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Everything posted by PainKiller

  1. You think we can also get this moved to the clan members section? I don't think this topic is overly acceptable on the public page - its a very sensitive topic
  2. It's never easy to deal with something like this. I agree with Rob here mate. I do. There are different kinds of people and your approach must always be different. The first step is being understanding. Sometimes the best thing you can ever do is listen. That helps so much. Then of course, you remind them to look at what IS in their life. What they HAVE got. They're still breathing, right? That's gotta count for something. They have you, family, people who do love them. There's always an underlying reason for someone to feel like they want to end it all and I found that removing yourself from root problem that is causing them to have gotten to this is a massive help. I will open up here. I was abused for almost all my life. It was horrible. I was verbally, mentally and emotionally abused in my own home. It only stopped a couple of years ago when I moved out. I had my confidence and my self-esteem and self worth completely and utterly ripped out of me. I was extremely depressed and dealing with severe anxiety disorder. I was scared to be in my own home. Or anywhere. I wanted to end it. It got to the point where I had written down my final goodbyes to people and planned everything. I was seriously debating doing it. I was on my chair ready to get up, go to the bridge near mine and jump. But I stopped myself, I couldn't do it. I had something to give me strength. My mom. I was also too scared! But what I had done was see a therapist. It was tough at first finding the right help but I soon found someone to help me. I was with them for two years and tell you what mate, my life has turned around. I moved out of my parents, I went to University and I fell in love. I found things to hold on to, things to keep me going. At my lowest I saw no hope, none at all. But after just having someone to listen to me, to hear me out, I felt so much better. We worked slowly but over time I had gotten a lot better. Found the root cause of my problems and cut that out. Never been better. Of course, I can get really low at some points and I am still on medication but I am so much better that I was a few years ago. To you friend, I don't mind you sharing what I have told you because being suicidal myself, I know what it is like. I have condensed my events down here so some parts are missing but the gist of it is there. I owe everything to my mom, my girlfriend, my therapist and the idiots on CoD2 and 4 who were there to make me laugh and support me and help me in my tough times. It's not the number of people you have around you but the quality of the people.
  3. Server wise, I think it's time to start closing the servers we don't use anymore. The flash in the pan ones. We say all this awesome ideas, they get put into action, people play them for a week and then that's it. We're used to and are comfortable with the modes we are so familiar with. So for CoD4 I am thinking the BO2 FT, Ace Mod SLOW and both zombie ones should go. I don't play on the WaW servers enough to warrant a decent input but maybe the Modern Weapons, Insane Zombies and low gravity ace mod server. BF4 one can go too. You need to argue that is one or two players every now and then really a viable reason to keep the server up and running when the others are the only ones getting played? You need to focus on where your players are. CoD4 has always been FT and Ace Mod, CoD2 has always been DM, TDM and our CTF server (which is pretty much Loader and I's playground when working on things )
  4. Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a good time!
  5. Petition for hxtr to only be let out of his box fort with his tin foil hat on only a few hours a day? I mean this as a jest of course
  6. Good to see a moderator earn his Admin tags! Well done and good luck!
  7. I respect your opinion and every point you make is valid I wasn't aware you were the leader of your own clan - thought it was just admin, my mistake. Regardless, you've made valid points and a good argument.
  8. You know these idiots BUDMAN, it's tough to consider the idea of a PM!
  9. That's all well and good but imagine multiple servers with multiple mods - not just the one, hundreds of different players in and out all the time, map rotations, mod fixes and updates, keeping an eye on everyone so that things stay civil and run smoothly, over 600 members in the community alone, a handful of people with very busy and real lives having to manage a raving bunch of idiots. Not everyone has the free time to come and sort the servers out constantly and I have nothing but respect for the admins that do this all for us. There's way more to it than bans and map packs. it's about keeping this can of idiots under control I've had a peek into how the admin stuff works here, there's a lot going on behind the scenes not viewable to the public eye and forums. Yes I totally get what you are saying and I respect and understand what you've said but that's a very different kettle of fish, in some way. The whole purpose of this thread was to make some sort of awareness that it'll be great to have someone around in the morning to help make sure things run as they should. Most of our admins have very busy personal lives so can't always be around.
  10. These things do take time, there's so much that goes on in the background that a lot don't know about. Hell, I barely know much yet! In the grand scheme of things, something will be done - we just have to bitch and moan to ourselves for a bit
  11. That's essentially what us mods do, Timmah. We do the work for the admins when they aren't around. Sadly I don't moderate CoD4 so I can't move things forward. But I get what you are all saying and I agree. There are a lot of admins that are either based in the US or perhaps Australia but I feel there isn't really anyone in the middle of that, such as Europe - so no one to be around in the early hours of the day for the breakfast club lot ----------------------------------- I have a few problems with it all, one is the lack of admins around some parts of the day, another is all the dead servers. All the flash in a pan servers, ones that don't even get touched. I am happy with CoD4 having its two FT servers and the Ace Mod server. They are the ones that get played. Also the server crashes and map crashes, it's really bad for the game and will drive people away. Find the offending maps and take them out, that's what @loaderXI and I do on CoD2 when making new rotations. This isn't a go at the admins, not in anyway, I just wish there was a little more that could be done.
  12. The >XI< Discord server is pretty much all minecraft anyway lol, not my scene. I am in the server but just muted it.
  13. To be fair mate, I am bored as shit not being a student anymore! Working on the server is giving me something to do though, which is nice
  14. Don't wipe any IWD's off of TDM though, I am working on something using those
  15. @Painsponge The server is back up and I can connect so give it a shot when you can and see if you can connect. If not, let Loader or I know and we'll see what we can do
  16. There have been a few issues with regards to connecting again recently. I cannot connect to DM at all, on HLSW it's timed out and won't let me connect, even if I try to connect through the Console in the game. Yesterday afternoon there were some issues with the servers, not only the CoD2 servers, with high pings for some players. I'll make sure to get it restarted and see if that does anything, @loaderXI will have to get that bit done. I'll keep people up to date on the status of the DM server
  17. Comedy relies on stereotypes such as Apu and ALL the other stereotypical characters. Look at how many are rife in some of the most popular comedy shows! Without such tropes, it won't be funny, it will be like watching plain old 'average Joe' characters doing pretty much nothing.
  18. Fucking butt-hurt snowflakes ruining something else...
  19. Can the world just stop from this stupid ass bullshit? Fucking snowflakes need to grow up. Jesus H. Like, they are wanting to ban some costumes on halloween for being "offensive" and whatever. Sorry but why can't these people take a bloody joke? They're likely vegan too..
  20. Can we just go old school and go CoD1? Then again, we have CoD2 servers but would love some more players in it! Only about 12 regulars on TDM now and not sure on the DM numbers.
  21. Say whaaaa?! I hope you're okay Kitty! Sad to see you go, always enjoyed seeing you in server, it won't be the same!
  22. Unfortunately you will need Steam open for it to launch as you have got it on Steam. If you exit steam and close the application and try to start the game you will get an error message saying: "Failed to find Steam" so unfortunately Steam will be required to launch the game which is a bit of a pain in the ass
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