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Everything posted by J3st3r

  1. Fucking funny as hell lol Bob had to do something to fill up his retirement time. http://video.adultsw...rs-new-gig.html
  2. Beats me Drama but we should send he/she an invite.That's a true idiot. lol
  3. Sounds like a bunch of Chicken Fuckers
  4. Nice saves me from having to dig up Keys.I've been wanting to play Desert Combat again for a while now.
  5. WoooHoooo our power is back on.Darn wind took out a bunch of trees and 2 poles up the road last night.Lost power around 11:30 pm.Man the utility people are slow around here. Anyone heard from Rip? Wonder if he got his fish
  6. Have fun RIP you Idiot lol.
  7. Rip time to head for higher ground. NY officially beat it's all time record set in 1821 for water swells above landfall.Battery park is seeing 11ft+ swells and high tide is still due in.Good thing your about to see the tail end of the storm.It could of got ALOT worse.
  8. Im in south central PA we're getting hammered with high wind,rain and a bit of hail.Went to take the little dog out for a walk and she almost blew away.Just hoping the roof holds up we lost 3 shingles and 6 tabs so far but it's not leaking yet.Looks like I'll be on the roof replacing shingles after this settles down a bit.Power is flashing on and off every 20 minutes or so. I better get off this thing before it goes out again.
  9. F U Chappie lol There's been a bunch of new ppl popping on the servers lately.Most of them jump around like a bunch of Mexican jumping beans.It is a bit harder to freeze them at close range but at a distance they seem to jump into your bullets.I'm having a hard time with the AUG lately.It seems like it's more accurate at long range than most of the sniper rifles at long range and no cone of fire at all when close up.And I can't hit SHIT with the AK47 at ANY range but I see people sniping with the AK all of the time.The sights seem to be off on the AK47 for me. Maybe there's something wrong with my PC or something but I'm not shooting as straight as I was a month ago.
  10. The movie The Godfather was released and in a Galaxy far far away Aliens were preparing to invade earth and begin probing people. :alien: Why do aliens fly lightyears away from they're homes just to probe peoples arses?
  11. I've had them stolen so many times that I don't use care packages any more.Seriously though most of the time it's the pubbers that do it.What I REALLY hate is that when you get one and they steal it,they don't even know how to use the damn thing.Like the UAV guided missile.I'm pretty good with that thing lol. Maybe there should be a server warning stating (Care Package theft will NOT be tolerated) I think that will get the message through to people.
  12. How is the guys FPS at 333? I thought the FPS was locked to 125 FPS server sided?
  13. OMG tell me about it.It took me 2 weeks to write the DOS game NINJA on my old Atari 130ST and another 2 days to save it all to 5 1/4 floppies. Have you tried Incredimail? http://www.incredimail.com/english/splash.aspx Not sure on the size limitations for files and what not but my mom has been using it for years.
  14. We are over run with 1,000s of bots on Yaks Bend.Happened within the last 4 days.The lag is horrible.
  15. I have this router http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833127215 for my TV and gaming.I'm very happy with it.I've had it for 2 years now and hasn't hiccuped once. Also Newegg is alot cheaper than Tigerdirect on Most of they're stuff.
  16. Can some one make or make the original Sub Base map work for COD4? This is the single player mission with the map. This is the Multiplayer map available for download. http://www.gamefront.com/files/4167344/Map_Base_U_Boat_2_Source_included__v2_0_ I'm seriously considering on reinstalling MOHAA, and spearhead.There are alot of GREAT maps in that game.
  17. J3st3r

    new glasses

    what glasses? boobies boobies boobies OH THOSE lol
  18. J3st3r


    gimme gimme damnit that's it I'm getting a blue Mohawk
  19. XI kicks ass.Both the servers and everyone here kicks ass. I was looking for a different COD4 mod that was more Team-play oriented and stumbled apon Freezetag.I played freezetag mods for Counter Strike years before and I remembered it was fun as hell and well COD4 Freezetag is the Shiznit.XI freezetag servers were populated the most of all the Freezetag servers.Including [G13] [ESC] and the other ones.I joined [G13] about 4 years ago and they slowly started dropping off till last year when they closed they're doors.I've played COD4 freezetag for 4 1/2 years now and most of the time it was on XI and G13 servers.I call XI home and the XI members family. PVT.D
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