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  1. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to piglo in WarPigs   
    UFOs are real.
    So why does our government try to hide them?
    Tucker on X Ep. 42 asks this and more.
  2. Like
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from legi_istra in 2023-11-28 Birthdays   
    Happy Birthday cheers !!
  3. Haha
    Hunter1948 reacted to AthenA in How To Cook A Turkey   
    Poor turkey won't even be cooked; you never found out that meat thermometer to realize that you forgot to actually turn the oven on at some point...  ! 🤣
    Happy Thanksgiving ! 🦃
  4. Haha
    Hunter1948 reacted to TBB in How To Cook A Turkey   
  5. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to loaderXI in ***2023 FALLEN MEMBER MEMORIAL***   
            Call of Duty 2 Event Server = >XI< 2023 Fallen Member Memorial

    #December2Remember #Idiot4Life #NeverForgotten #15thAnniversary
    2 DAY EVENT  December 16-December 17---- Server start time 2pm EST - 3pm EST 

    As many are familiar it is this time of year we pause to celebrate what has brought us here and carried us this far...Each year we gather together in remembrance of those we have lost to this world along this journey we call life...15yrs later this event means even more to us all, we all have taken part in this gaming clan and achieved something that was not even planned...Many of us have shared good times and bad times and bonded in such a way that we are family (Idiots with out Boarders) and are always there for each other...With the support, the comradery and the friendships we all share we could not be xtremeidiots and for that we are grateful to each and everyone of you...If it is at all possible in remembrance of Our Fallen Members hop on in...Anyone recording video or taking screen shots can post here after the even...
    ( Video from 2016 event )
    ****OUR FALLEN**** 

    Sherm>XI< - Passed Away: 28/5/2022
    Starfire>XI< - Passed Away: 20/4/2022
    *BlackBart>XI< - Passed Away: 19/8/2021
    7Toes>XI< - Passed Away: 12/8/2021
    Corpse2>XI< - Passed Away: 7/4/2021
    Justice>XI< - Passed Away: 6/11/2020
    _Derxos_>XI< - Passed Away: 27/9/2020
    NumNutz>XI< - Passed Away: 11/4/2020
    *Johnny Dos>XI< - Passed Away: 18/1/2020
    *Dadda2>XI< - Passed Away: 20/12/2019
    Mac Daddy>XI< - Passed Away: 22/02/2019
    USMale>XI< - Passed Away: 01/07/2018
    AH1>XI< - Passed Away: 19/07/2017
    *CobraBites>XI< - Passed Away: 13/07/2017
    2CuteSue>XI< - Passed Away: 17/03/2017
    Bubbles>XI< - Passed Away: 08/11/'2016
    Afroman>XI< - Passed Away: 08/11/2016
    JohnnyQuest?>XI< - Passed Away: 09/09/2016
    Tball>XI< - Passed Away: 14/1/15
    Dolphin>XI< - Passed Away: 29/11/2014
    RustyRifle>XI< - Passed Away: 10/04/2014
    Casper>XI< - Passed Away: 12/01/2013
    *Killa>XI< - Passed Away: 18/12/2008
    ( *=Served as an admin )
    ">XI< Fallen Member Memorial 2023"
    Map packs are there and can be downloaded >XI< 2023 Fallen Member Memorial

    set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_downtown gametype lib map mp_snowtown_beta gametype ctf map mp_brecourt gametype lib map mp_lflnchateau_lib gametype dm map mp_xi_kastle gametype lib map mp_outpost2_lib gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_rhine gametype lib map mp_winter_bocage_lib gametype dm map mp_blockarena gametype tdm map islands gametype ctf map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_dawgy gametype ctf map mp_devils_den_beta3 gametype lib map mp_rushtown_lib_finale gametype tdm map mtl_raiders gametype dm map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_lflnchateau_lib gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype lib map mp_matmata_lib gametype lib map mp_tigertown_lib gametype dm map mp_trainstation gametype tdm map mtl_pirates gametype ctf map mp_carentan gametype lib map mp_draguignan_lib gametype dm map mtl_the_rock gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_aquadukt2 gametype ctf map mp_daba gametype dm map mp_delta_mission gametype lib map mp_ol_ramelle"
    Should anyone need help with their game please send me or PainKiller a DM !
    ***SPECIAL NOTE***
    Make sure to set your seta com_hunkMegs "512" as it is default "160" and will be to low for some maps...Also make sure to have a mic hooked up
  6. Cares
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from X-Bandit in 2023-11-26 Birthdays   
    Happy Birthday guys cheers !!
  7. Like
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from PickleRick in Intro   
    Thanks for the intro , welcome to the forums ..
  8. Like
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from LaRSin in 50 years today   
    Wow congrats to you both..
  9. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to FunStick in Thank you everyone for the love and support - Important   
    I want to say thank you to all of you who posted on my behalf,  visited me when I was at the hospital, at home, called and texted me, and showered me with blessings, prayers, and gifts.  @MtDeW @YACCster@babyback@WldPenguin @loaderXI@Primetime@REO@HELLSPAWN @BlackRose and many more. 
    As some of you know, I got a spinal injury from a massage back in August.  I already had a herniated disk, but it was not bothering me nor fucking with my quality of life.  The girl did a deep tissue massage right on my spine and squished the shit out of a disk that busted out of the fiber and compressed my spinal cord in the L4 area (which is in the Cauda Equina region).  Two days later, I couldn't pee nor do a #2. 
    Now the reason for this post is to not only say thank you to everyone who was there for me rather I knew it or not,  but to show you want I went through and help spread the knowledge of health and what can affect it. 
    Majority of the doctors I had were complete trash and were lazy, and prolonged my true healthcare needs. I went through several neurosurgeons until I was about ready to just jump off a bridge and end my life.  Trust me, if you can't do a #1 and #2, your health starts failing deeply and it makes you suffer very slowly and it is absolute fucking torture.  These jerk offs kept pushing me to various specialists, drugs, and just didn't want to admit I was right with the exception of 1.   I went to the ER 3 times and no help because of their protocols have changed, and their common sense tainted by remembering a fucking book to get a degree and ph fucking D.  The medical system not only has changed, but so has low quality of good healthcare providers and their true education is poisoned with half lies vs truths. 
    Below is my MRI of the L4 and L5 that was compressed (L4 is the one that is most compressed and caused my issues)  When I looked at my own MRI and compared it to my symptoms (thanks google), I knew exactly what the issue was and plus I couldn't fucking pee afterwards nor take a dump.  before the massage, I was fine. When presented with these images to various fuckers that could help, and multiple useless doctors appointments, each one of these mother fuckers referred me to Pain Management, and Physical Therapy and dismissed my theory and moved on to the next patient (money).  After so many doctors and tests, we finally found a real and proper Neurosurgeon in DC that knew I was telling the truth and two weeks later (Last Tuesday) removed the compression. 

    Take this message seriously.  You can NOT trust the medical system of today and nor govt guidelines.  It is not designed to cure, it is designed to keep you sick and unhealthy.  Looking at the FDA allowed list of food ingredients says it all, insurance controlling the medical system says it all, the medical education is also misleading and only gives out half truths.  The Cuada Equina is a group of nerve roots that travel down from the spinal cord and the conus medullaris is called the cauda equina. The cauda equina contains nerve roots from L2 in the lumbar spine to Co1 in the coccygeal (tail bone end) spine.  This is important for all of you to know and understand that If you notice a change in your #1 and #2, change your diet first (Do keto but minimal fat, and lots of cooked veggies).  If that does not improve then do more research.  Your health is your greatest wealth and don't let a doctor tell you how you fucking feel.  Stand up for yourself.  
    Needless to say, not only was I right, but now my brain is trying to re establish the correct functionality of my organs because my issue was ignored by fake so called medical pro's for a long time that it would became perm dysfunctional and would have completely fucked me forever.  Our medical system is complete trash not only in the western hemisphere, but the prolonging of true medical care is now spreading like cancer globally to generate more income for Big Pharma, and alike.  My doctor and I had a 3 hour discussion and he told me the truth and  he confided in me and trusted me to tell me the truth.  He still studies medical books from 1960s and higher because those books tell the real truth and the real knowledge of medical care and the proper practice of medicine and health.  He wants to help people without getting in trouble and that is why he had to make some adjustments in getting to operate on me. 
    As a smart wise bald sexy guy told me once (Yaccster) - You are your best advocate!   You need to recognize when your doctor is honestly dumb, only book smart, or doesn't give a shit about you.  And you can tell by how much  they want to push a drug on you versus natural approach and want to help.  Use your common sense and DO NOT FOLLOW fucking medical doctors of today like a sheep and think they have your best interest.  You are the only one who knows how you feel inside.  The education they are giving for a paper degrees is ruining creative thinking, and our true care.  It is not designed to cure, it is designed to prolong issues to continue a cash flow and once your dead, you are replaced, just like the work scenario, the same applies for healthcare.  
    PS: can someone link me to the post that was made on my behalf? I can't find it
  10. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to LaRSin in 50 years today   
    Our Anniversary 50 years today .
  11. Like
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from rexbowan in Happy Thanksgiving!   
    Happy Thanksgiving you all down South of me ..
  12. Like
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from TBB in Happy Thanksgiving!   
    Happy Thanksgiving you all down South of me ..
  13. Thanks
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from AthenA in 2023-11-22 Birthdays   
    Happy Birthday folks cheers !!
  14. Cares
    Hunter1948 reacted to Timmah! in You Missed this!   
    I feel for ya, that shit hit me with double pneumonia back in the beginning of it in '20.
    Worst I've ever felt; shivering, coughing up junk, weak, head pounding, muscle aches...
    Took me a good 5 or 6 weeks to shake it, & another month to convalesce. 
    Get better!
  15. Sad
    Hunter1948 reacted to Icequeen in You Missed this!   
    I'm doing okay now bud. My whole facility has covid and I caught it unfortunately. I just fricken caught pneumonia with it. 😫
  16. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to YACCster in You Missed this!   
    So the majority of you missed out on another fantastic XI Zoom get together, you might want to think about attending the next one:

    Had a bunch of awesome folks attend:
    Shady Greg Brady
  17. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to piglo in Another Funstick Update   
  18. Like
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from RIP>XI< in 2023-11-16 Birthdays   
    Happy Birthday cheers !!
  19. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to Merlin007 in COD5 Ban Appeal   
    Es scheint, dass Sie verstehen, warum Ihnen der Aufenthalt an einem Ort verboten wurde, an dem Sie nicht sein sollten.
    Dies wird als Glitch bezeichnet und ist auf unseren Servern nicht zulässig. Wenn Sie aufgefordert werden, von diesem Ort wegzuziehen, müssen Sie dies tun.
    Wir heißen jeden herzlich willkommen, auf unsere Server zu kommen. Wenn Sie also auf unseren Servern spielen, tun Sie dies mit Respekt und verursachen keine Störungen, sonst sind Sie verschwunden, dazu gehört auch, Spieler als Hacker zu bezeichnen. Nach einiger Diskussion wird das Verbot aufgehoben. Bedenken Sie, dass dies Ihre letzte Warnung sein wird!
    Dies ist eine Google-Übersetzung. Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie diese Nachricht gelesen und verstanden haben. Dann wird das Verbot aufgehoben.
    It seems you understand why you were banned, from being in a place you shouldn't.
    This is what is referred to as a glitch and is not allowed on our servers. If you are asked to move from that place, you must do it.
    We welcome everyone to come to our servers so if you are going to play on our servers, you will do so with respect and not create disruption or you will be gone, this includes calling players hackers. So, after some discussion, the ban will be lifted and consider this will be your last warning!
    This is a google translation so please confirm you have read and understand this message, then the ban will be lifted.
  20. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight - Flying_Dutch>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name?  Flying_Dutch
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Not overly – though Raven has taken a liking to Flying_Crutch – read into that what you will
        When and where were you born?  So I was born at 05:40 on the 11th June 1978 in a recently made City of Colchester in the UK
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  I didn’t really have an idea of what to be as an adult
        Where have you lived?  Colchester, Chelmsford, Brighton, Exeter, Scunthorpe, Plymouth, Stevenage, Camborne, Penryn, Manchester and Liverpool    
        What got you into gaming?  My brother used to play Medal of Honour so I followed him.
        Your first game you played? Pong – very old game
        And what do you play now? COD4
        Why did you join XI?  I found the server and joined up ten years ago and never looked back.
        What do you get from being in this clan?  It’s a lot of fun.  The players are good fun and its always good escapism.
        What is your favorite hobby? If I had the time I’m sure I could evolve it past wine.
        What is your favorite travel destination?  Anywhere with a beach and hot men.
        Are you married?  Not yet, but if Wildthing is reading this – you know where I am.  *wink wink*
        Do you have children? No
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names?  So I have a cat called Kit.
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team?  I enjoy what I fondly call spectator sports.  Sports that can keep my occupied visually.  So diving, running, football.
        What causes are you passionate about?  I’m passionate about any cause that puts people and their success first
        Do you volunteer? If so, where?  I am a non stipendiary Priest
        What is an interesting fact about you?  I would guess being a Priest and a gay one is quite interesting.  Its unusual for it to be public knowledge.

        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind?  Well I guess not overly work related.  Gained my intermediate amateur radio license, qualifications for taxi licensing and alcohol licensing.
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college?  Well no
        Did you belong to any professional organizations?  So I belong to the Institute of Licensing and the Licensed private hire car association.
        What is your current job title? Well I have a couple.  So I’m a director of my Taxi firm and a Diocesan Bishop
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? Sadly not.
        Where do you work?  So I work within my taxi firm and within the church as a whole
        What other job titles have you had in your career?  I was an educational officer for a wildlife park and I have also run pubs and clubs
        Where else have you worked?  Zoos, Pubs and clubs.  Was a DJ for about 8 years
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Well Taxis made it easy to study theology for my Priesthood because I’m self employed I can stop and start.
        Why do you like your job?  Well both can be rewarding and tiresome equally.  However the ability to grow with others is a huge plus point
        How would you describe your career?  Tangible.  Its where it is and jumps when it needs to.
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be?  Its your life and what you decide today may not be what you want tomorrow, but that’s ok!
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations?  So within my denomination I am a Diocesan Bishop which is basically an area manager.
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for?  I guess I would love people to accept others more.  I find the world is full of people who struggle to understand others and then use that as a barrier for acceptance.  You know none of us understand everything, but a smile and acceptance goes a long way!
    So to give you guys a bit more on me - I've attached some pics - my desk - where I write sermons and kill people.  My cat, My beautiful taxi - Mercedes S350d Long AMG Line.  Me out at gay pride.
    Thanks for reading and as always.  If i'm AFK on the game its because i'm on grindr as well.  
    Thanks to all of you for making the ten years so far be amazing and I love each and everyone of you!!

  21. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight - ScR1Pt3R>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? ScR1Pt3R>XI<
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Warpy
        When and where were you born? July 65, Akron Oh
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? nuclear submarine engineer
        Where have you lived?Ohio: Akron, Portage Lakes, Uniontown, Hudson, Green, Kent, Stow, West Farmington, Cuyahoga FallsTexas: Zapata, Corpus ChristiTennessee: Memphis, Covington, Munford, Jackson, Henderson
        What got you into gaming?My buddy Dave, who was a ham radio operator, he tried to get me to get a computer and set up a TSC so we could send "emails" back and forth i asked him why? he showed me his setup, and when it dawned on me that i could build a computer and put in a disc, and play games, I was hooked.
        Your first game you played? a 5.25" floppy game - Jeopardy
        And what do you play now? COD4 is my main play, but i still love playing Quake and UT99
        Why did you join XI? i started hanging in the FT server, liked the people, liked the server.
        What do you get from being in this clan? Comradery.
        What is your favorite hobby? Riding my Harley.
        What is your favorite travel destination? Anywhere that is biker friendly
        Are you married? Yes
        Do you have children?Yes. 2 grown daughters, and 3 grown step kids
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? 1 goofy cat, named Kung Pau.
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? no professional sports, but I do love me some OSU Buckeye football..
        What is an interesting fact about you? I have been married 5 times. I refer to Sharon as my Chanel.
        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind?
    Yes, for my line of work is technical and specialized, i am continually training on our products as they develop new versions and hardware.
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? No..
        Did you belong to any professional organizations? No.
        What is your current job title? Lead Field Service Engineer
        Where do you work? BD Medical
        What other job titles have you had in your career? Field Service Engineer
        Where else have you worked? Myself as an affiliate tech for BD,
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? It is an industry that i find challenging to work in, and i get a lot of job satisfaction out of what i do.
        Why do you like your job? I know when i fix the machine, there is a patient somewhere that will have access to their meds quicker.
        How would you describe your career? 23 years of fun, and planning to retire from here!
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Customer service excellence award, certified as a trainer on some of our products
        What is your favorite sport? Drag racing.
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for?
    To be John Force's best friend. lol
  22. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to ALanHim in Technitium DNS Server a little helpful info....   
    First all I don't think Rugger is anything but a good souled idiot. Goes for most of you. 

    I want to share something as it has helped me quite a bit  and helps I control what goes in and out of my PC tethered to my phone. Prior to running my own DNS server my computer would talk to MS and constantly eat my bandwidth. Today it can't, it has no idea how to get there unless I turn it off and then it finds the correct ip address. 

    Pictures are worth a 1000'nd words. 

    You can allow and block any domain or redirect it some place else. You have full control of what goes and and out of you PC once you get it setup right. 

    And when I am done it stops talking. 

    This will help one person I'm sure of it. Please enjoy and ask any questions. This is a super simple program to run and maintain. 

  23. Like
    Hunter1948 got a reaction from legi_istra in Please Welcome legi_istraTo Our Clan   
    Welcome to >XI<legi_istra 
  24. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to major-mark63 in What do you do for a living?   
    @Hunter1948 here is the 2 reports master and local for your local 222.
  25. Like
    Hunter1948 reacted to major-mark63 in What do you do for a living?   
    Ive read in auto talks about some raises for retirees but not sure for how much .
    like a raise 6,60 per years of service depending of your pension class (mine is D since i was in the trades) and some amount paid 4 times a year but not sure how its gonna reflect on our monthly payment , since pensions are frozen from 2008 amounts.
    Read that would in effect jan 1st 2024  but will see..
    Go to autotalks.ca for news. there a resumee
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