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Everything posted by Phoenix911

  1. It's Activision...I'm surprised they didn't pull the plug completely when they withdrew PB support.
  2. $10 says Activision is removing any and all support for CoD5 being playable online.
  3. Happy birthday belted! Not sure if I'm a day late or not with the time difference, but wish you all the best regardless old man! lol
  4. Just curious, does anyone else plan on getting Homefront Revolution when it comes out in May? I loved the first one, and have already pre-ordered the sequel.The customization looks great and so does the story line...just hope they made the single player a bit longer than the original. https://www.homefront-game.com/
  5. Wow, such a young age too. Enjoyed playin with him on the servers, good guy. RIP Afro!
  6. ^I don't think that has to do with PB at all...I believe that is just the game crashing with the map change. I have that on occasion as well depending on the rotation of the week. All you have to do is reconnect and it should work.
  7. So I've decided between these two with essentially the only difference being the aspect 21:9 vs 16:9. I know that the 21:9 is awesome for productivity and provides better FOV in game, but I've heard that some older games do not support 21:9. Since CoD5 is my main game, does anyone know if it supports 21:0 without any issues or if there is at least a workaround if not? Any objections to either of these monitors? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B17C5KO/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1U2OTIG8SXC6V&coliid=I6J8O509YQ15K&psc=1 http://www.amazon.com/ASUS-MX299Q-29-2560x1080-DisplayPort/dp/B00ENCTVDS/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1457138940&sr=1-1&keywords=MX299Q
  8. Before I vote, I'd have to see the designs. I'm completely against pens though. On a side note, what is the possibility of challenge coins? I could probably get a good deal here in Korea if we have a large enough order.
  9. ^I thought the VFT server no longer runs PB...?
  10. Hey guys, every time I look into monitors I find it extremely difficult to pick out one that's actually well rated, doesn't have a huge footprint, is powerful, yet is still budget friendly. With the giant family of gamers we have here, I'm sure yall have some great recommendations and I'd like to hear them. Main things I'm looking for: - Ultrawide, 29-34" - HDMI + standard hookups - Touchscreen optional, but preferred as long as it doesn't detract from quality - Thin/Small desktop footprint - Under $500 I realize that I may not be able to get everything in that budget, and I'm willing to compromise, but it's daunting picking a decent one out.
  11. Welcome to the forum brotha! See ya in game!
  12. Can we get the XI Downloader updated with this server? I get stuck downloading in game at 12kb.
  13. Backed on Kickstarter...can't wait to see it in action!
  14. Came across this kickstarter campaign for a new WWII shooter called Battalion 1944. From what they show so far, it looks pretty good. For $20 you can get a copy when it's finished, and the best part, the game will have dedicated server support. Already at 80% backed, so be sure to get a copy while it's still cheap if you think it looks good! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bulkheadinteractive/battalion-1944-pc-xb1-ps4
  15. Welcome to the family suicidebetty! You fricken idiot!
  16. I am, feel free to add me ThePhoenix911
  17. You know what would be really cool, is if we did an XI Cruise. We could do two, one Euro Mediterranean Cruise, and an American Caribbean Cruise. A little pricier, but it's something we can plan for 2-3 years out when cruise prices are decent and allows time to save up.
  18. I'll be in Korea...so how about Seoul, South Korea? lol
  19. Although I like the sigs...they are all a lie. Crazy can't cut anyone...lol.
  20. Great photos guys, wish we could have made it! Just curious, how many people actually did make it this year?
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