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Everything posted by Tron

  1. Is it possible to get some of those maps back in the freeze tag rotation next time where everyone is miniaturized? I particularly like the one that is set in a bedroom with all of those classic video game boxes and other cool stuff on shelves everywhere.
  2. I like the "gambler" option for perk #3. Is there any way to create the similar option to have a totally random setup for everything? (guns and all perks) I would enjoy playing that way every now and again.
  3. I love my '09 F150....but it is 6 years old now...so it may be time to start thinking about an upgrade. Thinking this F450 might have my name on it.
  4. Congrats! A welcome addition to the clan.
  5. I don't know exactly how many quarters I pumped into the first 2 editions of this game when they were in the arcade...but it was definitely in the hundreds of dollars.
  6. Here is the wife and I on our honeymoon cruise 24 years ago....dang we look like teenagers...lol. Here's me with my wife and daughters (16 & 14) from the trip we just took to Disney World a couple months ago.
  7. That was awesome!! Thanks for making that.
  8. I have noticed that if I throw a care package while I have the crossbow equipped.....and then switch weapons before picking up the care package....I cannot collect it or re-roll it. Can't remember for sure...but may only happen if I fire a crossbow bolt..then switch weapons before picking up care package. When this happens I just let someone else have it...and they have no problem collecting it.
  9. I was stealing an enemy care package....was willing to roll the dice that there would be something better in there than my car. Yes I had Hardline on.
  10. I was playing today, and had my car from a kill streak.....I had not used it yet...and stole an enemy care package with a hellfire missile in it...I used the missile...and when I came back out of spawn, my car was still immediately available to use. Is this a bug?
  11. I would vote for the key-bind option myself.
  12. One suggestion may be to remove the view of the timer for the car...that way the driver of the car does not know exactly how much time they have left to defrost vs going for a kill. This will make it a little more dicey trying to chase around someone with car blocker on. Also...maybe making it so that if you do not detonate your car before the timer runs out...it does not explode....no more of this automatic explosion at the end of the timer...this way, with no idea exactly when timer runs out...and the fact that you actually have to explode the car to make it kill someone...would make it a little more fair.
  13. Have fun. We just got back. Was there with the wife and kids from Oct 11-18th. We took my daughter for her 16th birthday. I think the Food & Wine Festival should still be going on at Epcot when you are there.....make sure you try hit the New Zealand booth...they had the best food there in my humble opinion. That's us in the front 2 rows below. My 16 yo is cowering underneath her raincoat on the right. Me...I was thirsty as we went over so I took a drink...haha.
  14. Right...because I lock my children in the house and they aren't allowed to interact with any of their friends as a home schooler.......not exactly. Both of my daughters still participate in the local schools via a couple clubs, (FFA and 4H) as well as participate in the drama department productions of plays and musicals...plus all of their friends from the neighborhood we live in, so they get plenty of social interaction. This supposed lack of social interaction with home schooling is a myth. I agree that parents that do this need to be willing to put in the effort to make it a success. There are numerous resources available to parents that do not have the educational background of a typical teacher...as well as private tutors. I have a medical degree and a masters degree...and my wife has a BSN...so we both have the knowledge base to make it work out for us fairly easily....but others can succeed if willing to put forth the time and effort.
  15. This is also a large part of the reason public schools fail children.....because the parents don't give a shit...and see school as 8 hours of free daycare for their kids. So an unengaged parent is just a dangerous for a public school educated child, as it is a home schooled child.
  16. The purpose of Common Core, is to dumb down all learning to the average stupidest kid in the class. This way, instead of getting left behind and possibly needing to repeat a grade or class....the whole class gets dragged down with them and they all graduate barely knowing anything. You know...it's the same principal that most liberal progressives believe in with regard to wealth re-distribution. Rather than figure out ways to make everyone better...they would rather re-distribute the pain and suffering to everyone to make things "fair". This is the reason why I have home schooled both of my daughters. My older daughter just turned 16, and is currently taking all of her classes at the local college. When she graduates from high school, she will also be graduating with an Associate's degree at the same time. My younger daughter is 14 and a freshman, but is currently reading and doing math at a junior level. Most of the bureaucrats and politicians that voted for this crap don't even send their own kids to public schools....they go to private schools...because as we all know....Socialism is for the people....not the socialist. The real 1% in this country are the politicians...they all think they know what is best for us "little people".
  17. Happy B-day!! Hope it's a great one.
  18. There are new companies that are offering car insurance based on mileage driven....but they make you use a device that actually tracks your mileage. Not sure exactly how much less the cost could be. Here is one company I have heard of: https://www.metromile.com/insurance
  19. Ok...no problem...wasn't aware of the ins and outs of this...and that admins were using this technique as a way to monitor activity stealthily....just thought I'd ask. BoomBoom....you are clearly a sociopath.
  20. So is there a way to access and publish this information?
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