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Posts posted by Cooper

  1. On 3/3/2024 at 8:18 PM, Icequeen said:

    Wow Cooper. What a fantastic age to live to. I'm sorry to hear about their decline and I truly hope that they get the loving care they deserve. Keep your head up and be strong. If you ever need to chat I'm always here. ❤️ 

    You are one of the good ones Queenie…

    Thank you

  2. Appreciate you Queenie.
    I have to wonder though, do you actually throw the dildo anywhere, or hold on for dear life...?

    🤣  😇


    Truly though, respect...
    My parents are still around. Dad 95 and mom 93. Dad's care just stepped up a bit. He now needs help getting into and out of his chair. Difficult moments ahead.
    He is not expected to make it through the year.

    When I read about your work with the elderly and how you like to help them, it did touch me. Thank you so much for what you do Queenie. Truly, appreciate you...


  3. 16 hours ago, lTplkey336 said:

    Was just wondering what they do if someone gets hurt bad or gets very ill?

    Probably safe to believe they have connections to different people up there. 
    They get their supplies from someone somewhere.

    They have probably studied up on various medical emergencies and believe they can handle most things that happen.

    AND…they probably accept the fact they may die out there more easily than if they lived in a tow not city that had emergency services close by.

    Good question though. You got me thinking…

  4. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=oof+the+grid&docid=608044563667813714&mid=409C508AC88BCFD880CF409C508AC88BCFD880CF&view=detail&FORM=VIRE

    I wanted to post this couple as they have some interesting things for living "off the grid".
    There is a "commercial" at the beginning, just telling about one of their sponsors. Not my intent to "advertise" for them.

    A little bit boring at times, but they have other videos and info available. Interesting lifestyle. I don't think they play videos games...lol

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