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About Destructo

  • Birthday April 3

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  1. Your support has been mucho appreciated Senor Loco!! Hope the best for you!
  2. Congrats Midget! If you need help reaching the kick button let us know
  3. Let's just say I'm a little older than you, and happy belated birthday btw
  4. I am down for a house room with my wife. Let me know who to pay! Would be nice to have known dates but I have a feeling if something I can't get out of comes up there will be bakups.
  5. 2 seconds is way to short. Try 4 or 5 and see how that goes instead!
  6. Didn't know about the walk thing, but it seems to be fine running around Bettys ... I'll be more aware of that in the future. As for the RC thing, it's not about it taking longer to get into a car, I'm fine with that. Its that the timing relative to whether you are a car or a person is messed up and causing issues here. If you see your car is deployed in the log, and then you are frozen but your car is gone ... there's a bug.
  7. This exactly. I use Stealth, and if I get into a car in front of sentry so that I can hack it with Hacker, I die by the sentry no less, and lose my car ... only one of those should happen Also, as a Stealth user, Claymores should not go off, yet they do (and it's not because someone else sets it off, in protection or not)...
  8. I agree the explosion when shooting emp mines falls under this as well. And it's not that is shouldn't kill, it's just that it's more powerful than it used to be.
  9. Hmm doesn't matter if I toggle console or not, still crashes...
  10. I actually installed patch 1.4 (which I knew included all previous patches) and then incrementally up to 1.7. I thought about the sound issue but usually there is something else that hints at that, and I have found no hint of anything here...
  11. Alright everyone, I need your help. My COD4 game has started having issues when changing maps :(. At the time of this writing, I have reinstalled the game using an ISO (I don't own a steam version), removed all usermaps, and ran the game as admin, and still no luck. I've had the console up when this is going on, and nothing is being outputted there during the fail. If I just try to wait it out, there is an ever growing number of cod4 none responsive windows that keep popping up (I only know this by what task manager shows, otherwise it wouldn't be obvious). The only way to get out of the game is end it via task manager. So, what am I missing or what could I try to get this to work? I would really appreciate any help you can give on this!
  12. Very nice Penguin!! Merry Christmas!
  13. So is there a point in getting the upper versions, or just the standard version is all that will be needed? (I'm not sure how the packs work in BF world and thinking ahead with multiplayer in mind...)
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