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Everything posted by CplMOFO

  1. I can understand that. But as most FPS gamers like fast pace and decent graphics, Q champ is worth at least installing!
  2. Unchileno pointed me towards this topic to fix my STEAM version of COD4. It worked instantly. I found the XI servers and managed to get in a game of Freezetag. I thought all was well, until I got curious (idiotic) and clicked on a zombie mod thing that screwed up my server browser function again, loosing access to those XI servers. so I have to un-install and re-install, then substitute the EXE file again...which me luck, I've been obviously an idiot. ***Update*** after re-install and going thru the same procedure, I'm back online. Im surprised by the amount of XI COD4 content at this point!
  3. What are you getting for Hard Drive(s)? Any SSDs?
  4. There is a special place in my heart for W.A.S.P. Live the the Raw. I bought it off Amazon to re-obtain an original copy...
  5. I thought that girls watching with their BFs were actually scenes from porn flicks!? Unicorns. The normal ladies compare themselves!
  6. Well, maybe I should get the wife involved to watch. But she bought me a gun for my birthday, that is decent involvement already.
  7. HI all, I understand that XI is mostly an FPS-type games clan. Quake Champions, came out in 2017, so wondering if anyone plays that one. I preferred the older days of Q4 MP, but hey you take what they come out with right? Champions is sometimes free to DL, with a single available champ. You can grind your way to get more champions, or buy the champions pack on sale...still in development mode, but its from ID software and I have a fetish for ID soft... Also, Doom 2016 multiplayer is fast-paced fragfest that comes on sale for cheap on STEAM. MP servers still populated. Any love?
  8. The opinion of "experts" is that the "racking the slide" noise is not a deterrent to all burglars....most will understand the message and run away. For the more dangerous types, the noise gives your position away. But this is only from my reading. We don't don't have "castle doctrine" in Canada, so we can't consider a firearm as a self-defense option. My three pumps are for the range and blow things up....
  9. Ouch, My wife doesn't have the key and combo to the safe...so I'm somewhat safe. Also, as I'm not paying, that should make me even safer? I do not own a shed. I'm all good!
  10. Thanks all. PUBG? I played a previous version of this, H1Z1. For PUBG, I was hesitating, looking at the STEAM poor user ratings for the game? As for Ukildme, he seems to be dedicated fully to BF1, so I donèt think he's considering any other games right now. For COD4, I reinstalled, although its hard to get the servers to show, I'm reading tutorials to me able to remount an old copy of PB COD4 config file...lots of fun there..NOT! Hopefully BF5 will be the bomb...
  11. I always liked the Logitech G500series mice. Wired for gaming, to avoid latency issues. Right now, I'm trying the Corsair M65. Its got a sniper button, to slow down the DPS while taking a shot.
  12. TSW, Let me offer you my most sincere condoleances from Canada. MOFO
  13. Hi, Some of the older members of the clan know me a little better, CplMOFO. I played with XI in COD4&5 BF3, etc. Now, I'm looking at playing BF4 a little more, particularly in the XI server. I miss TSW8.5, Roguekill, Sweat&bullets and many others. The XI BF4 server is often empty..any schedule to follow?
  14. These calculators aren't bad, but they overestimate a little. That being said, because aging components aren't producing as much power, a PSU with some EXTRA wattage is always a good thing... A 850 Watts is the way to go for most rigs with a single GFX card or SLI medium to high-end cards. If you want to SLI BEASTS like GTX580s, then a 1000 watts is better...
  15. Really sad! Hopefully an admin will solve the issues for you!
  16. RD Whoa Whoa Whoa wait just one damn minute. I went on one of those servers and it was absolutely legit and not like this video. I played normally and got my rank flashed and ADMITTED it. After contacting EA before they contacted me they agreed to reset my stats and DID NOT ban me. its NOT anyones fault who gets on these servers if YOU dont own the servers. Its a SERVER side file that has been altered. EA or actually its DICE is going to now reinstate my stats to where they were PRIOR to my entering that server which was level 38. So if you want to call me a cheater then fine do it. If you want these tags........get'em. BTW.....seems that Sgt Harry Wheezer also fell victim to same shit on MW3. You know what would make a good thread would be.................."Closet Hackers". RD, Shit happens right? Now, that "closet hacker thing" is intriguing me!
  17. Stat boosting is for losers alright...people playing on rank up servers are lame ducks also...instant gratification for kids....
  18. That sounds so fishy, it doesn't even make sense...somebody on Ebay is planning to make a quick buck by taking the HDD shortage opportunity to scam people out...
  19. Daddy Daddy Daddy, let me organize my scrim!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Markoff, Are you dead set on getting a Bulldozer? if not, think about it twice and consider a Intel 2600K... If nothing is gonna change your mind, well, I'd say go with the cheaper one...those Crosshair motherboards are sweet, but have a few extra features most people won't bother with... Also, price on that is somewhat EXPENSIVE!!!! Same CPU here, with a MSI 990FX board for $399 CDN... http://ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=65092&vpn=FX-8120%20%26%20990FXA-GD80&manufacture=Bundle%20Deals&promoid=1282
  21. Well done TSW8.5, No hardware issues should resist us! There is always a solution. Good news!
  22. PrimalFear It's a great card but it is also a sensitive card, reminds me of setting an equalizer on a stereo. All up or all down sounds like crap but fine tune adjustment for preference can yield that perfect sound. I have the foundation set, but juuuuust a little more tweaking needed. This thread was both me venting my frustration and asking for suggestions at the same time, The card is working great I just never had all these options before, it has been a learning experience for me, and you guys helped me alot, thank you On that note, Primal, There is a few guides that will surely come out at some point in time for "optimizing" the settings for the game... This is a few things I seen while browsing the net in regards with BF3 performance: -disable hyper threading on i7 processors reduces stutter (for people having the issue obviously) -nVIDIA...IF MOUSE LAG ISSUES ONLY = set "pre-rendered frames" value to 0 in the nVIDIA control panel fixes it....
  23. I just started to get issues with an error message (driver related)...with 285.62 WHQL Win7 I'm trying the 285.79 BETA.... Like X-ray mentions, we'll have to wait a little, both the GPU makers will improve the drivers, and EA-DICE will HAVE to polish their game engine a little via patches... Issues that I got a few times so far: -Green flicker (both AMD/ATI and nVIDIA) -Game bug where you get stuck into spectator mode in back & white colors -Driver issue error message -joining server...endless loop but 95% of my gaming time with BF3 has been awesome....
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