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Everything posted by USAPLISKEN

  1. We called them Earwigs as a kid (the tail ) but that fucker is odd looking (front looks like a TIC) did you photo shop it if not take it to a zoologist near you
  2. Looks like they are lagging like I do LOL my replays look just like that on my screan im on full auto full mag load empty only I dont know im already dead LOL - on replay shots im just standing there getting Killed bad internet connection will do that. Thats why I dont play FT to often becouse im like a blind man with a gun LOL
  3. Sonovabich I like mine, it's not always about tits you know It's Not ??? Crap I always thought it was
  4. Angel Ok well for people like Gorilla and LiLA....I did a temporary name change because there was another person using the name Angel. At first it was just like mine, then it changed to all caps but people were pming me and asking me if that is me playing without my tags and i was gonna be banned. This went on for a month and then he got stuff started and people were comin to me thinkin it was me. So now this person is no longer on our servers and I was allowed to get my name back. So before u say something like keep ur name or something to that effect..........know what ur talkin about first please. Thank you!! And no, u dont wanna tick me off P.S. Not tryin to be a smartass either here but being blunt. Makes sence now welcome back Angel
  5. NO I cant say I have ever heard of this news to me But MacArthu was How the term war hawk got it's start. IMHO He believed sence we were at it we should dominate the world I read something to that effect years ago I just thought it was Russia and China. Then He got fired Thanks I will read your links
  6. DEEJ I dont give a shit its still a heart warming story. I have ben with my wife 11yrs and we still go out on dates even when were dead broke we go window shopping at the mall. We enjoy every moment we spend together Thank's ANGEL
  7. Just loaded it last night and played some.. Getting my but kicked LOL
  8. Gun hell I think we should be abel to own any weapon well maybe not a nuke LOL Own a Gun? Please Keep This Moving Guess they were not happy with the poll results the first time so USA today is running another one....vote now Attorney General, Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time.. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will be come critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court's accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms. http://www.usatoday.com/news/quickquestion/2007/november/popup5895.htm
  9. hxtr Ok I have a problem... it has only been 2 months since I posted this.. 7/13 I have 35 pages of posts... since 7/13 I have 150 of them in who want to be a crack whore I have posted 819!!!! posts in 2 months... now wonder my fingers are tired. What the fuck have I been saying?!?!?! At this rate by the end of the year i should have 2457 posts... Now that is a post whore!!!!!!!!!! YEP
  10. Danko what are you trying to say LOL
  11. My son and I were geting ready to go out on a job and saw it on the TV (both are X ARMY) the job got canceled and the phone didnt ring for 4 months. Younglood Electric never recovered. I will never forget what happened
  12. Ferret PimpedOutPete Its a shame that this has to happen. Im a firm believer that Immigration should be under federal juristiction. That way the laws could be universal throughout all states. The problem is the federal government has dont a terrible job for the past 10 years. The Believe Arizona is going in the right direction but rather than having ID with them at all times, I think they should be be able to detain them til Identification is made. This issue of having ID at all times is crap.. So if I retire to Arizona, I will need ID with me on the golf course?.. *lol* Personally if it was me, I would fight the Arizona law and Impliment the same thing federally... "I would fight the Arizona law and Impliment the same thing federally" ================================= HELLO....MCFLY!!! It IS Federal law NOW. It's just that this administration (same as Bush's) simply REFUSE TO ENFORCE IT. The Arizona law is basically a verbatim re-write of Federal law. It's *already* there, it just isn't enforced. "Arizona is going in the right direction but rather than having ID with them at all times, I think they should be be able to detain them til Identification is made." ================================ A reasonable point, I don't disagree. But it isn't that simple. On what grounds will you "detain" them? If you "detain" someone in ANY way, shape, or form..... you WILL INVARIABLY be accused of racism, discrimination, fascism, oppression, cruelty, false imprisonment, and violation of Constitutional rights. And you will be accused of such, in a brutally vicious and hate-mongering manner. Just read the papers, you'll see what I mean. The bottom line is, that even LEGAL immigrants MUST carry identification on them at all times. That is the LAW. It isn't "state law", it isn't meeeean ol' Arizona law...... it is FEDERAL law. Either have it changed, or obey it. Unless either of those two things happen, it is a violation of law, and it must be enforced (regardless of the Federal Govt's 's propensity to actually DO that). WE passed this law because our country isn't doing its job and it alloued our law enforcement to help out they are bankrupting our Hospital's-School's and the Gang activity is realy bad. So its like this - someone keeps breaking into your home and you and the cops know who it is but the chief of police does nothing there is a law but still does nothing. So whats next, move and let them have the southern states.... Make no mistake this is an envasion - our jobless # is not 9% its more like 20% - Deport them - Or shoot the fuckers so they wont come back??
  13. Jedi-Jack Solution to the Criminal Aliens that come accross the U.S. southern border. Keep in mind that the U.S. Military is forbidden to operate on U.S. soil. Solution: 2000 national guard troops from every state are to be brought down to the border. Fully armed with all their equipment and the like. The equipment for an Armored Division needs to be provided for their use. They need to have an Air Wing assigned as well. That will be 100,000 national guardsmen protecting OUR NATION!!! We need to let the cartels know that they are finished in the U.S. If they do not get the message then we need to send in one of the teams and assassinate these people, and then the next one that takes their place and so on and so on. Sooner or later they will get the hint that we are no longer sheep for them to prey on. They have invaded U.S. soil and must be repelled with absolute deadly force. Some of you might call me an extremeist, but again I say that I have been very consistent with every message that I have posted. I love my country and My countries ALLIES <----(Pete) And for those who harm U.S. Citizens you must perish. No matter who you are...NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE!. All enemies foreign and DOMESTIC! Thank You, Jack SOUNDS GOOD TO ME
  14. Im glad you liked the Rodeo - nice clip I go to them all the time getting ready to go this am to one in a small town of Sonoita AZ
  15. SgtHarryWeezer Well, we finally got the retirement and medical benefits squared away and with a resigning bonus, I took the offer. I'm sure my "old friends" will be delighted to hear that my previous arrangements re. bribes for use of hacks, is back in force. Comming out of retirement?? LOL Someone PISSED him off, Welcome back Harry
  16. hxtr PimpedOutPete Im not a fan of having ID with me all the time... I would fight it, to only mandate something like it or even stronger federally.. Dam Democrats are to soft on immigration... Dems are soft during hot sex........ cums with the territory. LOVE YOU MAN LOL
  17. PimpedOutPete Im not a fan of having ID with me all the time... I would fight it, to only mandate something like it or even stronger federally.. Dam Democrats are to soft on immigration... Pete its already a LAW to produce an ID if a cop asks for one if your in swimming attire then they will give you time to produce it if you dont have a drivers license then you have to get a state ID. And we are Americans its ben like that for 20 years or more so these other peeps dont have to but I do. get a grip man what world do you live in..
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