playing freezetag. 
    Anyone else growing their own?  I have a hydroponic set up in my basement currently flowering six plants (feminized Crystal).  I'm probably 2-3 weeks from harvesting them.
  18. Like
    SexPanther reacted to WldPenguin in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Hope you had a wonderful birthday, girlie!  
  19. Like
    SexPanther reacted to KillerKitty in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    belated Happy Birthday wishes to u, hope u had a great day
  20. Like
    SexPanther reacted to YACCster in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Hope you had a great one!
  21. Like
    SexPanther reacted to jumper in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy birthday!
  22. Like
    SexPanther reacted to Damage_inc- in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
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    SexPanther reacted to ANGUS in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy Birthday SexyP
  24. Like
    SexPanther reacted to Unchileno in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy Birthday beeech
  25. Like
    SexPanther reacted to Chris in Happy Birthday SexPanther   
    Happy birthday! Snip, snip....
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