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Everything posted by VHS2

  1. VHS2


    Yes, it was part of the deal with Donald.
  2. Welcome Kittens! Yeah! You are right to switch from the bike to Freezetag COD4. It's safer for the face but the ears since the rude words fly by so often. Specially the Fxxx word. My apologies for this by advance
  3. VHS2


    We watched this yesterday on TV from the mission control live at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Wonderful! It is so exciting! Congratulations to our American friends who are the best by far at achieving such spatial feat! PS: the in-vehicle SuperCam analyzing the collected rocks comes from... I let you guess the country
  4. Welcome Shady, Greg and Brady! I read the intro till the end but I was not sure I understood everything until I got to the part about being high (as a kite). And then, I understood everything...
  5. VHS2

    a1rbud Intro

    Welcome! bienvenue ! Welcooooommme!
  6. Great idea! I'm in if it is played between 2pm and 8pm CET (Paris hour, i.e. GMT/UK time +1h) I can even wear a skirt if you run out of women And then have a member in your team, ladies... @RobMc it's not what you're thinking about
  7. Only do snorkeling taking pictures and video with a little Olympus TG5
  8. I agree but I can't follow your wise advice since I enjoy the game by whining, bitching and complaining when I'm shot (I can't help it and, also, I don't understand why my wife always says that I am a sore loser...) I know that there is no hacking even if I say so. Maybe some lagging from time to time. I don't want to start again the argument about the "too good" players but can't Sammy create a new perk (only available to the old and slow gamers above 60) to put Sharpe and others of his kind in slow motion so that we (often playing with only one hand, not knowing what the other one is doing) have time to adjust the aiming to shot them right in the head (the EMP, flash nades and so on being inoperant in their case). Just proposing...
  9. Send all possible positive thoughts from Paris for a better health for Jessica!
  10. @WldPenguin Oh! And actually, you are not a penguin, you are a horse fire! So you look like more like this as I doubt there is any free penguin living in Ohio: And maybe, u got this T-shirt for your BD?
  11. @WldPenguin Happy Birthday Peng!
  12. Thank you very much guys! I turned the cake around where there was a 6 and a I, so I had the confirmation that I was only I9 (in mind)...
  13. Merci Athena ! J'ai été raisonnable mais nous avons quand même bien arrosé ça au champagne
  14. A way to be (almost) safe and healthy (no cigars, no blaring sounds into the ears) is, like me, to ride a bicycle. Because of the age of my thighs, I can't hit anything at 25/30 mph Watch out and be safe @baldie!
  15. OK Rob but what about facts? Around 400 000 British people reside in France in Scotland (who voted to stay in UK) In poll, 58% of Scots now say they are in favor of their region becoming independent from the UK. And when they voted to stay in UK, it is because they were told that they would be kicked out of the E.U. (not Europe since UK will ever be part of Europe lol) if they were no more part of the UK (lol again). As for the future of E.U, Rome was not built in one day but good luck to you as well, being alone to "discuss" (the world being what it is in our time) with China, the USA, Russia and so on. Having so many languages is not only a difficult, it is a cultural wealth spread all around the world, as is the wonderful European culture as a whole. NB: with the technological progresses, the language barriers won't be such a problem in a near future. I am French but my father is German (as is, in part, the British royal family ) and I feel firstly as a French guy, of course, but then as European and anyway a human being on a very little and fragile planet. I am not naïve there but optimistic. In the end, if we can't live more openly on every level (political, economical, cultural, religious and so on), I fear that the Humanity will not have a bright future or no future at all. In this way, one can see the brexit as a kind of regress but we know, don't we, that history is not linear and has its "hiccup". We can agree that we disagree on the matter but even the best friends don't always agree. Do they?
  16. You are right. You have some great liars, starting at the top. But which country doesn't have the same? Is it a valuable reason to separate peoples who have common interests?
  17. I'm not sure it is true, as well from a geographical point of view as an historical one, cultural one, ethnical one, economical one, and so on, one... So told me my Scottish friends We only would like to be able to go and visit one of my sons (and his girlfriend) who lives and works in London, as well as my brother in law and his wife (an English woman) who live and work in Oxford, without a visa. But I am afraid that it will unfortunately not be possible anymore... Writing that sipping at my earl grey.
  18. I understand that u did that today? If so, did they keep their mask on? An easy way to know if you don't have powerful enough binoculars, it's to spot the hairy triangle (as I heard that English nurses are often bearded ones) @Chris Whoomp, there it is!
  19. Yes, it was one of the reasons why we had the brexit. Don't be mad at me @RobMc (cause you are not a cow. As far as I know, anyway. Boris looks more like it)
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