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Everything posted by Dukoo

  1. here's another overlay i made for Battlefield1. in the tranperant part you can add your twitch chat. Sign up at https://streamlabs.com/ to get your twitch-chat url. Add a new source called browsersource and add the link you gain from streamlabs. Place the chat in the right spot in your OBS Studio and ur all done. On streamlabs you can also get the link for an ALER BOX that shows you a message on screen when someone donate follow, cheer, or subsscribe to your channel and more other eazy to use stuff. with >XI< logo if you have no webcam Without >XI< logo if you want to use your webcam instead of the logo.
  2. Hi Guys, I have been making some twitch overlays for any of you who needs one or wants to use one. They are all transperant made, so you can put the chat / webcam / picture's / ads or what ever you want behind the frame. Have fun with it in case you are going to use it.
  3. the parts are fine for the price, if he or who ever is going to pay for this has it, than no probs. you can go lower in the cpu, take a normal cooler instead of water cooling, and take a cheaper motherbord as well for the HDD and RAM also the video card could be 960 or 970 what ever. if money is a thing. save's about 200 to 250,- if you take the cheap components. You still can go lower then that, but then you will have to look into cheap AMD components. Like asrock mainbords and so on. but with this build you dont have to upgrade the next couple or years like 4 - 5 if you only play the game's that are out now. If you wait 3 4 years new game's will need alot better specs. but in a time frame of 4 years you can save some money for upgrade's later. that is also what i do, put money away every month a little bit, in 4 - 5 years i can buy a new one or the components that are needed.
  4. https://clips.twitch.tv/PunchyStrongTarsierPunchTrees
  5. That information is not known yet Warape. Not sure what is comming. The closer we get to 03 november the more information will be given. I guess we have to wait untilll we get more info about the multiplayer option in WWII
  6. This post is made for Call of Duty WWII. Lets chat about it! What do you think? Are you going to buy it? Let us know!
  7. Hi guys, Do you want to start a twitch account? Great! Twitch is a great platform to: *Show off your game's and skills * have fun with other people, * If you like to meet new people * if you want to support your clan / community Twitch doenst require that much of space on your computer, mostly a good internet connection is important. What can i offer you: *to make a free professional design for your twitch account ( layout ) * Help you setup settings twitch aswell for your broadcaster settings * Help you finding your way so you can stream anything you want in the near future. *help you setup auto bots that protects you from spam and helps you advertice your channel when you have watchers typing active. (Example the bot name's is botbot he can say stuff like: botbot: Hi there, welcome on my twitch account. please hit follow and also check xtremeidiots.com ( for example ) nearly anything is possible. I can help you setup your donation page ( professional made ) If you have any questions regarding twitch, send me a pm and i will try doing my best to help you. This offer is exclusively for >XI< members only.
  8. Dukoo


  9. ill do it with 50% discount.
  10. Terrible bro, sorry for your loss buddy. my thoughts are with you and your fam.
  11. Hi Guys, I want to kick off this topic because i want to explain something to everyone. A while ago a couple of guys asked us if we wanted to do a video steam for GTA5 because me, smurf, tekvinger, killingman and a couple of others like the game alot. The fact that >XI< has been changed from Clan to Community is giving us the change to let our friends from other games be able to join >XI< wich is a very good thing for anyone offcourse. So, at first we where realy happy being asked if we wanted to do the video hosting for GTA5 but then we where like, but what if we are bored of GTA5 for one evening and want to play other games for a change? Good question, In battlefield we had the same sort of problems earlyer and there for foxy was created ( friends of >XI< ) so we came up with an idear. Why don't we call the video stream F0xy_gaming? This will give us the oppertunity to stream more different games and build up a bigger community easyer and faster on what kind of video stream platform and so on. So i created 5 new streaming platforms ( Will be growing in the time ) to stream our games on. And offcourse we also had to create a design for it, because if it looks crap, no one will watch right? At this moment we are able to steam: Cod4, Blackops II Blackops III Battlefield 1 Gta5 Ghost in the shell Gauntlet Splatters And some other games, We will be adding more game's in the future offcourse. and we will hop into any of these servers so now and then and also will be doing recordings for it. We will not be edditing the video's but we will save the raw recordings into our streaming platforms. Talking about these platforms so far i can tell you on what platform we are streaming: 1* Youtube events (Username foxy_gaming ) 2* Youtube stream now ( gaming ) (Username foxy_gaming ) 3* Twitch (Username f0xy_gaming ) 4* Beam.pro (Username f0xy_gaming ) 5* Hitbox (Username f0xygaming ) As you see, some of the username's are different per platfrom. This is because some platforms does not accept the underscore signs or numbers in name or simple because it is taken already. All platforms are steaming at the very same time with no delay in video or sounding. Every platform is in sync. So, if you would like to game with us for some time, hop into our teamspeak channel, and join us. If you want us to stream any of these game's for an evening or what so on, get in contact with us. Unfortunaly we do NOT share our stream channels so that anyone can login, because we don't want to make a mess out of this, unfortunaly we have seen this once's before when we had a very active minecraft server and some random dude who is not even in our community anymore did fuck everything up for us. We want this to grow, not for our selfs, but for the future of our community >XI<This is and, will be "one big fucking happy family" as is. thank you for your understanding. We mostly stream in the evening because we also have our work and family's, but we try to do the best we can! Here's a previeuw of the design we use on our video streaming channels. I want to personal give a huge thank you to smurf,trekvinger,killingman and >XI< for all the help, and the oppertunity to do what we like to do. GAMING!!!! Cheers guys and hope to see you all soon. ( please if you can, subscribe to any of the streaming platforms. Even when its offline you can click the follow button. A huge thanks from all of us.
  12. WHUDDD??? they changed it to 6only??? that is a huge change!!!
  13. Trekvinger said on teamspeak, hey dukoo, look at this new cod trailer. I think its not call of duty, i said, why would you think that? well he said take a look. The first minute i started this trailer i believed i was looking to a modern version of medal of honor, has anyone seen this also that the start of the game looks like a 1on1 copy with allied assaulth? MOHAA has been a very populair game for years and years, even cod players know them maps like southern france, the brigde, hunt and v2 rocket. If the new cod is going to be a sort of the same kinda game like that, i think we will get a beautifull new cod game. but i am still affraid about the servers, i realy hope they listen to the people this time and give us some more rights on what ever it is. I will not pre-order or buy anything from cod / battlefield untill i am 100% sure about all of that, the new bf1 is a nice game, but they totaly fucked it up with the server settings for clans etc. I think if they do this also with cod the game will be dead also in less then a month. Anyhow, lets hope for the best.
  14. Me, smurf, trekvinger, and killingman are holding the XI crew. You can ask any of us to add you to the crew list. two weeks ago we empty our crew list because we had over 100 inactive people in it, and we want to keep our list clean from inactive people because we play the game every day and we do loads of racing and so on. Anyhow, get in contact with any of us, and we will add your in-game name to the list. We also stream on twitch.
  15. Welcome to our gaming community. Feel welcome, and have a great stay with us.
  16. much much fun we had during carnaval and my birthday, I wanted to give y'll an impression of the day.
  17. Sorry for the late replay, i had a great great birthday and i had over 500 people on my party sinds we had also carnaval here in the netherlands. so it turned out HUGE this time. thank you so much for your birthday wishes.
  18. hahaha tnx guys! and OMGGGGGG that picture trekvinger!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahah PMSL
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